God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42426 Views Religion Forum |
One thing the Atheist Cannot Figure Out.
Respectfully speaking, of course.
It is really simple. It is self-awareness. The awareness that I exist. The awareness that I exist includes my awareness... |
Religion & HumanityThe Disease of Religious Fundamentalism
19 Posts • 6744 Views Religion Forum |
Religion is the belief in things that cannot be proven.
Spirits or unseen forces and energies are proven to exist. So I disagree, things that haven't been fully pieced together or completely... |
Society10 Years After Apartheid, South Africa in a Crisis
4 Posts • 56557 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
[Crime is absolutely out of control in South Africa and even worse than has been reported. The statistics are mind-boggling. The South African murder rate is ten times that of the US. And what's... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40751 Views Psychology Forum |
God, I just lost 30 minutes of typing. Okay, here it goes again:
When I made my original post I had a very specific subject in mind. That subject is SOCIAL ENGINEERING.
You're probably sayi... |
hi my names chopped liver
17 Posts • 5435 Views Talk Talk |
I couldn't agree more 35 ft lemon it is difficult. Men are literal in most cases where as women aren't. They don't literally say lets make out well in most cases *lol* I can't say... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62343 Views Jokes & Games |
There was this businessman who was getting ready to go on a long business
trip. He knew his wife was a flirtatious sort, so he thought he'd try to
get her something to keep her occupied while... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13766 Views Religion Forum |
First I wrote so little and to me it seemed you pulled it out of context and misunderstood everything I wrote. Right or wrong its what I felt. I feel you read a little too much into it and... |
62 Posts • 22009 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Authoritarian governments, like Marco's of the Phillipines or the shaw (sp) of Iran? "
Yes, if they're ignorant, it is most likely because they do not have access to varied news... |
9 Posts • 4153 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It's hard to talk... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122968 Views Religion Forum |
sleepingwraith said:so im guessing weve all settled on the fact that we know nothing and no matter what we say we will get no where...Most might say yes to this, but I would say no.
More times tha... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122968 Views Religion Forum |
I can't get to everything at once but I want to address this great question at least...
what it is that you are concluding to have faith in exactly, your belief in the impossibility of nothing... |
Big Bang or A Stretch of His Imagination
4 Posts • 2447 Views Talk Talk |
The teacher
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It... |
10 Posts • 4330 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Ok trying to curb bias, being a bit of an artist of various forms I happen to be a big Brad fan, no he's not the all around best actor, but as one person put it the most soulful, there is extreme... |
ChristianityPaul - The 13th apostle who never met Jesus Condemns Homosexuality
4 Posts • 3509 Views Religion Forum |
Paul was a Roman officer whose job it was to hunt down Christians and slay them or arrest and imprison them.
No Paul was a roman citizen of Jewish blood who especially asked the Jewish authorities... |
BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12156 Views Talk Talk |
i am never fullfilled with what i do, thats what keeps me going on, till i find that peak orgasm. finding fullfilment in a glimpse of an eye or a snap of a finger seems to me too fantastical...art nee... |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16757 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Don't worry that is a super hot topic but all I'll say about you personally is that you should keep an open mind, thats a pessimistic view, wary, cautious, which is respectable, however like... |
Physics & CosmologyLunacy & Science
17 Posts • 7453 Views Science & Technology Forum |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N uclear_fusion
A better way to teach this subject is from the stand point of Chemistry & the Periodic Table. The reason being that the system of filling electron orbi... |
GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12506 Views Philosophy Forum |
I do not believe that Jesus is the son of God any moreso than we all are. I believe Jesus was a wise man, educated well, and should be congradulated for combining his energy with the talents he learnt... |
Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6523 Views Religion Forum |
What is "wrong"? What is "right"? What religion is right and which is wrong? According to most religions every other religion is wrong. So, which is right if there is b... |
I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7732 Views Talk Talk |
don't give me that shit--you and i both know that intentionally killing someone and intentionally letting them die are essentially the same thing. the only difference between the two is that the... |
Kahlil Gibran Discussion on one writing of his pro favor? (No it is not in espanol)
17 Posts • 9432 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is a man I have studied for many years. Now if you do not know him...you might know of his book of the Prophet. Very interesting book to say the very least and VERY easy read. It just takes your... |
Emotions & FeelingsGUILT - is it a correct emotion?
9 Posts • 4984 Views Psychology Forum |
Guilt. Guilt has been something that has played a large, large part in my life. It's something that is a bane in my existence because I've grown up in an environment where quilt was used ver... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43987 Views Religion Forum |
The idealogy only has changed the past 10 or so years...either changing the founding fathers quotes, or misrepresenting them.
"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not u... |
SocietyExcerpt: From a wife and a mother and AN ANGRY MARINE
6 Posts • 3102 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Iron wood do you agree with that video from that Military wife? Institute a draft? Why don't you start by Drafting the Illegal Immigrants first. If they have a right to be here then they should b... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
Here's another question, is the 7 deadly sins only a catholic thing? I'm not too sure on that at the moment, so if someone could let me know.
If not, what sins do the christians no of as... |