Life & DeathWhere did 'mid-life crisis' come from?
7 Posts • 4100 Views Philosophy Forum |
Marshall McLuhan 'The High Priest of Pop-Culture' in the mid twentieth century was the first to announce the existence of the 'global village' and to express that 'we become what we behold'. McLuhan s... |
12 Posts • 3999 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Speaking of great Brad Pitt characters... did you ever see Kalifornia? Brad Pitt's Early character was classic!... and that's what made me fall in love with Juliette Lewis' acting.
Y... |
General HealthHealth Tips
12 Posts • 6318 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
"We all know meditation is great, but if you get to a certain level, without a really really good instructor you can actually damage your health."
In what ways can meditation damage your... |
Random QuestionsWhat is your current occupation versus....
16 Posts • 6853 Views Talk Talk |
Gosh, Awakening, you make me sound like a student sent from above*lol* . Yeah, my English teachers did their job of repeating the same grammar over and over (while I read ahead in order to learn somet... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20693 Views Philosophy Forum |
Interesting. However, I'm more inclined to believe that the fact that the question exists, and that such a question seems to be deeply rooted in the human psyche that cries out for an answer, tha... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousKeeping Up Appearances
4 Posts • 3394 Views Psychology Forum |
Wow this is exactly how I feel sometimes...everyone loves me because I'm funny and I'm pretty great person, but underneath it all I have a fucked up life!!! I got help because I was tired of... |
112 Posts • 27057 Views Talk Talk |
Speaking of soda.....
Has any one else noticed the down fall of the once great staple known a s LIME CRUSH? Lime Crush is like a devine beverage it is awesome good stuff!. Well any way- in my area... |
258 Posts • 67439 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Start this off with something sweet
God did right with your beauty
All these things that we have done
All the pain, the want, and thoughts.
Lying in the hole you dug.
With a smile i... |
Immortal Technique
13 Posts • 7946 Views Talk Talk |
this is some of the funniest dhit i have ever heard
well it gets pertty good right before the second chorous. and i like his uses of the word "fuck".
this guy is not very smart. *lol... |
Music ReviewTop 8 reasons why Superman's Bryan Singer should be beaten
0 Posts • 1916 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
We are permitted to dissagree with you Ambition, and you've only made like 2 points to suggest it as such a movie while spending the rest defending yourself.
In particular, the homage point, w... |
GovernmentSecurity Council members deny meeting Kerry
13 Posts • 3588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ahhhhhhhhh Lefty,
In other words you're saying that when I, a republican, say anything that shows what a dipshit kerry is the same way that you and the other libbys say what a dipshit bush is... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25014 Views Psychology Forum |
i have a dream. this one in my hand.
"went to school. saw my 7th grade math class. kid with glasses. teacher's name mrs harris"
i wrote that in ohio. i went to seventh grade in flori... |
War & TerrorismNuclear threat
2 Posts • 2286 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You're absolutely right, Jim. If we continue to tolerate the criminal actions of Iran and North Korea, we will inevitably pay the greatest price, that is, the complete and utter devestation of th... |
70 Posts • 22681 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
We have an understanding in our house. I'll listen to my children's music, if they listen to mine.
Because of this, I've been learning **couphforcedcouph* to like New Found Glory, Su... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20511 Views Psychology Forum |
this thread sort of went all over the place.
dibs - your response is actually what i was expecting from people originally, ive been surprized at how much thought has gone in to it though.
summ... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11632 Views Religion Forum |
He made an assumption and attempted to use that assumption as validity. This entire time I have tried to get him to discuss this and he has refused.
Im not being an ass hole by telling someone how... |
Why do boys fall in love with girls ?
15 Posts • 68186 Views Talk Talk |
I know that most guys I have come across, have the same inclination as me toward girls... we want to have sex with them.
That alone is enough to make a man jump through firey hoops to achieve his g... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15224 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I happen to agree with OKcitykid, I really question that today's society claims larger & healthier children? I heard it said that you are what you eat, having consumed all the preservatives i... |
4 wheel drive
7 Posts • 5892 Views Talk Talk |
It is very true that people should know their limitations when they have technology such as 4WD, and AWD.
The technology of AWD however, does provide better traction at the tires that are slipping... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64074 Views Religion Forum |
Do you all remember the Star the 3 kings followed to Jesus birth place?
Well could this star actually be a UFO?
Fire, light and other mea... |
Ethics & MoralityEvil
19 Posts • 6458 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would actually agree with most about what you say about me; except on the matter of happiness. I believe that there is true happiness, although I do not know its true definition (and quite frankly,... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainSingle mental move, or combo?
4 Posts • 2778 Views Psychology Forum |
Sometimes recognising the key words used is of great value, and looking at each, one by one, can help you remember the sentence.
I guess the method to me was to achieve each word first, then move... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
20 December 2012
M33: Triangulum Galaxy
Image Credit & Copyright: Robert Gendler, Subaru Telescope (NAOJ)
Image data: Subaru Telescope, Robert Gendler, Brigham Young University Obs., Johann... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29896 Views Philosophy Forum |
Time is a way of measuring change. For example, the expression "time weathers mountains" means that yes, technically its the wind, but that they are not timeless (ie changeless).
We often... |
BooksNarnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
14 Posts • 3895 Views Talk Talk |
i thought it was a great flick. im a huge fan of mythological creatures, so just seeing minotuars, centuars, cyclops, mermaids, giants ect. all in one movie was a big enough treat for me. the books we... |