Choosing between republicans and democrats is like choosing between diet communism and fascism lite. - Marty Beckerman
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Tagged > Long term memory
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21665 Views
Religion Forum
As the Hebrews accorded women little place in their accounting of things. Note that long list of begots found in their scripture follows the lineage of males, not females which were not listed. So yes...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13921 Views
Philosophy Forum
In a sense, finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness; you choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you wan...
THREAD Royksopp
6 Posts • 2613 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Wow, killer beat! and what a beautiful girl too. And I would like to play art director here for fun, and get the whole team back to re-shoot. Not because its bad or anything, but this time I would...
THREAD DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21301 Views
Psychology Forum
The picture below is of what I call the Dream Map. It has nothing to do with you waking life, except that you see it and work with it while awake. The symbols have no code, no definition structure, th...
THREAD Controle
2 Posts • 2841 Views
Philosophy Forum
When you can't controle your life, like, the way things are, you seek other ways to controle, whether you realize it or not. You can't controle your past, what happens to you, your future, b...
THREAD ChristianityBible: Fiction or Non-Fiction
40 Posts • 20113 Views
Religion Forum
jackers got a point, magic tricks and herbal remedies that induce death like states look it up people , besides jesus is considered holy royalty now whos to say that wasn't his goal from the begi...
THREAD Rant OnMy rant, my life.
13 Posts • 3746 Views
Talk Talk
Thank you for all your advice. I just have one question to ask for those to chose to answer. When you feel that feeling in your soul, gut, mind whatever when you love someone and they say that you lov...
THREAD Exsistential Angst
7 Posts • 3759 Views
Talk Talk
have any of you ever realized you own existence, for example in Charlie Brown, "Linus: I'm aware of my tongue ... It's an awful feeling! Every now and then I become aware that I have a tongue i...
THREAD The Ski Date
32 Posts • 12151 Views
Jokes & Games
Cat Lies The taxi arrived and the couple opened the front door to leave their house. The cat they had thrown into the yard scoots back into the house. They don't want the cat shut in the house...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityInherently Good or Evil?
15 Posts • 12932 Views
Philosophy Forum
Let me answer your question with another question. There are Three sailors(Bailey, Daniel,and Robert) on a ship and the ship wrecked. One sailor Bailey also a doctor estimated that they could survive...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34672 Views
Psychology Forum
So you are saying that my fiance doesn't love me? Not know me or her, you are saying that you know she doesnt love me? He said nothing of the sort, if you were to infer any information that ca...
THREAD ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10901 Views
Philosophy Forum
Are these levels of consciousness from a source, or did you come up with these categories. If from someone else, what is the source? Hi expansion, I tried googling that entire list with very poor r...
THREAD Feminism
6 Posts • 2986 Views
Talk Talk
Is masculinism evil? NOt really. I would think not. There are many things that women are allowed to do socially and frowned upon when done by a man. For example, crying during a movie, crying openl...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67440 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
My Mother's Screams I saw my shame inside My father's eyes But didn't know it Maybe the thing That we're afraid of Is we're in control I've broken many thin...
THREAD RelationshipsWhen will the pain of heartache go away?
17 Posts • 26633 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
"Closing ones eyes when it get scary." I can certainly relate to that.. when I became over stressed due to a series of crisis stacked one upon the other ; another and yet another . Even co...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
illuminati style conspiracy theory What a label. Tactic learn from Ashcroft? ----------------- - Psychological manipulation and propaganda (12/28) Bush was elected not by people but inside...
THREAD More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11276 Views
Talk Talk
I can see the angle from which Decius is approaching this. And he is right, but I don't think he's painting the whole tableau. I could be wrong, one stab would be I couldn't say what em...
3 Posts • 2426 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I wrote this about three years ago after the first time I ever tripped on LSD. Prose is the first style of poetry I've tried to perfect. My skill has developed past this, but it's kind of ni...
THREAD Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9334 Views
Religion Forum
You see, when a man sees a good-looking woman walking down the street, he would definitely want to rape her, but then he remembers that Allah has forbade such an act, so the man restrains himself....
THREAD captain cynic
7 Posts • 3130 Views
Talk Talk
Well, personally, I wouldn't be as happy here if we weren't allowed to be human. And I am quite fond of the notion that I can even relate to the head admin on such a personal and exposin...
THREAD SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6197 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
To Fleeting_Dreams- Look I never use Wack - a - pedia... I just have a decent grasp of the language and rely mainly on my own experiences, which don't necessarily come with age but it has help...
THREAD Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10688 Views
Religion Forum
Sin exists we all sin and we always will as long as we're on this earth. But sinning does not keep you out of Heaven. If that were the case no one would ever get in. Christians are still sinners...
THREAD Movie ReviewThe Butterfly Effect
19 Posts • 31775 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
i know this movie was out a long time ago, but it just came out on DVD and has an alternate ending to it. when i saw it in the theatre the first time around i thought to myself "hmm thats a messe...
THREAD LawMedicinal Marijuana
30 Posts • 12575 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
ah man I was working on this when for no apparent reason the screen goes blank then a fatal error box appears and I had to reboot! Dammit now can I remember what I had said . . . ya know how that stuf...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEmotions Journal
7 Posts • 2989 Views
Psychology Forum
ITT I try and track my emotions and personal progress with an online journal. I feel like I just want to try and be as honest and open as possible about the things I feel here. I am not going to sh...
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