You don't create things that you want. You create things that you give your attention to whether you want them or not. - Chiron
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Tagged > How do people say fit
THREAD Music VideosElectric feel! Mgmt.
2 Posts • 2689 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Anyone else listen to them or like what they are all about? Cool guys seems like they got alot of the same thing people were feeling in the sixties. Lots of psychedelic Epiphanies similar to those the...
THREAD Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23570 Views
Philosophy Forum
The civil war was bad. When I was a truck driver, I thought one night, I wished I was back in the old days. That night I dreamt I was back in the old days. That morning when I woke up, I was glad I wa...
THREAD is philosophy always fundamental?
2 Posts • 2919 Views
Philosophy Forum
sorry, im a bit confused.. i will research into more though.. but theres a lot of talk in philsophy saying about how it deals with the fundamental questions in life.. but what about things like being...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23074 Views
Religion Forum
Yeah, ur absolutley right. For These religious extremists death is too easy. But mostly the motives are quite far from religious, like political, financial etc, and these organizatoins are easily able...
THREAD FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7048 Views
Philosophy Forum
Why aren't most good people brave? Does being selfish make you a braver person? The risk shouldn't matter, let's look at the reward. I know we can all be united, but it takes some initi...
THREAD SocietyGoogle's Top 100 Videos
1 Posts • 2347 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is google's top 100 downloaded or viewed videos. Loose change 2nd edition is in the top ten twice. It's very exciting to see something so important beating webcam girls go wild,...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsRelease
4 Posts • 2798 Views
Psychology Forum
Ok i just watched a video from dercius's artical section about tappinng ( rticle/587/emotional-freedom-t echnique-eft.htm) I tried this technique with frustration i...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12264 Views
Religion Forum
I am one of those persons who have molded themselves as you say. But God was already molded for me long, long ago by a people I never knew, why should I follow along? You can follow along or you...
THREAD Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11420 Views
Psychology Forum
"deserve"! "deserve to be in jail"! "all violent criminals deserve to be in jail"! Do you understand what reason means? Do you understand what the...
THREAD SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3583 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
My god, what is wrong with you? Stop worrying about what I or anyone thinks about you and address the freaking information, answer the goddam questions. Ya, those are problems destroying our dem...
THREAD Governmentopinions on democracy PLEASE!
23 Posts • 15827 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
A true democracy could never survive . . . Thus the Democratic Republic, where people elect representatives who will serve their best interest. Ya but it is that last part: representatives who serve t...
THREAD An argument for "free" music.
11 Posts • 3781 Views
Talk Talk
I would think that a lot of musicians can't really make money with much other than their music, considering a lot of them spend the majority of their time on the road touring and such. If they ar...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionNeed to help friend with downward spiral
7 Posts • 3988 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
If an addictive drug is involved, you probably will be, if you are not already, at risk (violence). I strongly believe that you should, if you intend to really help this person, enlist the help of a f...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views
Psychology Forum
porcelainno: Thank You for your response, and I agree that the desire to find acceptance by your father is a strong motiviating force for their children. But few join actually accept that their fate m...
THREAD I don't actually dislike Bush
17 Posts • 5377 Views
Talk Talk
"Surely you all must know that Gorge W Bush is indeed an idiot. To cite the fact that he went to Yale and got a Masters is not a testament to his intelligence, it is a testament to the corruption...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18429 Views
Philosophy Forum
The earth revolves around the sun. People didnt know this before but it most probably did. That sun is still there even when I don't look at it or think about it. Some people have provided us...
THREAD Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views
Psychology Forum
equally agressive at times, and equally passive at times. that is the way a healthy relationship should operate. plus, things are a lot more passionate when both partners are equal. particularly af...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131999 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't totally adhere to Vehmts ideology. But I want to stop you right there with your suppositions and half thought out statements. Since I think the last thing we need is people to think there...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122935 Views
Religion Forum
Elemental said:Sorry, I don't mean to say trying to prove it is dishonest in itself, its just that often the person attempting is being dishonestDon't worry, I hate it when people are like t...
THREAD Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15791 Views
Religion Forum
I agree that he was a very smart man. But also very stupid. He caused people to hate him that was his real mistake, the man could have talked his way to world domination but he was irrational and impa...
62 Posts • 21996 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I can't believe some of the bull shit I am hearing. All this crap about Bush, geez it's not even THAT big of a coincidence, damn people its like almost a full fucking year till the next elec...
THREAD ChristianityThe Exodus - decoded
12 Posts • 2995 Views
Religion Forum
Just because we can explain these events doesn't mean they were any the less miraculous to the people of the time Absolutely true. And even today magicians appear miraculous to the people o...
THREAD HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12200 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Fish is a massive source of omega 3&6 which is needed to develop a good brain and guess what we have a good brain so i think the theory is true. and i once read in a book in a hospital reception o...
THREAD Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9949 Views
Psychology Forum
That being the case open minded people are unable to empathize with other people and are therefore closed minded to the concept of empathy. ya know, that sounds real good, but , being empathetic...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9203 Views
Psychology Forum
You have not addressed anything I have said about why the world is bad which is what this thread is about. "I think we've constructed ideals and values that really hold us back in terms o...
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