Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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Tagged > Improving life
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24263 Views
Religion Forum
I chose to follow a common set of standards rather than my own. Are you saying your personal standards do not match those of the common set? I believe that man is guilty of sin and that God sen...
THREAD Life & DeathLife for people in their 20's
19 Posts • 6182 Views
Philosophy Forum
I would like to see "revelations" of life from people in their 20's. I am talking about actual revelations. Moments when you came to a sudden understanding about something (anything) th...
THREAD I'm kind of sad
19 Posts • 5665 Views
Talk Talk
You know what most of my problem is, I am not a very fast typer. I still finger type and dont look at the screen. Hehehe, I can relate! I never typed in my whole life until I got my PC 1 year ago....
THREAD LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22158 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The majority of homosexuals believe they were born 'gay.' This belief often supplies them with comfort, relieving them of any responsibility to change. However, there is no solid scientific evidence t...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious Experience saved my life.
1 Posts • 3115 Views
Religion Forum
I am an old man now( thank god) but in 1997 I was a young 44 racing through life never looking back, working 7 days a week, 10hrs a day for at least 10yrs solid and not realising how high my adrenalin...
THREAD Life & Deathare u ready to step outside the box? part II
10 Posts • 3946 Views
Philosophy Forum
There are two camps to be distinguished in the race for collecting as much humans to 'believe' their given explanations which hold their own truth in one or another way. Before you read on,...
21 Posts • 10266 Views
Philosophy Forum
Free Will No one "possesses" a freedom. Freedom implies the uninhibited exercise of one's options. The only thing stopping the robbing of the banks are the possible consequences, whi...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12208 Views
Religion Forum
i appreciate all the comments. I thank you all for choosing to post on such a controversial subject but i must say that even in all my doubt, I never doubted the existence of God. I think that what ne...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8611 Views
Psychology Forum
Sounds like your situation is fairly similar to mine, my girlfriend (as she technically still is for the moment) has had a slightly rocky road through life, not too bad, but her parents are divorced a...
THREAD How should we live our lives?
7 Posts • 3201 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ah mindless routine, the realms of the mundane majority. It truly is a terrible thing to get caught up in, the stench of it suffocates a man's soul and leaves it trembling before slowly melting a...
THREAD Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20480 Views
Philosophy Forum
I can honestly say I'm not one bit scared of death, it's nature, and it's part of the cycle of life, the only thing I hope for on my passing is that it's not sudden or violent.
THREAD Having Kids
49 Posts • 20509 Views
Philosophy Forum
To give an answer, hearing things like it is that time of the month & hormones prescribed at the change in life for women tends to come to mind?
THREAD Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11594 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah. Btw, we see that everything is connected, plants, animals, slugs birds, fish, bacteria, they all are part of the life cycle, but where do we humans fit in?
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55416 Views
Philosophy Forum
whats up, i know i'm new here but i am smart. i have therories on life bot a true theroy is a hypothosis that has been tested many times with the same results each time. so your stupid.
51 Posts • 72632 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I seem to get into a relationship have a great sex life then 6 months down the road Im like, whatever! I dont know whats wrong with me, its not that I loose interest in the guy but, that fire isnt the...
THREAD Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12920 Views
Talk Talk
It's all free, but you never get to leave, and every minute of your entire life is planned for you, and furthermore, once you get out, you can't work at alot of places, becasue you have a cr...
THREAD Can science explore nothingness?
30 Posts • 7679 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think you pose an astounding question! And I do not know the answer... ..except to wonder that given our material form in this world, could this make all of our life experiences little more th...
THREAD Centralia the city that inspired the director of the film version of silent hill.
2 Posts • 3050 Views
Talk Talk
That's badass.I had never seen photos of Centralia before. A lot of things in video games are inspired by real life places/events/objects.
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsOut of Body
14 Posts • 3563 Views
Philosophy Forum
yeh, i do that all the time. Walking down the street, I see random people, and I try to see how they see me, and then what they're thinking at the moment, whats going through their head, what the...
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12098 Views
Religion Forum
How is it being selfish to not be christian? there are plenty of other religions out there, all of which have their own philosophies on life. While personally i can't say that i agree with every...
THREAD What would you do without rules?
20 Posts • 9476 Views
Philosophy Forum
Think about living your life without the restrictions of belief, morality or legal consequence....what would you do if you could act freely without any kind of restraint? How would you live?
THREAD Life & DeathYour outlook on life
9 Posts • 11228 Views
Philosophy Forum
Life is what we make it, we have good and bad times, but so does everyone. Learning to know whats the right thing for you is the key to happiness, this involves being honest with yourself and trusting...
THREAD Mario Kart Tournament
3 Posts • 2363 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
So, I guess the difference between being decent at video games and having no life is about six seconds. My time - 1'09 Number 1 - 1'03
THREAD SpiritualityPhysical Body: Blessing or Curse?
36 Posts • 8918 Views
Religion Forum
You are too short sighted to understand. God made a plan to save us. If you are drowning and someone throws you a life preserver don't get mad at him because you refuse to accept it.
THREAD ChristianityHappy in heaven... alone?
20 Posts • 7622 Views
Religion Forum
Welcome to UG Colin, Its always good having new users here to keep things interesting. As for your question....... I would not be happy, I need certain people in my life/afterlife. If they are...
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