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The Right to be Offended

User Thread
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The Right to be Offended
Here's a thought, when we are children and we don't like something that happens, or the way someone acts (as long as it isn't actually hurting someone, and far too often even if so) we are told to deal with it, get over it, and hopefully recieve and explanation.

The most offended a child even gets is when they don't get their way.

Hmmm, well I've noticed that the things that offend most people don't actually hurt them. But instead of just dealing with it, which many do, there are also many who will fight tooth and nail, to the death even to stop others from offending them. Be it cussing, crude or rude behavior, being gay, etc. They feel that others need to change, but do they even know why they feel so strongly, do they care that they are doing more than just offending those who have offended them, to the point where they try to create laws against them, shit, some just take people out and shoot them, especially in the past, KKK anyone, there's your proud christian right.

And lets see, did these who are so adament against others non threatening behavior even come from their own minds, of course not, we have manipulative and fightened bible thumping to thank for much of this. Beliefs twisted and handed down to them, how sweet. Cause that's definitely what Jesus would do, right? Shit, if they are going to hell anyway, why not burn em here and send them on their way, right?

So what I'm basically asking is, should people defend their seeming "right" to be offended? Or perhaps should they be looking at the basis of their feelings, their beliefs, questioning their high morals?

Should we really be encouraging such feelings of offense, like so many religions seem to. Or should we be telling them to stop throwing a fit and get over themselves, like they tend to do.

Its funny, because things like religion can help make people seem happy, just like drugs, it is defended just like drugs. Beliefs, feelings, superstitions, end up outweighing the kindness and acceptance they so readily preach.

I'm sorry this is so sloppy and scattered, but I'm very distracted right now, my mom just got put in the hospital and we don't know what's wrong exactly, other than its bad. But if you get any of it and reply I might be able to reform the thought and get it right, maybe.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that iSOUGHT|THOUGHT is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i think a key point in the justification process is the "passed down, therefore truthful" knowledge they begin the acts with. they need not be fools and read the Bible for themselves (all of it is important and cross referencing is a KEY point)... in doing so, those acts and any other freedom of choice infringing acts are made blatant. fools pick and choose at will for whatever reasons justify their current whim. (i think)

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"as i see it the only "variable" in the equation is THOUGHT. you are capable of changing this and this alone."
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Good question, Leftwood.

Classic example: someone insults your mother. Your are offended. Why? You hold your mother close to your heart and believe in her goodness. If your belief is attacked, naturally, you defend yourself.

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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that weltanschauung is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think people need to understand whats worth fighting for and what isnt. I have a cousin who is 16 years old and has "devoted his life to the communist revolution" i personally dont agree with the totalitarianistic government he so proudly defines himself with, but he is very passionated about it. In his lifetime, in his childrens lifetime,and grandchildren, and possibly great great great grandchildren, there will not be a communist society here in America. He is also a vegetarian, and he wants all animal cruelty to cease. He wants every human being on the planet to STOP eating meat, he thinks zoos are inhumane, and he also is an athiest who believes religion should be banned in every society...To have these beliefs is fine, but to despise people he sees eating meat, to hate churches, and to brainwash yourself with marxist literature, at such a young age, is quite dangerous to your well-being...choose your battles wisely...he's put himself on a road to nowhere but self misery,and helplessness. I think is people funneled their interests and tlaents into things a bit more productive, they would be able to see the impact they actually can make, but immersing themselves in futile battles, is just plain ignorant.

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""That all knowledge begins with experience, there can be no doubt...""
 36yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that WanderingNobody is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I agree with Weltanschauung. I mean, theres some people who take their views too execssivly and try to impose their own ideas on others and hate those who don't submit to their beliefs. Theres alot of what you can say "poser" people out there that rebel or try to act differently from others just for the SAKE of being different and w/o evn understanding the whole purpose for what they're standing up for. They'd just pick up some ramdom idea and go with it. It helps them feel as if they'd accomplished something or it helps them feel important or superior then others.
I mean, with the whole vegetarianism concept, it just wouldn't work if everyone in the world were to be vegetarians because then where would you put the livestock? Set them free in some forest and then they'd just end up being eaten by wolves? And if they all don't fit in there, they'd probably just throw them in the sea to be eaten by the fish or something. They'd be evn more cramped compared to where they were in the first place. Then what would happen is that we'd need alot of room for havesting, and that whole buisness would go corrupt and people would plant weeds instead of grains in their competition's feild and we'd over sow the earth and then it'd die, then we'd die--it's only my theory though.
And it's not with just the whole veg thing. It's just that you can't force people to all of the sudden stop their own beliefs and follow you own. Trying to do so would be all in vain and in the end you would have spent your whole mad life just being some screwed up, friendless old guy who hates everybody and has accomplished absolutly nothing in life. Wouldn't that suck.

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"Crap. I lost my watch, now I'm lost in time."
The Right to be Offended
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