Guys are like stars, there are a million of them out there and only one will make your wish come true. - ashleydepp737
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Tagged > Insane people
THREAD Why Spoon, when we can Fork...
8 Posts • 3554 Views
Talk Talk
see. i thought she meant spooning. like when you hold each other ass to croutch. and by fork, she meant fuck.... but its all the same. well, yeah. i get what you mean. ive done it, but its hard. one...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe Internets Rape Of Innocence
17 Posts • 6030 Views
Psychology Forum
i think that its more the use of sex appeal in everything. it bothers me. like in video games. in a video game called "Final Fantasy X-2" the characters in the video game are disigned to...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views
Psychology Forum
Well let's begin with the gnome's obession of screaming porn in my ear when i try to contrentrate... Thus when I'm with other people they can't see the gnome because he exists on a...
THREAD BMW or Mercedes?
15 Posts • 19672 Views
Talk Talk
"the only reason they get looks is because everyone knows they are expensive." BMW is not very expensive. Mercedes is cheap? Ha, thats a laugh. Look at their website, for even the lowest...
THREAD ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8512 Views
Religion Forum
I am sorry if i sound like a bible thumper but what I said is true. The covenant? From what source have you recieved an invitation to a binding aggreement John 3:16 I know that it is witten i...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views
Psychology Forum
since "We the People" has turned in to US (not U.S.) doing what THEY decide the constitution allows and restricts, I don't see how the present is anything close to the fore fathers conc...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsConfess Something "Wrong" that you have done
17 Posts • 18357 Views
Psychology Forum
thats right ladys and gents, its sunday afternoon, and everybodys catholic. now, i know there are sites were you just confess something about yourself, something you are embarresed about, but i hav...
THREAD Age and time
7 Posts • 2890 Views
Psychology Forum
The passage of time is a variable quality of the category of thought and perception, as proposed by Kant. Time as we experience it is a function of the psyche and not a physical property of the extern...
THREAD StoriesSimple Story
7 Posts • 4439 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
"how can you profess to know what is best for a manic-depressive?" how can the author deside that " to tell a parent and get a psychiatrist to help him work through his feelings"...
THREAD ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24289 Views
Religion Forum
Like I asked, thanks for helping make my point. So then Leftwood how do explain people spontaneously speaking languages that they do not know? for one speaking in tounges is not meant for oth...
THREAD Why do we search when no answers are given?
16 Posts • 5411 Views
Philosophy Forum
You haven't learned anything if you need to be reassured. Thats not what I meant but w/e works I guess. I meant when you learn something and what someone else says or does confirms what you...
THREAD The "F" Word???
21 Posts • 6717 Views
Philosophy Forum
though constantly cussing people is stupid. Matter of opinion, if someone were to deem the word "the" a swearword, we'd all be fucked. fine swear around me, but dont sit there in...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeNature of Knowledge
8 Posts • 3954 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, I would not consider that as not knowing tennis, you simply didn't know that the paint was wearing away, so you didn't know the conditions in the context of playing tennis... Another q...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50311 Views
Religion Forum
The 1-1.5 billion non religious people hold basically the same moral standards, this is because they take their morals from religion. The ones who don't are extrememists and either get imprisoned...
THREAD Society & SociologySlow drivers in the left lane
0 Posts • 8970 Views
Psychology Forum
Ya know what? Its always something with the same breed of moron, in the states its the dumbass in the left lane who needs to get shot! In Italy these same morons ride your ass and change lanes 10-12 t...
THREAD Illuminati
22 Posts • 11353 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have a problem with the term New World Order, since the same familys, or groups of people have been running shit for a long time, since they are linked with that term you would think when you say NW...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7467 Views
Religion Forum
The idea I was attempting to share was that I beleive the absence of faith is the essence of truth. Therefor a movement of truth IS a movement of atheism. The title is not for comfort due to insecuri...
THREAD Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13694 Views
Philosophy Forum
i agree with you, people arent annoyed by the remark, butby the thought that you are trying to insult them. but i would say that it actually annoys them, rather than them just feeling they should be a...
25 Posts • 9284 Views
Philosophy Forum
i dont understand that some people wish they had never loved at all. I believe that it is much better to get hurt by things in life because if you never feel pain then how can you truly feel happiness...
THREAD I am looking for help with a survey for my philoso
7 Posts • 3459 Views
Philosophy Forum
I am currently taking a intro course to philosophy and for my final I am to do a survey on a topic of my choice and thought that this would be a good place to find some people knowledgeable who might...
THREAD Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15679 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
As I said before, I do not think that anyone who does not prescribe to the laws of a religion should be allowed in a position of power within that religion, however, this is where it gets more difficu...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27269 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
"Speculative nonsense" -------------- -------------- ^oxymoron^ ---------------------------- "Unfounded negative assumption." --------- ------------------ only to one...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40603 Views
Religion Forum
The point of liveing is to further better yourself on this fucked up earth. To live and love, treat the people that you love/know with respect and try to right the wrongs and injustice. To be a good f...
THREAD How do i cope with the death of a loved one
5 Posts • 5514 Views
Talk Talk
My aunt died and my grandpa died in the same year. My aunt because of a heart attack and my grandpa because of a stroke, and to make it worse, I couldn't go to their funerals. I didn't think...
THREAD IslamIslam.
19 Posts • 7622 Views
Religion Forum
Allah is Islam (literally means submission...) The reason for the above post. I was watching Youtube and came across this type of thing... The war against "oppression" What? The w...
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