In think giving the age of a user on this site is a good thing.
And as Decius pointed out, it can allow us to understand where the person is coming from.
There can be a vast gap in the way different people think and perceive things at certain given times because of their background. Different ages, sexes, cultures, and lifestyles, all play a role in making us who we are. And therefore HOW we think.
So I like knowing a couple of basic things up front, like what age and sex people are, as this makes it easier to try to understand and empathise where they are coming from. And why.
I totally disagree with the idea that only the young have imagination. I think that imagination is like a muscle in the mind. Just like a muscle in the body it is something you can exercise.
As a child you imagine all sorts of stuff, but it is very disjointed and fragmented and has a tendency not to be in your head very long.
As you get older your imagination becomes more controlled and you tend to be able to take long trips of the mind that stay on track and dont lose their destination or focus.
An example of this would be writing.
The most popular book written for children (the Harry potter series ) was written by a grown woman. Not a child. Yet it "captures " children's imaginations like a deep sea drift net.
But sadly I have to agree with the idea that with age, spirit diminishes.
All around me, as people get older they seem to lose their inner fire, their passion. For me I started to notice this happening to all my friends around the age of 30.
They suddenly weren't interested in what was fun and enjoyable. But in settling down and leaving some kind of mark on the world.
And this so called "mark" was of course what society told them was important.
Alas, they all began to need a "career" instead of a "job", to save and not ever splash out. To buy a house, own some kind of property or piece of land. To get married, stay in that house on the couch as much as possible, have children and buy a white picket fence to give all those lovely "achievements" a pretty border.
(That's not to say these things are bad in themselves. Whatever you feel is important you must pursue. I just feel objects and material possessions seemed to become the focus of all my friends lives, and were now used as a means of telling them they were happy, instead of when they followed thier hearts.)
I find I am one of the only people in my environment, my age, who still has his lust for life and who still questions the world and wants to live and not just "keep up with the Joneses."
I also would really like to say that Im really happy Chiron has joined this site.
I find that for possibly the oldest active poster right now, she has a vibe and zest, and lust for life that rivals even the youngest here.
I really admire that and I wonder what your secret is Chiron?
How is it that you can maintain the youthful enthusiasm and unbound curiosity that others my own age lost so long ago?