The Thinker
19 Posts • 6486 Views Philosophy Forum |
Picking up a cup of coffee?
Who is to blame? Is it the nerdy Mr. Genes in the laboratory? Is it the white-bearded Mr. Destiny who lives in the clouds? Or is it Entity, the parasite that attaches to... |
The Village
23 Posts • 7960 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I really love his work---it's very poetic, very human and touching on the deepest, most beautiful parts of the soul. I feel this quality of his work is often overlooked by critics, in favor of th... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10023 Views Religion Forum |
Without God there is no need for responsibility because no action matters.
This statement is innaccurate, becasue i'm pretty sure that the terrorist atacks on 9/11 were religously motivated and... |
War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7560 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Terrorism is all very subjective.
Everything is to a purpose, and everything has a motive.
What Martin Luther King said that great day "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise u... |
i deffinetly need someons advise
9 Posts • 2252 Views Talk Talk |
great to see the fighting spirit reamins strong in the youth of today. (for those of you who wouldn't realise on your own till some time next week, that was supposed to be sarcastic).
how are... |
PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15222 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Excerpt form Ulysses, Alfred Lord Tennyson
Come, my friends,
'T is not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sa... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i know my post would come out of the blue moon but i always felt that there is this hidden dimension in the world that we see. a dimension of symbols and even a matrix...a reality within a reality. do... |
Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13811 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I certainly felt different. I would not care about clothes, jewelry, boys, parties, and all that in high school and I couldn't find anyone else like me, so I was pretty lonely, intellectual... |
Mental IllnessMental Disorders and Psychology
14 Posts • 8043 Views Psychology Forum |
And a phrase I have heard from you that has a burning question for as long I can remember is not just why am I, but why am I the way I am, the nature nurture debate, genetics over how you are raised,... |
189 Posts • 73109 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
You can never hope to control another persons thoughts m'lady. So it is only their actions we can hope to curb.
Looking at kiddys on the net is just as bad as doing it, they are both ACTION.... |
64 Posts • 19308 Views Philosophy Forum |
Studying the many stories of the Bible, I see no difference from these and the many mythic stories of other ancient religions. The Creation of the universe and Mankind, the idea of the Tree of Knowled... |
PoetryThe Worm
1 Posts • 2016 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
beautiful whispers
the dreamers ensnared
reflect the reflected
the mirror reveals
needing an answer
the vacuum is filled
spark of life
the great worm rose
severed it slithers
and whispers to... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7466 Views Religion Forum |
Its not that I want to label myself...
Its not about the comfort. I just feel that an organized group of individuals seeking the truth for all things could really get a lot done. I feel that that g... |
Habits & BehaviorHelp with being funny...but smart funny
8 Posts • 3718 Views Psychology Forum |
This is probably not quite what you are looking for but you might want to look in to witty humour. Take a look and comedy series such as yes minister. Expand your vocabulary and look in to word play a... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views Religion Forum |
I like what you believe.
But it is not the common Christian belief, at least, not what I remember. Surely you have gotten into heated arguements with others over this, or maybe your disposition ha... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29210 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Cturtle was referring to Capitalism not democracy. If you carefully read over your post you will realize that you're mixing the two."
Goddamnit I havent. We forced CAPITALISM, a react... |
Emotions & FeelingsThe goodness in humans
0 Posts • 2168 Views Psychology Forum |
I dont really understand how someone can put you down so bad that you blame yourself and think you did something wrong. The person being put down gives the person putting down way to much credit. Peop... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
words do not make men great, only gives them greater possibilities.
however along with possibility there is not included a manual on how or how not to use it.
language was created by men so that the... |
Earth Science Australia
1 Posts • 3115 Views Promotional |
Earth Science Australia is an education website that is great for anyone interested in learning more about Earth science topics. Topics areas include information on geological processes and structures... |
Movie ReviewAnyone see Donnie Darko?
22 Posts • 14438 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I LOVED this movie. Most critics found it overrated because the plot was so complicated and open, but I loved that it was open to interpretation. I personally found that it was about justifying death... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18695 Views Philosophy Forum |
also attolia, would you describe the english as french, german or italian? no you wouldnt. yet if i asked you to find me an englishman without the blood of any of the above antions in... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301176 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Satellite Image Before and After: Beirut
Excerp: AP | August 4 2006
These two satellite images provided by GeoEye show the same area of Beirut, Lebanon before and after Israeli bombardment. The... |
Spiritualitypeople that lose faith
5 Posts • 3230 Views Religion Forum |
A problem I often feel I see is that people bicker over a definition of god and god's intentions or rules.
The biggest religious arguments I'm familiar with are over minutia, like other ar... |
Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8032 Views Religion Forum |
This is where I get confused, all this talk of creationism versus evolution because in my mind the two sit perfectly well side by side and both are correct.
Ok there was some great force in the be... |
FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13285 Views Philosophy Forum |
Quote: "Manbible, please use common sense..."
Quote: " We have evolved to become ever-frailer in body and stronger in mind over thousands of years. This process will continue until w... |