A little philosophy inclineth men's minds to atheism, while depths in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. - Francis Bacon
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Tagged > Insane religion
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15260 Views
Religion Forum
Allimar, Disturbing stuff, ignorance is contagious, viral and no one is immune. Blaming most killing in the world on any belief is a naive. People who kill people are murderers, people who hurt peopl...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views
Religion Forum
To get back on topic, some have mentioned a Christian Majority in their argument for government-supported religion. I have just come across an interesting fact. Only four of the states contain referen...
THREAD ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13759 Views
Religion Forum
You didn't offend me, though I can't speak for anyone else. I'm sorry you chose to take it that way and make it so personal. Now this I find offensive and sad, you may feel free to spe...
THREAD The dilemma of Choice
9 Posts • 3001 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well in no way i was trying to deny the possibility of imitating life. i wanted to observe the difference between if something looked alive, and something "is" alive. hence the whole d...
48 Posts • 12641 Views
Talk Talk
That's how is seems, lies are detected by internal fluctuations, and our brains make brainwaves that like radio waves leave our skull, they are already trying do decifer this, no it will not be h...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAn answer
31 Posts • 9547 Views
Religion Forum
Okay. Its a question of semantics for me. Take E=mc2; so yes mass forms energy. However, this is purely material. The logic is of the structure of the universe as a cause of the effect. However, just...
THREAD ChristianityEnd of Christianity?
4 Posts • 2628 Views
Religion Forum
Personally, I think that people who go around looking for answers and proof and basically just trying to confirm their own opinions, whatever those may be, are missing the whole point. (And I just wan...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8697 Views
Religion Forum
Dude...if you are truly agnostic god is not going to punish you the idea you are referring to is a Christian one, so if you are no longer a Christian take what truths you want from your experiences as...
THREAD SocietyThe Source of Idiocy of the Average American
0 Posts • 414 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
See, I think people from other countries think that Americans all have this pride of being an American and that we relish in our Americaniss. I'd hardly call In God We Trust a slogan. It just...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42137 Views
Religion Forum
different - that is kinda tough. Because supposedly there are some animals that could be considered smarter than us. The elephant has a better memory. The whales and dolphins, we will never master the...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views
Religion Forum
It isnt pagan...an attack. But references do not impose christianty. References do not oppose secular beliefs, it documents..and proudly represents the beliefs of our founding fathers. ..once a...
THREAD SocietyWhat the Bilderbergers want...
2 Posts • 2330 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
http://robert-muir.blogspot.co m/2009/05/bilderbergers-expose d.html "The strategy to advance the global governance agenda specifically includes programs to discredit individuals and organisatio...
THREAD Are man made things to be trusted?
15 Posts • 4701 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok this may seem complicated but it makes sense if ya think about it. Go back to the cave man days, no technology, primitive way of thinking, survival his only concern. Boom one day he DISCOVERS fire,...
THREAD Sexual PsychologySex and Emotions
4 Posts • 4963 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I have not lost my virginity yet, and am in no way ashamed of it. I always believed that I would wait till i was married but since I left my religion that does not seem so important to me anymore, esp...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17381 Views
Religion Forum
Spirituality believes in 'oness with everything' or oness withy God. In spirituality, the individual 'I' is just an ilusion, in essence everything is the same. So when you get rid...
THREAD Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11596 Views
Philosophy Forum
life is, huh- so many differences, so many beliefs- religion, science, fact or faith. some societies celebrate death, others mourn it. it is fact, that in life there will be death and yet it is the ha...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15608 Views
Religion Forum
i come from a very large family of (some may call fanatical) christians. they believe god exists as strongly as, or even stronger than, they believe 2+2=4. the reason i say "or stronger than&q...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60666 Views
Philosophy Forum
I can't help but wonder myself why are we here if we exist merely to pass on life why it it that are most basic animalistic instincts are to destroy and conquer I can't help but feel like I...
THREAD SpiritualityCan the Supernatural be taken seriously?
32 Posts • 9679 Views
Religion Forum
Strongclad: Is this true for everyone, or only the entirety of the human race with our completely separate individual perceptions of truth? thats self-explanatory for you; obviously its not true...
THREAD IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3830 Views
Religion Forum
All my family save me are muslims, no I dont love or hate them because they are muslim.. or others because they are not but because of their individual traits and actions. When 9/11 happened i was...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12459 Views
Religion Forum
Enlightenment comes from learning and accepting, though religion helps to a point, it often then restricts learning and even causes some to regress on the acceptance of others and information, especia...
THREAD The Right to be Offended
5 Posts • 3242 Views
Talk Talk
I think people need to understand whats worth fighting for and what isnt. I have a cousin who is 16 years old and has "devoted his life to the communist revolution" i personally dont agree w...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51781 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
We are all whores of our respective systems, I get fucked over quite well at work but I don't get an orgasm out of it. With stuff like regular message parlors we already physically please and...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9453 Views
Religion Forum
As to the belief that if Christians are wrong, nothing happens, I believe that was referring to mostly Atheism, and it is more about the afterlife then this life. And this is true for most religions,...
THREAD If You Forgive Yourself - Are You Forgiven?
12 Posts • 3479 Views
Philosophy Forum
People tell you to forgive yourself, people say they forgive themselves, but can you. What we really do is convince ourselves that we didn't do anything wrong, it wasn't our fault, etc. B...
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