If it were proven true, would all Christians deny it?- Or would they embrace it?- and lose all sense of moral, as if they no longer need to do good in life?
Do you think we would be converted that easily to what we know as evil? If it were so, does that mean that all belief in doing the right thing was not done because we truly felt like it, but because it was our bribe- our ticket- into a fake paradise?
If the Christianity we know today is fake, what kind of social repercussions would that have? There are so many angles to that questions... presidency, morals, church powers, religious wars (between believers and non-believers)
I think the true believers of this faith are the ones who are going to continue doing good in their lives and giving nothing but unconditional love- not for the savior they once praised, but for the path he set in motion for all to embrace- loving and accepting everything around us.
I personally have doubts about at least 80% of believers on this one.
what are your thoughts?