You must empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water (Bruce Lee) - Ambition
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Tagged > Insane people
THREAD Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16361 Views
Religion Forum
those who overstand the second comming don't refer to the bible for when it's supposed to happen. If you overstand the bible, it will be your last resource to show people the truth. this con...
THREAD The problem with the Universe is NOT...
7 Posts • 2923 Views
Philosophy Forum
People, especially scientists, will always try to make sense out of the universe and the world around the. Things do have a "pattern" or a "flow" to them. However, as string theory...
THREAD Genius - How would you know?
13 Posts • 3406 Views
Philosophy Forum
the mind is a powerful thing. without it there is no individual. we are not separate. with wisdom and (genius) does one become judgemental? they have seen it all there is no more to see they no it...
149 Posts • 38614 Views
Talk Talk
Enduro, Buick, Ford F150 4x4. Enduro: Condition: Crap Buick: Condition: runs F150: Condition: moves I like to buy cars that people are going to get rid of. My dad's got some old ca...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7485 Views
Religion Forum
What I believe is I'm only certain in my scenario or my life.(in religious aspects) I also believe that people should achieve the best possible outcome in their life. Whether they do this with...
19 Posts • 10750 Views
Philosophy Forum
I wonder if Gay's find themselves checking out the opposite sex and find themselves attracted to that attribute. Not the person or that sexuality but the thing that straight people look at and ni...
THREAD Pacifism
0 Posts • 1781 Views
Talk Talk
 Pacifists are people who choose to avoid confrontation, choosing passive aggression instead.  Its most useful application is to enable the ‘sniper' to launch attacks from a safe...
THREAD To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7375 Views
Philosophy Forum
Wow. I love kids to death and I want to have as many as my body and my financial situation will allow. I think that the best thing that anyone can do for society is to bring more smart, talented, am...
THREAD War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4284 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm afraid to shout to loud in any direction on this subject (even though I do). We the people never really knew what was going on in Vietnam. Still it is hard to find the truth about it. Not tha...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3501 Views
Psychology Forum
My advice to you in this situation is to look at it as objectively as possible. Yes we are horrible things in one respect but take a look at the whole picture, there are good people out there doing se...
THREAD Italian Hanger
21 Posts • 73056 Views
Talk Talk
hahha summit I just thought someone on this site for sure would know what it was... everyone seems to have a vast knowledge of everything else that goes on in the world so why not the topic of sex ;D...
THREAD celebrity botox
3 Posts • 11113 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
oh, and for anyone that has no clue what the hell "botox" is. read on. it's quite disturbing actually... Botox is a trade name for botulinum toxin A. In this way, Botox is related t...
THREAD SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13127 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
i don't think true anarchy (the complete absence of any kind of government, laws, etc.) could last longer than a week or two. eventually everyone would group up into little factions in order to s...
THREAD EconomyS!#$ is going to hit the fan
1 Posts • 2225 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Peter Schiff has been predicting this recession for some time now and his predictions are only getting worse. I advise everyone to listen to this as it is urgent that as many people as possible are in...
THREAD GovernmentBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned paper'
8 Posts • 4562 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The Navy participated in a study to determine what causes stress and it was discovered that the inability to control your surroundings caused stressed. So while it may appear that the person in charge...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30366 Views
Religion Forum
" Since mankind, or those 'innocent' babies, existed in their parents at the time of the fall (sperm and eggs)" Is it really the baby's fault he was once an evil sperm? I don...
THREAD Indigo children?
11 Posts • 3869 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
My family had never heard of the term Indigo Child when I was growing up, but they always knew I was different for obvious and not so obvious reasons. I've done extensive research into the traits...
THREAD Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8056 Views
Religion Forum
I think that it is a valid stament but rember it is also dependent on how you define good. I think this is a highly underrated point. Good being a subjective word, there really is no definition,...
THREAD What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15374 Views
Philosophy Forum
In regards to "If I cut my arms off I won't be any less of me" What would you be without your brain,? Not much. But then again, If you are already dead, mixing your individual brain cel...
THREAD Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15359 Views
Philosophy Forum
and who is the judge of if those lives should be saved or not? god? or did god impower the people to make that choice himself, and if he did, then why is it a sin to judge. if he gave us the power to...
THREAD Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22276 Views
Psychology Forum
lol... well damn, if underground stuff becomes popular i guess we'll all be forced to just close our eyes and listen to whatever we like. anyway, i don't see some indie bands as ever becomin...
THREAD There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5932 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I don't understand summit's obsession with the question of God's existence. I once put the odds of God's existence at about one and a billion if not higher. But, then that would ma...
THREAD Random QuestionsZune or ipod
8 Posts • 2878 Views
Talk Talk
They're exactly the same... Zune has a little larger screen. iPod is the original though, the Zune, a cheap knock-off. Same price man, I say go with the original. The only thing a Zune could do t...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
Wait, what does the media have to do with SNL.. they are 2 completly different types of television. Now if the media did something like SNl, then you can complain, but SNL is a comdey show. It is supp...
THREAD Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17739 Views
Psychology Forum
what exactly are trips? like, people say you open "doors" when you do drugs so much you "trip", what do you think?
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