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Tagged > Life forms beyond earth
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 121870 Views
Religion Forum
Be aware that whatever is visible came from that which is not. You are humans, you are also great beings. If you want to find the answers to your questions you will find them within yourself and nobod...
THREAD God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20198 Views
Religion Forum
You cant have a valid reason for murdering a 6 month old baby and depositing the body in a drain. You may be able to explain someones disposition through traumatic childhood experiences but this does...
THREAD PoetryFirst poem attempt
7 Posts • 3257 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I took a poetry class once. The quarter century old prof would tell us to kill our babies by removing pronounce and rhetoric and what not. We would turn a page long thing in and it would come back lik...
THREAD luck??
16 Posts • 7370 Views
Philosophy Forum
On the subject of free will. I have to agree that we seem to have no free will because as awakening and wraith pointed out, all we are is the sum of our experiences. Theoretically if you knew all t...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 18874 Views
Philosophy Forum
I totally agree with what your saying. I have seen people who don't know they have the power to heal there body can actually heal there body, levitate, kill someone etc....what i'm bringing...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionLoss of a loved one...
4 Posts • 2876 Views
Philosophy Forum
We had a class mate die freshman year. It was the worst month of school I think are class has seen as a hole. The kid that died was a football player the kind that wasn't super popular but rather...
THREAD me and men
14 Posts • 4702 Views
Talk Talk
Men and Women are different. Society in my life time has gone through a lot on this subject. Now there are some men who are a lot like women and there are some women who are a lot like men. But those...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsAnger
10 Posts • 3089 Views
Psychology Forum
"Because we all know, or should, that negativity must exist and be experienced to allow for the coexistance and meaningful exposure to possitivity" where 9;s the need for negativity to...
THREAD Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31502 Views
Psychology Forum
Don't know about all of you, but I'm sickened by this. Too many women kill themselves to get the looks you guys want. They lose self-confidence and pursue the perfect look for the rest of th...
THREAD Rant OnMy rant, my life.
13 Posts • 3682 Views
Talk Talk
Eliasan- First off, good job writing this down, I'm seeing a lot of release here and you've done awesome considering the circumstances that you're going through. Let me start by saying...
THREAD Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 6920 Views
Religion Forum
Freedom's are always taken for granted.... When someone has their freedom, they don't know the history of it. Example is obvious..if we did not have religion..and we had no moral eth...
THREAD spiders
42 Posts • 10366 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
woke up this morning, while the eye was upon me, feeling its heat all over me, I tried to apease its scrutiny, but it did nothing to the feel of it ripping the heart out of me. you havnt helped s...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsOvercoming fear: Shyness
2 Posts • 2502 Views
Psychology Forum
How do you overcome this fear of speaking up Fear is a biologically normal unless it consumes ones life. To over come fear you have to face the fear it self. This may sound cliché, but in most cas...
THREAD Venting!!!!
28 Posts • 7043 Views
Philosophy Forum
my point lies with the creator....the point that stirred something in you and brought out the real you!...that's the point, the point that humanity is more lost than they think, and live in their...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167005 Views
Psychology Forum
At one point I seriously despised my mother. I remember writing the words, "why cant she die" repeatedly in my diary during a really horrible fight. I looked back at the other day in complet...
THREAD Vietnamization didn't work!
4 Posts • 4211 Views
Talk Talk
I agree with you, about Nam when I went there I thought that we were there to help the people gain their independence. But as I grew to understand that wasn't their cause, most of Nam was isolate...
THREAD Tv Good or Bad
4 Posts • 8879 Views
Talk Talk
TV Stinks! I find TV to be vile, I will watch for a few minutes then the commercils come on they go on for so long I forget what the hell I was watching so I get aggrivated and turn it off. If your...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views
Psychology Forum
I have deliberately not read the threads yet to see what I know and then see where I went wrong. Here goes my brain tease. There are two kinds of soilders I see: 1. Those voluntary. 2. Those fo...
THREAD ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14351 Views
Religion Forum
How are we going to have peace on this planet. What, by declaring Jesus is black or white or whatever? This is one thing that I agree with you about. However, Jesus couldn't be even bronze to...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8419 Views
Psychology Forum
Andrew21, As far as we all know.. Awakendwraith is a guy, and straight. Could be wrong! Anway, as far as this thread is concerned.. Insecurities are a tricky part of life. I am without a doubt...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
Edited: I had hoped firbird would have responded, but I think it would be a little unfair to generalize that firebird has faith in nothing. I find myself making my own definitions of words which ma...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhat do you live for?
16 Posts • 5557 Views
Talk Talk
Im not sure as what im supposed to live for yet but I know what most people live for. "Most people use thier health to make money then later on in life use thier money to restore thier health...
THREAD GovernmentTop Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
15 Posts • 4830 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
All the civilian deaths over there are being caused by IEDs and suicide bombers targeting mainly Iraqi patrols, not us. The insurgency doesent care who they kill, and how they kill them, their sole ai...
THREAD What is Important to you?
8 Posts • 3034 Views
Talk Talk
This question was given to me today by my dad and told me to think about it... when I was told to give a response I just sat there in silence. I really don't know what is most important to me...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 43669 Views
Philosophy Forum
You specialize in masters degrees to get yourself qualified and in the meantime you keep yourself in the fields that count. You want to fix the world, it's going to kick your ass while you build...
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