Tagged > Internet post graduate courses |
ChristianityA Little Quiz
34 Posts • 10488 Views Religion Forum |
ref original post
I've heard this before, though it is not a subject I have not jumped into (yet), but would like to sometime.
One wonders about the dark ages. When only the church held the... |
Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3112 Views Talk Talk |
Yes Ironwood; but you may be forgetting the opposite; The Islamic extremists also don't want to hear the West's view.
The thing we need to remeber is the incentive of people. And its quit... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132012 Views Philosophy Forum |
It's important for people to understand that Mathematics doesn't deceive.
Whereas, EGOISM is completely deceptive.
TO: Future Posters who might post at this Thread:
It's preferred by t... |
War & TerrorismA Cry For Help From A Distraught Parent
5 Posts • 3118 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thank you for your post.
I was recently at a (Pow Wow) Pau Wau, we (veterans) were called out to enter the (sacred) circle to Honor Our Sacrifice & those who did not return. As we left the cir... |
7 Posts • 3098 Views Religion Forum |
Hey, FALSE PROPHET, no where in the Scripture does it say that God told Elijah to kill the priests of Baal. They died because they had commited a sin against God which was written in the Ten Commandem... |
Discussion Etiquette and General Forum Rules
14 Posts • 174573 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
We do not have a signature system here - what we have is a 'Personal Quote' that appears on the bottom left of every post you make. If you wish to add a personal quote you can do this throug... |
Centre of the universe theory
2 Posts • 2303 Views Philosophy Forum |
Center of the Universe theory
-by Anirudh Bhatnagar
Here, I wish to propose a theory which will require some serious and open minded thinking to accept or digest.
So, let me start with a questi... |
Movie Quotes Game...
6 Posts • 3424 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Let's play a game. I'll post a quote from a movie, then one of you guys and gals guesses the movie... If you get it right, you quote.
I'll start with an easy one...
"A censu... |
15 Posts • 4699 Views Psychology Forum |
Okay, crappy picture siz, quality and everything, but my heart is still beating a million miles per second and I sat forever in front of the computer trying to talk myself into just changing it. Man,... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11366 Views Psychology Forum |
after i made my post i started thinking about it, and you are right - both sexes are equally affected (in terms of number of people).
the thing is, women are generally more outwardly expressive...... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12473 Views Religion Forum |
Trish, I just wonder if you will be spouting the same garbage when you are in your 80's?
People have been shouting "the sky is falling" for millenium, the only way one could perish i... |
ElectionsSarah Palin VP?
7 Posts • 2650 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Perhaps my post wasn't clear, but you are in total agreement with me zach. McCain is banking on the fact that women are sexist. They don't care or even understand political issues, they just... |
Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16973 Views Philosophy Forum |
So what do you call the period that it took you to write the post? Time is an instrument of math but if it wasn't man made and doesn't exist what is it? Obviously this sparks confusion. For... |
3 Posts • 2145 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Post any cool clips of your favorite magicians or magic tricks here.
The art of magic has survived for so long and has been re-invented in so many different ways. I dabble in it myself, but mostly... |
43 Posts • 9080 Views Talk Talk |
to answer her's question emo grew out of the post-punk subculture of the 90's. i believe the band cursive is considered to be a founder.
and as for what the new thing is, well, at my old... |
The Relevance of Age?
11 Posts • 2464 Views Talk Talk |
http://www.captaincynic.com/th read/59511/age-relevency-on-cc .htm#59579
i think having the ages is a good thing as it does show you things like CW's mentality for his age in the "where... |
SocietyAmerica, Americans and Patriotism
0 Posts • 3112 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Nice post writewood, right on brother!
All the righteous ideals and beliefs of the Good America are in shambles to me now. I have never trusted our government
. . . there is more than enough to be... |
Viral VideosLaina Walker
12 Posts • 15274 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I wanted to post those two videos before I went on express that I no longer have my head up my ass in regards to Laina - which means I no longer like her. Laina's reaction to spantonline (the you... |
Reality & MetaphysicsHandbook For A New Paradigm
17 Posts • 16741 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sorry Ironwood, I did misread your first post. I thought you were referring to both the content and the format. My mistake. There isn't anything I can do about the format.
Here is a link to a... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThinking It Through
9 Posts • 2945 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was wondering if the post about The Matrix, which had the lines below refering to God being one universal consousness; discovering and learning and knowing "all" by us humans living... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21981 Views Religion Forum |
To pickup,
I don't care who your thread was directed at, if what you say does not makes sense. This is not about taking sides, but about making useful an interesting comments for the considerati... |
Society & SociologyDo you know everything?
7 Posts • 3366 Views Psychology Forum |
Ignorance is a beautiful thinng. It's what makes America land of the brave...land of the brave ass little 15-18 yr. olds that think they are all-knowing. QUICK, SAVE THE WORLD WHILE WHILE YOU STI... |
How you surf Cynic??
15 Posts • 3433 Views Talk Talk |
I was just wondering how everyone chooses their discussion's on here. I have to admit that i am usually lazy and when i sign on i just check the newest posts and usually stick to about 5ive at a... |
FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13279 Views Philosophy Forum |
Must of been yet another assumption lol
In an attempt to move this discussion more on topic And hopefully re kindle this thread.
Ive decided to re post my original question with a few more o... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23900 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
hi i thought i should post considering i started this controversy. I don't mean to change the topic (though it kinda isn't totally) i just wanted to add this link about deepcut barracks . It... |