ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
who ever said anything about rapping kids?
Me, Former Senator John Decamp, Former head of LA FBI Ted Gunderson, witnesses and court convictions. Not to mention the cases within the UN.
http://ww... |
Mainstream Sexuality
3 Posts • 3930 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I've had so much sex in my life that now sex to me is like washing the dishes. It's something that has to be done but not necessarily something great (but not bad either).
Don't beli... |
Reasons why I love being on this Site.
16 Posts • 4358 Views Talk Talk |
Originally I was here because I got very lost researching anarchic political theory, and ended up in a thread on the site (I was about to say how lond ago, then realised it says above my avatar :( )... |
11 Posts • 8377 Views Talk Talk |
Ill be your friend, yea I know this was pasted like 2 years ago, but if you still want advice, It seems that your friends wernt that 'great" from the start. I know how it feels, I was a horr... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10236 Views Philosophy Forum |
Do you notice on conformed you make philosophers sound? Which they are in many respects.
Its just a matter of thinking. Though there are great philosophers, its not a profession per se', philo... |
42 Posts • 10551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
let the inner child and inner spirit mingle, let them grow
dont let the child inside wither and let the spirit grow
beat those that keep themselves penned up in texts that kill
they are the ones th... |
Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3775 Views Psychology Forum |
On this topic, I find great solace in Carl Jung's analytical psychology theories, I think he had some excellent ways of interpreting the differences between men and women. You can find a slew of... |
HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12207 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Aquatic apes do still exist. There is a small village on the coast of Japan. In times reaching back beyond memory women have been nude diving into cold waters. They harvest lobsters, crabs, abalone, s... |
Sexual BiologyWhy are guys so shy to be nude in front of other guys. Clearly it all cant be about the size.
8 Posts • 9937 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Thank you for all the great responses regarding this topic. I would like to add that in my opinion, nudity is a everyday experience. We dress and undress every day. Some however dont spend time being... |
22 Posts • 6776 Views Talk Talk |
some great guitarists are :
- Gary Moore
- Brian May (Queen)
- Carlos Santana
Gary moore is a particular favourite as he produced some amazing material without relying on sheer speed. a lot of g... |
AstronomySuns Boiling, and Black Holes Freezing…
23 Posts • 6703 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Please correct me if I'm wrong…
I think it is interesting to note that although Suns boil matter, and the effect is often that you would separate substances until you have purer substances (i... |
Sexual PsychologyAsexuality
26 Posts • 8165 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
As i said it was time of civil war in 1989 in lebanon and the enemy party to the official army used to lodge in our building they took it as their center...we were evacuated from our homes...they stol... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21567 Views Religion Forum |
love thy neighbor as thyself
All the great religious leaders taught this, one way or another.
If you follow this teaching, then you can love Arabs and Jews and Buddists as yourself and understan... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29210 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
" The history of the region shows that they had been at war with others under the French (etc) long before we became involved; "
And the Koreans had been oppressed by the Chinese, then the... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16007 Views Religion Forum |
What I see is a dog eat dog world. Sides preaching the word of their idol and defending it with fear. In my eyes; the attacking individual or group and the Muslim are equally to blame. If theres one m... |
Biologyweight loss? magical pill?
1 Posts • 4257 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ppar-delta a protein part of the animal genome, influnces many aspects of the metabolic process and muscle structures of a living catalyist. For our body has two types of muscle structures; fast-twitc... |
Mental IllnessI am not exactly sure why I am writing here
9 Posts • 3340 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't think I am really able to explain what exactly is happening. But sometimes I just tend to write down what I think. I just write whatever is running a marathon through my little useless mi... |
2 Posts • 2476 Views Philosophy Forum |
Isn't it great when things just fall into place? I wonder if its possible to accelerate your thoughts. I'm sure I've gotten further. How do we show or express this freedom? And where?... |
Reasons why I love being on this Site.
16 Posts • 4358 Views Talk Talk |
I liked being here because of the great fun there used to be here. The topics had a huge range. There was many mnay useres on at any given time and we could be in the chat room we once had and talk ab... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25222 Views Talk Talk |
Destroy All Humans -
i love this game. its sort of like GTA in some ways, but totally different in others. its got a cheesey look to it on purpose but the gameplay is great. the game is massive too... |
Intimacypercentage of women who swallow during oral sex
36 Posts • 146864 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Sorry Mr. Pink, I want my daughters to grow-up to enjoy sex. I'm tired of having this stupid puritanical discussion with Americans. Sex is for men AND women, and so is the enjoyment of it. I woul... |
Tell me somthing good that happen to you recently.
21 Posts • 6335 Views Talk Talk |
Taz, are you having alone time right now? You started this post because your "baby left"...
Thought, yes she left but I still not alone. Which is fine, because I wouldn't want it any... |
JudaismRabbis Will Defy Law on Circumcision Ritual
0 Posts • 477 Views Religion Forum |
There is one keyword you have left out of the list:
Accord ing to Hitchens in his book
God is not Great, this Rabbi not only flouts the law by sucking child cock, he has already caus... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17744 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think the whole soulmates thing is overblown- people find a suitible match and go ofdf to be happy- I think there are many matches for a person you need to find a personality type not look for that... |
5 Posts • 2959 Views Talk Talk |
This is a great question and you are asking the right question...where do you work...maybe they are not paying you what your worth...Napolean Hill "I bargined with life for a penny and it deliver... |