30 Posts • 16463 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
319. Sobbing dog (6/12/05)
A decade ago, I was charged by a dog several times. The dog rushed to me, looked like intending to bite my hand. I had to raise the hand high to avoid to be bit.
Late... |
What Is The Perfect Person?
20 Posts • 6957 Views Talk Talk |
Now all of you anti-Jesus people dont bash me here...lol
I was brought up in a Christian home, attend church, you know a good boy:D But I'm gonna avoid the Jesus factor here.
I dont think a sin... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
lol, this will more than likely propogate into maddness but here goes
i seem to recall scripture indicating the bible is a set of information, and an incomplete set at that. the spirit of god is th... |
GovernmentPro Communism in America
14 Posts • 18444 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That really is a very interesting,if broad topic. And on the note of it being a broad topic I think any report worth doing on the subject would help make it clear to people that most notions about com... |
Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11596 Views Philosophy Forum |
Mystic, reproducing is not the only thing that you can do to help ensure the continuance of the species.
Kraytilius, the only things I've been able to come up with for peoples feeling of a nee... |
Starting over
20 Posts • 5397 Views Talk Talk |
i believe that this world and our society is corrupt. simply because it was built on the foundation of men who consisted of secular judgement and self-fulfilling agendas. my existance should not be li... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views Religion Forum |
Thanks Aura! I might have to check out those sources you mentioned.
Let me just reply to these few things you said:
"I really don't know why you keep going on and on about illusion, because... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33458 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Most of that is true, but comes at a taxing transistion, but there are a few key points of perspective that I disagree with.
The great depression argument you made is highly inaccurate. Our federal r... |
ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13713 Views Religion Forum |
It makes sense to me. I think what he is saying is:
We still have needs and fears and psychological aspects of our minds that are at worst unevolved. At best vestigial.
And that at this point i... |
Thank You and Merry Christmas
2 Posts • 3137 Views Talk Talk |
i know it might not seem important to you
but it really is to me
and i'm not trying to "waste the bandwidth" either
i'd just like to thank everyone for being here
i... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23078 Views Religion Forum |
"And religions leaders that tell Muslims not to be angry at the west for supporting an Israel that suppresses them would be lynched, and rightly so if you ask me."
This is the part I don&... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22578 Views Religion Forum |
i agree that religion is a way for humanity to attempt to explain the otherwise inexplicable, and yes provide hope in dire situations, but let us look at this believing and this unbelieving, there are... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
As for proving that God exists, I believe that is not impossible, but it is outside of my ability to prove.
I don't think we were meant to know either. Why should you have to know if God exist... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
I do believe in free speech, but then again, along with free speech comes the respect of others. For example, if i was completely against religion, i'd still respect those that worship a god or s... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23078 Views Religion Forum |
Ah - so you are Muslim - Great - glad to have you here. About time one of you get here. I hope we never argue.
I am not Christian (I don't know what I am, and I'm not going to become any... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67556 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here are a few spins on the old idea...
We did not always have a money/barter system, and have still managed to get to where we are today...
Other life-forms appear to be able to go through lif... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16865 Views Psychology Forum |
If you wanna bring religion into this 730 maybe you should see how Jesus spoke to and about women. Never did he ever treat them as anything but equal to men and would often hold women up as examples t... |
ConspiracyExcerpt: Mainline U.S. Church Publishes Book That Claims U.S. Government Was Behind 9/11
9 Posts • 3056 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
DIVIDE and conquer.
There are a lot scientists who are religious who do believe in a higher power.
But if you watch a conservative owned media you will believe that all science is anti religio... |
Atheism & AgnosticismO no, Atheism
17 Posts • 7144 Views Religion Forum |
Religion(most common religions) is the safest way to go through life without having to bother with death.
I don't agree with the literal, plain-text interpretation of the above comment in the... |
How has coming here affected you?
17 Posts • 4995 Views Talk Talk |
I have been here for a really long fucking time. Well actually since the beginning of the whole UGN.
I have seen alot of threads and seen a lot of people come and go.
From what I have learned i... |
Random QuestionsKarma
39 Posts • 9047 Views Talk Talk |
"I know what karma is. That is not what I asked you to explain to me. How is the example of the rock an example of karma, because according to you, cause and effect is karma?"
"This... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24965 Views Religion Forum |
If you conclude you will die someday, I bet the idea of an afterlife is very appealing. If you wonder how everything around you exists, the concept of a perfect creator should be sufficient. If you ha... |
ChristianityVoices in my head
9 Posts • 3966 Views Religion Forum |
It's no secret that I'm a Christian and believe in God. And as a Christian I often use the phrase "God told me" or "spoke to my heart" Many times what follows is ridicule... |
ChristianityThe Exodus - decoded
12 Posts • 2995 Views Religion Forum |
Mmmm, Sorceress the more you teach me about Moses the more I realize what a scheming politician he really was, and this video draws my attention to what a political text the bible really is.
I had... |
Alternative BeliefsPieism
30 Posts • 11572 Views Religion Forum |
lol~~~ it will be funny if in a few century later there is a "holy war" between pieism and pastafranian(did i spell it right? if not I AM WEARING MY FLAME PROTECTIVE HELM!!~) . lol, both hav... |