InventionElectric/hybrid cars
26 Posts • 10578 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Oil companies (who are giants in the American economy) are not going to want this technology to become popular because it has the potential to affect their industry in a devastating way. We've ha... |
War & TerrorismUS scraps nuclear weapons watchdog
0 Posts • 1743 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Hawks in the Pentagon and the energy department are pushing for the development of tactical nuclear weapons with yields of less than 5 kilotons and hardened "bunker buster" nuclear bom... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13127 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm not really an anarchist, i was when i made this thread, but not really anymore. The reason i made this thread though is to show people that Anarchy is more than just the "chaotic" a... |
Society & Sociologyeducation system
5 Posts • 3960 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree with you completely. I do not think philosophy is revealed through a textbook. I think philosophy is uncovered through conversation. It's that point in the conversation where both you and... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27645 Views Religion Forum |
As I was seeking a place to put this so I thank you for your post.
Adopted people and their ways. You are adopted by Indians? Kewl.
Is that like asking if you are a Child of GOD?
Do they keep Th... |
Wolf Larsen & Shakespeare on a Hot Date Together in Boys' Town
1 Posts • 3169 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Canto 9
by Wolf Larsen
Is it a pagan Catholicism to wet the sheets with wonderful dreams?
All those millions of dreams consuming you in a single life...
Heavenly Penis! If pEnis-waRt-mounTains wil... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views Talk Talk |
honestly, i do not know of any way to change my diet to where i get the same vitamins and minerals which make me feel like i can fuction, without including meat. my perception of meat has nothing to d... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Althoguh terrorism is a serious issue in the american community it will always be around as long as people see the great wealth of the united states. True, but i think there's more to it, because... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13586 Views Religion Forum |
http://www.biblemysteries.com/ library/saddam.htm
So, this is where Saddam got his odd ideas?
AND now that we can look back to this man's research, we might need tp check out the history of... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7019 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The poor girl was clearly in a sever state of shock and as I started to lead her back to the house I saw her gaze drift upwards and I followed her line of vision, she seemed enthralled by the moon.... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here is the answer.
First, understanding the nature of Truth must be addressed.
Two types of Truth exist: Absolute truths and relative Truths. An example of an Absolute truth is "God exists... |
Aesthetics & BeautyOn Art
11 Posts • 5829 Views Philosophy Forum |
"being artistic, i think, is the ability to have a kind of intuition about what is going to get across to people."
i have to disagree with you on this
artists don't just get things... |
PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10681 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Alright, let me make an edit: an artist that does not challenge the confines of society is a waste of an artist. True, you can still be an artist and give whatever meaning you want to your works but t... |
GovernmentWhat's Happening
2 Posts • 3296 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Having coffee I flippeing through the channels when I came to a congressional hearing. Started listening to it, seems the airlines are looking for a bail out so many millions to keep them operating. T... |
51 Posts • 13385 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
So much pain trapped with in your soul only to be perpetuated by my presence. Your lips may tell one story but your eyes will never lie. Their pain penetrates my very thoughts and consumes my actions.... |
War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18066 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
First off,
I want to thank all thoughs of you that support our great country and veterans like my self for putting there lives on the line for this country.
I am not going to get involved in this... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
umm you are a genius.. not patronizing at all. i play rpg's, talk online about philosphy, and watch anime.I'm a dork at heart but i'm very outgoing and make friends with everyone i talk... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132030 Views Philosophy Forum |
From reading all these posts, I feel very hurt by the number of people who support this "movement". I understand where you all are coming from, but to just stop "breeding", that... |
17 Posts • 7576 Views Talk Talk |
I only say that last part because I'm pretty sure that most of those people are absolutely NOT expressing any kind of love. Maybe it's different for some people but maybe I would record me a... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29210 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dumbteen - I think you have a different idea of what a better world is.
I think C Turtle is referring to those we killed in Vietnam and Iraq, but I would have to go further and add those soldiers... |
GovernmentSome questions about the interworking of our government?
9 Posts • 2198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I have to admit ignorance about the our system of government nad how they were/are meant to work?
For example, being in the Marines, I am aware that they are at the presidents direct control where a... |
Mulholland Drive
1 Posts • 2579 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Decided at 12am this morning that it was the perfect time to widen my scope of viewing and finally get round to watching this film. It was recommended to me that I watch the film while either drunk or... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23091 Views Religion Forum |
From Shahul Hameed.
The Biblical Roots of the Palestinian Problem
Jehovah's Promise
The Zionist Jews claim that Jehovah promised the whole Land of Palestine exclusively to them, as they are t... |
Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22276 Views Psychology Forum |
smashing pumpkins were a wonderful band, but they are an older band too, they were around since 1990, thats 15 years ago, actually the smashing pumpkins dont even exist anymore, they've broken up... |
ChristianityBlessed Are Those
2 Posts • 2645 Views Religion Forum |
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Ble... |