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Tagged > Life forms beyond earth
THREAD SocietyExcerpt: From a wife and a mother and AN ANGRY MARINE
6 Posts • 3031 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Overall, I think you are correct in that much of her anger is because of a bad situation that she may have avoided with a little more responsibility. However, you are making a rather large ommission t...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Hard Working Paradox
10 Posts • 4161 Views
Philosophy Forum
Consider this in regards to the best way to advance. Some people work harder than others. Some people work harder at certain things than others. Some societies work harder at certain things than...
THREAD Societya society at eachother's throats.
18 Posts • 6372 Views
Philosophy Forum
What I don't understand is why people seem to block out rational thought when they are angry One mistake people often make is in thinking that anger is necessary to accomplish goals. Emotions in...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Worry About God?
12 Posts • 5635 Views
Religion Forum
I am Ignostic. Ignosism...similar to the word 'agnostic' just with a different prefix; Ig. As in ignorant. Agnosism is the fact that you believe there is something 'higher' out the...
THREAD Colours of the RainBow
20 Posts • 7116 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
So does this mean that its the camera you use, or the type of film, or the lighting, or all of the above, that creates those really vivid, larger than life images I'm talking about? This was phot...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEuphoria
17 Posts • 7704 Views
Psychology Forum
I live for these moments, I cherish my nostalgia which can bring this euphoria easier sometimes, cause you have some control over what you think, and certain thoughts are tied to certain emotions. Wit...
THREAD BooksA book like no other
10 Posts • 3466 Views
Talk Talk
I actualy mean desensitisation of the imagery of fear. This process, shamanically, is ancient. You will never overcome fear. Fear is far too big to contain without fragmenting your spirit. Wh...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionLoss of a loved one...
4 Posts • 2876 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have only lost two people 'close' to me, my mothers father and my father's mother... I didnt love either so when they died i went through a stage of guilt, that why didnt I feel a thi...
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 9902 Views
Philosophy Forum
This thread inspired me to get back into meditating. When I was in high school I used to do it a lot. I used it as a way to deal with all the frustrations of early adult hood, as a kinda escape. I...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 18874 Views
Philosophy Forum
But good point on the older crowd still living like the young ones. I suppose the reason "us" young ones are surprised to hear this is because we have been taught that as you get older, you...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 26818 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
But this only seems to be a problem within their mind. Where do you keep getting the notion that homosexuality is in any way harmful or negative? It is completely unfounded and displays irrational...
THREAD ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5409 Views
Religion Forum
However, if a Christian does it because he fears going to hell, it is not freedom. He/she is not acting with personal choice. This is because the fear of going to hell does not give you the choice to...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24066 Views
Religion Forum
It may have taken me 3 hours to read this entire thread, but, I have finally done it... And out of everyone's posts and debating, Summits seems to make the most sense..He is the only who has thou...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 48894 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Wierd, I just opened up a journal I wrote five years ago and the page I opened to was titled 'duality' How many days before I sleep? How many miles, the question goes Allow myself a mom...
THREAD Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6080 Views
Philosophy Forum
I hear you eye. 100% is the expectation of the end of evolution. But this is true only if a beginning is assumed. *lol* Without assumptions or expectations, everything is perfect(100%) the way It is!...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 62964 Views
Religion Forum
"I would just like to ask a question. Why do evolutionists think that just because there are similarities between the human species and animal species, that we must be decended in some way?"...
THREAD how good is the average person in bed?
25 Posts • 6271 Views
Talk Talk
As I said with my very first response, my opinion is that the average person is average which is entirely redundant but this is what you have asked for. My opinion of people as a whole is that they...
THREAD Ballhog
1 Posts • 2895 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Ballhog by Cory Rice "Mommy, Daddy, big brother will not share with me" I've been called alot of things A ballhog and in flight the wings The center of attention is where I like...
THREAD SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 16995 Views
Religion Forum
I used the peter pan complex in the threads context ( I took ur advice ;) ) It's by assuming our responsibilities that we grow up. Theism and atheism have their responsibilities but I can't put my fi...
THREAD Weird ThingsValeria Lukyanova's Quest to be a Barbie Doll
4 Posts • 46584 Views
Talk Talk
Valeria Lukyanova is a 21 year old Ukrainian woman who is known as the human Barbie. Whilst not confirmed, it is rumored that Valeria has undergone many plastic surgery procedures in order to attain a...
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20287 Views
Psychology Forum
yes two years is not too long in real time. but considering the fact that i have talked to this man more than i have spoken collectively to everyone else in the rest of my life, that two years is quit...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorMind over Matter?
15 Posts • 4348 Views
Psychology Forum
"it is very possible to use your mind to trigger strong chemicals within your body that allow you to seem more amazing than most others." not everything is chemicals... i will use a real...
THREAD A Bearer of Water, a Hidden Lion.
2 Posts • 2878 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
?delete? i didn't write this... kinda liked it tho/ Waste of Paint I have a friend; he is mostly made of pain. He wakes up, drives to work, and then straight back home again. He once cut...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7602 Views
Talk Talk
Terri Schiavo, is in no pain at this time, and she deserves the right to die. I do not believe that any judge, politician, including our esteemed President, or right to life group has the right to tel...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 121867 Views
Religion Forum
Elemental said:Sorry, I don't mean to say trying to prove it is dishonest in itself, its just that often the person attempting is being dishonestDon't worry, I hate it when people are like t...
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