What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16282 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
"Your Heart Is An Empty Room"
Burn it down till the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue
Home's face: how it... |
Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11718 Views Religion Forum |
my pagan group brown druids pagan group doesnt worship satan and say if god is real we are still beleivers in everything he has created
heres everything u need to no about blue mages... |
PoetryPlease check my poems out
1 Posts • 2789 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i just want someone to rate these. these arent my best but just some of my poems that i wrote and posted at the evil myspace
i like haikus
but others can suffice
outbreak :title
outbreak on... |
Physics & CosmologyOrigin of space
12 Posts • 7524 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I cannot see the air with light traveling through it just the matter that is lit up, light from the sun travels across vacuos void space, so how dark would the void be that the light from the sun trav... |
EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9651 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't think I'll do that awake,
You see as an American I have a right to free speech, even if you don't like what I say. Guess you didn't know that HuH?
From what you just... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19111 Views Religion Forum |
If evolution is the only view of life, then there is little reason to look back to an ancient culture for wisdom and insight. According to evolutionary theory, everything old is primitive. If, on the... |
Poetrymy poem
12 Posts • 4716 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
There's a difference between 'a little negative feedback' and telling someone that his first poem is crap. I think if I hadn't received good feedback on my first poem or two, I mig... |
JokesClean fun...
24 Posts • 8936 Views Jokes & Games |
The Difference Between Boys & Girls!
Two babies were sitting in their cribs, when one baby shouted to the other, "Are you a little girl or a little boy?"
"I don't know,&... |
Something you always wanted to do in public
28 Posts • 6566 Views Talk Talk |
Yeah, lol, that's right awakened.
I have to admit, though, although I'm afraid of public judgement and humiliation, sometimes I'll just have a bout of total disregard of judgement. Mm... |
Your Pet Peves
15 Posts • 8405 Views Talk Talk |
My co-worker just asked me if I ever get mad? She seems to think I'm the most laid back person that nothing never irks me.
Some of my pet peves:
Two in one-shampoo & conditioners.
I... |
RecipesHealthy: Buckwheat, Banana & Vanilla Protein Pancakes
5 Posts • 5663 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
So I tried out the recipe - with some variations as I didn't have a few of the exact ingredients. Instead of buckwheat flour I used wholewheat flour; instead of almond milk I used skim milk and I... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132028 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'd like to clarify what I think of this movement a little more. I completely agree that human breeding is out of control and I think it's destroying the planet. Because of this, I also thin... |
SocietyBig highway accident occurs on I-80
10 Posts • 5773 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i have lived here for 18 years, and i believe you are referring to the Catacombs. Old Town is a great place, especially for us college folk. |
Reality & MetaphysicsIs nothing something?
51 Posts • 24814 Views Philosophy Forum |
nothing--*confused* i really don't know-probably it's something which is void of everything. it's kind of near the meaning of emptiness though not quiite empty.it's just nothing bu... |
the person above me
299 Posts • 49915 Views Talk Talk |
has done me a great injustice. My cynicism is mainly sarcastic, I will only be impolite to someone if I can think of a (in my opinion) humourous (yes it is spelt that way I'm British) way of doin... |
Nicolas Cage
12 Posts • 4357 Views Talk Talk |
I'm a fan....
One of my all time favorite movies is Wild at Heart with him and laura dern...........Great Movie. |
Make money????
4 Posts • 3409 Views Jokes & Games |
its a cult, disguised as a type of business lol.
ive never done those things, but if they were so great im pretty sure more people would know about and utilize them. |
Men are like.....
10 Posts • 4770 Views Jokes & Games |
Wyote why does this affend you when there are so many jokes out there about blondes, women, etc. It is just a joke so take it that way.
Em I thought they were really great. LMFAO*lol* |
Comin Home!
11 Posts • 2922 Views Talk Talk |
... and stuffing, mashers, gravy, cranberries... and of course pumpkin pie!
That's great news bmx. Warm fuzzies. |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15988 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A great daily show clip.
http://www.prisonplan et.com/articles/may2005/070505 perspective.htm |
13 Posts • 3974 Views Talk Talk |
At 32 girl, you need to get busy and hatch a few more on your own. Grandchildren (and greats) are great, but nothing compares to your own babies. Congratulations. |
Captain Cynic Seminar
10 Posts • 3712 Views Jokes & Games |
That sounds like a great idea. I wonder what it would take; there are a lot of people here that live on different continents. what about a video conference as an alternative; if it can't be done. |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers II (YouTube)
110 Posts • 23484 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I'll see it, the Spider-man movies have so far been great, and it looks like the writers have found thier groove with that series. That'll be awesome. |
6 Posts • 4184 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i was hoping it would be scarier,,,,,,the movie sucked but Halle Berry did great acting*roll* |
9 Posts • 4013 Views Talk Talk |
These are great... I love the plural of Moose is Meese. I say that all the time. And houses should definaly be Hice |