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Tagged > Insane people
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38020 Views
Psychology Forum
Ahh.. I understand, and I share your sentiment. However, this thread was specifically about whether or not people who insist on dressing habits that get them into trouble are foolish. While I complete...
19 Posts • 10750 Views
Philosophy Forum
Do gays find themselves checking out the other sex? That I am uncertain of- but one thing I have come to understand about a couple of gay men I know is that they have a strange revultion that comes fr...
THREAD FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16799 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Many people need to waken up NOW! Humans are currently in the sixth great wave of extinction. Just look at the ecological disaster on Easter Island which was caused by: - introduction of exotic speci...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMarijuana,weed,pot,mary-jane...etc
35 Posts • 20591 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Arnt we all on drugs in one form or another. My friend is on anxiety drugs, a co-worker i know is on anti-deprssants... This world tries to mask our emotions buy covering them up with quick fixes. Whe...
THREAD do you ever?
18 Posts • 5915 Views
Philosophy Forum
We people: you, and I on this forum are actually the geniueses of society. We think diffrently, we absorb, empathize, then reach a conclusion. That is how geniueses think, like Einstien. I too had...
THREAD War & TerrorismDubya: "We ain't gonna have no casualtie
2 Posts • 3175 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Did that link say that Pat Robertson was gonna run for president in '88? You know that Bush has been quoted saying god instructed him to strike both al-quaeda and Saddam, right? This whole god ta...
THREAD Opposite of time...
3 Posts • 7089 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, logically the opposite of time would be no-time. But Time is not a 'force' as lot's of people make it out to be. Infact, there is no such thing as 'time', in our sense....
THREAD TechnologyThe Video Game Revolution
2 Posts • 2295 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I really honestly do think that one of the reasons I am so smart is because I am so good at video games. I spent a lot of time in my day mastering very difficult video games. And not just difficult be...
THREAD ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13767 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood does have a point Sorceress, very few of us here have any objection to spirituality, we will respect whatever beliefs you hold, as long as you have good reason for holding them. For most of u...
THREAD ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10901 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hello, Im new here. Nice to meet you all. Im actually one of the people who personally don't believe in the, please allow me to use the term, rumor: "we only use 10%, 6%, 12% of our brain...
THREAD Is This Freedom?
34 Posts • 12893 Views
Talk Talk
Police break up anti-war meeting in Washington AFP Friday September 7, 2007 Mounted police charged in to break up an outdoor press conference and demonstration against the Iraq war in Washingt...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70951 Views
Psychology Forum
hmm, Heavy set girls wearing skimpy outfits is by all means... wrong.. Sure, Sure they think it looks cute and stuff like that. But not to be mean but the majority of others around them would not find...
THREAD PerceptionPreconceived notions
8 Posts • 11332 Views
Psychology Forum
No, I'm not talking about separating people from their words. That would be illogical. What I'm talking about is the end result. Something that is needed to be kept in place or not, what...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25422 Views
Psychology Forum
I tried suicide twice, and honestly looking back, if I had succeeded, I would hope people thought I was a cop-out. We all suffer, life .. the ones who end it are the ones who take the "easy...
THREAD alive or living
5 Posts • 2230 Views
Talk Talk
I live to try and help people live as I am living, to try and attain those goals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to attempt to finally experience a true and selfless love for another,...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15267 Views
Religion Forum
main cause for me was lack of freedom and a logical problems. lack of freedom - for me it was not being able to certain types of meats, belief in astrology and other superstitions. logical prob...
THREAD DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10715 Views
Psychology Forum
Last night I woke up over and over and over again so I remember a lot of them. Three were about my ex. One of them was about... stuff. The other was realy weird. Like, it wasn't about her, she...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsOur strengths and weakneses
9 Posts • 3085 Views
Talk Talk
My strength is much like your own, more importantly I like to search for the truth and not just jump on the bandwagon. I like to be the person in the crowd that says "Hey, maybe she's not a...
THREAD Blonde Jokes
31 Posts • 9895 Views
Jokes & Games
This is a really funny one. There is a american astronaut, a russian astronaut and a blone talking and the russian says"we were the first people to space" the american says "we were...
THREAD ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15295 Views
Religion Forum
"Saddam went down...His ppl are free...and few colateral deaths have been seen in comparison to other wars...and in comparison to Saddam." For a one country war of this duration, 100,000...
THREAD DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3488 Views
Psychology Forum
Restless there is a difference between doing drugs to aid a high and doing them to drown out negative emotions. I think Chris was just talking about a feeling of openness that he had as a child tha...
THREAD SocietyRanking U.S. Presidents, 1-42....best to worst
9 Posts • 10199 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Reuters Only nine percent of the 662 people polled picked Bush as their favorite among the last 10 presidents I remember Nixon and Ford, and neither one was liked, especially Ford - so why are y...
9 Posts • 4155 Views
Philosophy Forum
This reminds me of a strange recall of an experience I had with Salvia Divinorum. I knew for a fact I was alive, but at the same time it felt like I was dead or dying. It really didn't feel...
THREAD ChristianityCome Together
10 Posts • 3401 Views
Religion Forum
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them. I believe in the power of belief. If enough people believe strong enough, it becomes a power and force....
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29274 Views
Religion Forum
Dreamer - I really didn't understand what you said about the Aquarian Gospel, I really didn't, but I can guess what you said. That's ok - I don't know if I believe it either. bu...
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