Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
One way to prove something is true is by making predictions with it. Science makes predictions every day, from the trajectory of a meteor to the odds of having diabetes.
If science and the Bible ag... |
Mental IllnessSelf-Medicated?
11 Posts • 3448 Views Psychology Forum |
I've been reading a book on tantric yoga and the author says that each emotion we experience is linked to a pattern of breathing. The breathing pattern for anger is usually curt and choppy.
Th... |
Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11718 Views Religion Forum |
I know only a little bit about paginism. It is a title that covers a very broad area of beliefs and some of it was bad.
As far as what Christianity believes - that's a given. You have to under... |
ElectionsWhat is Kerry trying to hide this time?
20 Posts • 5707 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well DumbTeen, (good name for ya) and Danipog, that's your right to agree or disagree. That's what makes this country so great however your comments are slighty flawed.
You both say the p... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62349 Views Jokes & Games |
Q. What do you do if your wife has triplets?
A. You go out and find those other two guys.
A married couple on holiday in India passes a sandal shop. The shopkeeper calls out, "Friends... |
AstronomyPictures of Mars
0 Posts • 203 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Odyssey Views A Surface Changed by Floods:
Channels scoured by ancient outbursts of flood waters are seen in this orbital view from Odyssey's Thermal Emission Imaging System.The channels are bil... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29269 Views Religion Forum |
By the way, if it weren't for Paul there would be no Jesus.
I am not sure what you meant by this passage? Although Paul was instrumental in proporgation of the Church, I fail to see what Paul ha... |
Reality & MetaphysicsTruth, reality and the meling pot
13 Posts • 2985 Views Philosophy Forum |
3. "Wisdom. This is the ability to know when to stop and when to start."
Take relativity. Had Einstein know what he would his voyage would have predominantly ben used for he would have k... |
Reality & MetaphysicsTime, existence, and reality
25 Posts • 9500 Views Philosophy Forum |
I do not regard my self intelligent at all but feel i can grasp aspects of reality better than the majority of this sleep living world.
I do agree with you comment regarding knowledge and i take grea... |
PoetryAdmired Poets and their Poems
12 Posts • 9578 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This poem affected me in a way i cannot even begin to describe, its from "The Perks of Being A Walflower" by Stephen Chbosky
Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
he wrote a p... |
EconomyEver wonder...
12 Posts • 2772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Pauls record is interesting. He's known as Dr No because he refuses to pass wasteful spending bills with all manner of special interest agendas added as well. But it can be fairly well summed up... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11979 Views Talk Talk |
the book is brilliant, its great entertainment. but it is flawed quite largely in a lot of its claims, for example one of the books he refers to a lot is complete fiction, and the authors admitted it... |
TechnologyThe iPad
2 Posts • 2502 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I came home from classes this morning and my roommates were gnawing over this new piece of Apple ware.
So I read a review and viewed a couple video's of the iPad. The iPad seemed to me like it... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
Grrrr. I had this whole response typed out and my computer froze.
Do you have a problem with a woman being a slut or whore? If not, then why would you get upset if someone called them that?
I d... |
The Passion of the Christ
9 Posts • 4581 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
titanic wasn't great either, but I'm not too bothered to say that I wasn't impressed by this movie, in any way, other than Jim and someone else being hit by lightning on the cross no le... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That doesn't even make any sense. This isn't third grade you can't just say something that "should" be speculative humor that in no way is and still get the expected response... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60676 Views Philosophy Forum |
I congratulate you guys on your theories and opinions, it is great to see that there are people out there who are being conscious of this subject.
Say no more guys, if you are thinking of why am I... |
What does God have to say about it?
10 Posts • 3812 Views Talk Talk |
Hey Real!!!
May I call you Real, for short? Wow, de ja vu!!! I sent you a message a while back. I assume you received it. You didn't respond back.
Thank you so much! I've bin waiting t... |
Ailments & DiseaseEmotional support.
6 Posts • 2610 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Yeah I have a tumor that may be one of teh two cancers.
Okay, about a month ago i had a car accident, in which they accidently came across a lump of tissue in my chest, im not great with the human an... |
A New "school"
6 Posts • 2950 Views Philosophy Forum |
first of all, you have to overcome the fact that a good portion of kids dont take classes seriously and do whatever it takes to get a passing grade. so somehow getting everyones attention is key. the... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think that without putting a price on valuable commodities we wouldn't be able to put a moral or spiritual value on life. money can't buy love, or compassion or friendships or intelligence... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62349 Views Jokes & Games |
*lol* I thougt it was damn funny man.....lol
A flat-chested young lady went to Dr. Smith for advice about enlarging her
breasts. He told her, "Every day when you get out of the shower, rub y... |
Physics & CosmologyEgg Drop contest
2 Posts • 4419 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i am looking for some design ideas for an egg drop contest.
The contestants will design and build a shipping container that will prevent an uncooked chicken egg (Grade-AA Large) from breaking when... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23909 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is why we have discussions..........it is called freedom of speech. Everyone has their opinion and that's great because no two minds think alike.
I myself think there are no weapons of ma... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
Do the reliable roman historians describe him walking around after his death?
The situation 2000 years ago is bound to be murky. Any number of things could have happened from the disciples lying, t... |