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Tagged > Great blue hole
THREAD 8/11: Amnesty Intellectual
1 Posts • 2682 Views
Talk Talk
In pictures President Bush looks very relaxed at his Crawford ranch, while the people of the United States and the rest of the World are frightened and confused: what's going to happen next? How...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43985 Views
Religion Forum
'I worked in a bank, and was told I was NOT allowed to say Merry Christmas...only Season's Greetings... Tell me my rights were not trampled... BUT DID I listen...NO! I said what I wanted, it is...
THREAD War & TerrorismI'm Angry At Our Country - I'm Very Angr
4 Posts • 3855 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Today is the 60th Anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb, and I am angry, I am very angry. And I will say what I have to say, and I don't care who I offend and I certainly won't apologize. I j...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34212 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Wow really. Your ranking up on the recent list of exceptionally special people I'm suddenly running into. You can't offend me, you annoy the crap out of me when you avoid actually conversin...
THREAD God in ReligionIf you cannot love an ET god
5 Posts • 3475 Views
Religion Forum
If you cannot love an eternal torment god For the first 500 years after Christ, universalism was the prevailing doctrine believed and taught by the Christian church. These online books also expla...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34664 Views
Psychology Forum
Hate, what you are correct about is that Decius is correct, what is unfortunate is that you don't understand what he is saying, even though you are expressing agreement and thanks. Stroking hi...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7312 Views
Religion Forum
Where do I even begin... Could you get me a link for the Milton Friedman quote? I read the entire Wikipedia on him and, from what I've gathered, it doesn't seem like something he'd s...
THREAD Does baked-in bias (ideology) always win?
8 Posts • 2932 Views
Philosophy Forum
Does baked-in bias (ideology) always win? Let's examine one of the most perplexing and potentially dangerous problems that the world now faces. Nuclear proliferation is high on the priority list...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityNotes on Ethics
1 Posts • 2468 Views
Philosophy Forum
I bought and read a book on moral relativism. The protagonists of the debate resemble two people who, though travelling in opposite directions, have fallen into the same pit. Both views are expressed...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8403 Views
Psychology Forum
What differentiates AW from a bully to you? To me, a bully is someone who habitually does what they do. That is, seeks out people who they see as weaker than themselves and acts aggressively towar...
27 Posts • 9963 Views
Religion Forum
This has suddenly evolved into a huge discussion and will probably take weeks probably before anyone come's too anything close to agreeing. I've got little time to answer much now, but I...
THREAD PerceptionInsecurity
15 Posts • 4700 Views
Psychology Forum
I just feel like I need to get some things off of my chest and vent my frustration and anger. So here it goes. When I was as young as 6 years old, I cared a lot about my body and had developed feel...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34664 Views
Psychology Forum
No worries sir, I have by no means reached perfection, but I have found the truest path to happiness, and I KNOW it. I would allow for the possibility that it is my own path, because that is always...
THREAD SocietyProphecy
30 Posts • 16472 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
261. Prophecy (10/14/04) Early this year, an article in World Journal caught my eye. The topic was: "Big prophecy for 2004". I am not a superstitious man. But five pictures with the artic...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum ission.html http://911buste This has been a quiet thread since post Nov. 2 '04, it probably shouldn't be. On Sept. 9 2004, there was held a citi...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21990 Views
Religion Forum
The Quanum zero effect does nothing of the kind. Science continues to examine and describe the universe around us. Things dtill fall off trees and you still cannot walk into walls Your going to sit...
THREAD EconomyWhat can we do to improve international relationships with the USA?
7 Posts • 2916 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Excerpt: British believe Bush is more dangerous than Kim Jong-il · US allies think Washington threat to world peace · Only Bin Laden feared more in United Kingdom Julian Glover London Guardia...
THREAD ConspiracyMeteor attack and Pope’s resignation.
1 Posts • 3865 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
759. Meteor attack and Pope’s resignation. (2/18/2013) 9 days ago, in #758, I said, “The Feds used to send out a warning to intimidate people if they felt being offended.” That I...
THREAD GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12651 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Al Qaeda was a small operation without a large following or a real popular cause - when we went to war. We gave them a popular cause and a large following, as they've almost doubled in size...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainTransitional Documentation.
2 Posts • 2341 Views
Psychology Forum
Thursday June 11th, 2:30 AM Why collect something that you can't remember collecting? I don't see much of a reason to do that. I guess I should do something about not remembering. I'...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33950 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Bush embraces the belief that American values, that is, rule of law, democracy and freedom are greater then all others. Is that fascism?" But why are these exclusively American value...
THREAD AstronomyMartian saltwater announcement
10 Posts • 5176 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I dont know why, but my instincts tell me that theres a huge secret about our past hidden behind the vail of prehistory that will reveal fanstastic revelations about our past and where we came from. A...
THREAD Life & DeathMy Theory on Life
8 Posts • 3642 Views
Philosophy Forum
before you read, their is more that I did not put in here. A lot more. If I didn't explain some parts clearly, its mainly the wording. Play with the theories in your own mind. it r...
THREAD Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90770 Views
Psychology Forum
17. They killed President Kennedy After I found I became the murder target of law enforcement agency, I visited D.A.'s office, DEA, FBI, Federal attorney's office.... .But they denied any...
THREAD BiologyChimps - are they really that close to us?
13 Posts • 4383 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I appreciate your reply leftwood but you seem to have strayed away from the topic that i put forward regarding our bias towards chimps being very close to us. You seem to have gone into a somewhat phi...
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