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Tagged > Life forms beyond earth
THREAD Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7646 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Haha I'll pretend to be an expert for a moment too. Conservatives and Liberals of today are very hard for me to differentiate. It seems fewer and fewer people are willing to put themselves in...
THREAD Patriot Acts Across the Globe
10 Posts • 3959 Views
Talk Talk
There is one key point to be made about these "Patriot Act" or terrorism fighting bills, at least in my country, I haven't read much of all your death threats, but that it actually chan...
THREAD Relationships & LoveKnowing/Understanding love
4 Posts • 2278 Views
Psychology Forum
I have been wondering why people (usually older) assert certain teens even my age or a little younger could not possibly know what love is towards another person (as in a boyfriend or girlfriend) T...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51268 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Prostitution should be leaglized for various reason such as the comments made here on this thread. Rape is subdued, STDs are limited not because of constent checkups and use protection but because of...
THREAD And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 11798 Views
Talk Talk
You first said Fred hading Dora a warm choc chip cookie. "MMMmmmm... Choc chip cookie me favourtie" Dora murmered. Gobbling the cookie down Dora didnt leave any trace of a cookie behind. T...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17072 Views
Religion Forum
The Spirit ond oneness...Jesus said... "Father let them be one as we are one." :D You give us scripture lesson and call it a history lesson? "You believed because you saw, Ble...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18101 Views
Philosophy Forum
Okay, I'm going to dispense with all rhertorical flourishes and play Post-Buster, committed to keeping this message board free from logical infelicities. Intellectual hygiene is my aim, and will...
THREAD Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27152 Views
Philosophy Forum
Awakend, I was about to point out some of you fallacies and ignorant statements. Untill I got a call from a pissant small minded anti-life carpet muncher. I work in a helpdesk environment for the s...
THREAD ChristianityDo You Want to be a Christian?
14 Posts • 3336 Views
Religion Forum
Not ashamed. you should be very ashamed of yourself. Firstly you need to take off the boxing gloves and re-read the above posts. And if you want to be a pastor, which is a worthy calling if your h...
THREAD ExistentialismWho am I?
21 Posts • 32275 Views
Philosophy Forum
Of course, at the time I was consiering the breach as something of a more personal nature Most of us had probably seen the movie 'Enemy of the State' so I wasn't particularly dismayed....
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27142 Views
Religion Forum
" I take it you don't travel so much, so when u'll see life more and get to know more people, you'l start to meet both the good and the bad, not just the bad". I have trave...
THREAD GovernmentMy Democrat amigos MUST READ!
30 Posts • 6920 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Furthermore, when you state that Bush lied, please state specifics instead of throwing the generic statement out. So for, I have not heard one lie from him yet. Please advise me if I am incorrect. And...
THREAD Opposite of time...
3 Posts • 7034 Views
Philosophy Forum
yah vvv interesting is ur suggestion... but if u say that the oposite of time would be no-time ... i think u are not right... no-time = nothing.... i mean infinity... if we refer to life.. but... t...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe waiting room effect...
2 Posts • 3072 Views
Psychology Forum
You know there has always been one public location that I could never understand. The condition of your mood and those around you always seem to be a little worse once your inside the sliding doors. O...
THREAD captain cynic
7 Posts • 3079 Views
Talk Talk
Well, personally, I wouldn't be as happy here if we weren't allowed to be human. And I am quite fond of the notion that I can even relate to the head admin on such a personal and exposin...
THREAD Why are aesthetics such a muddle?
2 Posts • 3863 Views
Philosophy Forum
Why are aesthetics such a muddle? Aesthetics are such a muddle because this domain of knowledge, which we call aesthetics, contains a vast kinship of human meanings, attractions, appreciations, nee...
THREAD The "What probably is = what is" fallacy
31 Posts • 9153 Views
Psychology Forum
Admitting that probability is simply "what's most likely" is the first step. The second is to admit that this is the best we can do. It is an admission that yes, the true truth is ob...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy do women nag?
21 Posts • 20766 Views
Psychology Forum
As a 15 year old you are going to be thinking about sex a helofalot, I'd be worried if you were doing it even half as much as you were thinking about it. As for nagging, don't even get me...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40207 Views
Religion Forum
from what i got from that, i wouldnt say i disagree with u dumbteen. but i must question the moral code we use today. what is it? we are legally allowed to kill people(capital punishment, abortion), h...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersPlato,confucist,buddha
14 Posts • 7233 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think these men were simply tuned into the simplistic truths of life that are deeply profound because they are universal and can be applied to every living soul all over the world. Although they did...
THREAD Mental IllnessSelf-Medicated?
11 Posts • 3385 Views
Psychology Forum
I've been reading a book on tantric yoga and the author says that each emotion we experience is linked to a pattern of breathing. The breathing pattern for anger is usually curt and choppy. Th...
THREAD DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 13928 Views
Psychology Forum
As far back as i can remember, ive been able to control everything that happens in my dreams.. it wasn't untill a few years ago that i didn't realise other people couldnt do this. And what i...
THREAD How do we know?
60 Posts • 16298 Views
Philosophy Forum
hey hey are yous! time for my 2 bits worth! well what we know ( to adddress the entry question) is based of course on what we learn and accept as facts. certainly there is some faith in what we lear...
THREAD Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15358 Views
Philosophy Forum
There IS a universal right and wrong.... both right and wrong are dependent on the "you"....personal right or wrong... and that in itself is universal to the "you"....to every pers...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12482 Views
Talk Talk
visa ve your last post but one. I still point out that's terribly sexiest. Sure most men don't do elaborate things with their hair, most girls don't to engineering. Taking most and t...
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