IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17038 Views Religion Forum |
"But these regimes are universally considered despotic, at least today. When you say "Christian" it is almost universally understood to include Catholics and Orthodox. When you challeng... |
StoriesAn All-American Man Having an All-American Experience
1 Posts • 2339 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
An All-American Man Having an All-American Experience
a short story by Wolf Larsen
The pains in his lower abdomen area had been going on for months when Mark decided he finally had to do something... |
Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7038 Views Religion Forum |
If anyone cares to know what i think, ill tell ya what religion really is, it was designed for the weak minded. I mean if u look at it from afar i find it obvious to see that all it is is a collection... |
ConsciousnessThe prince
7 Posts • 5661 Views Philosophy Forum |
his influence inwards, being influential and influenceing with a countenance or a demeanor. Clout is the portrayal of self affect, repersentitive of the self. Portrayal is what is exampled in the bein... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8820 Views Religion Forum |
This is what I found on the Bahai religion.
However, Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i religion, the successor of the Bab, and the most recent manifestation, is the one who shou... |
ChristianityRevelation X111 by Ephraim
3 Posts • 2773 Views Religion Forum |
To anyone searching for a logical answer to Bible Prophecy, this letter is for You.
I would like to make a couple things very clear before I begin. These are interpretations from a Christian persp... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5466 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Good lord, where to start.
First and foremost, education, clearing up theories over facts. Exposing people to "alternative" ideas, reality, history and what have you without subjection to... |
SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10986 Views Religion Forum |
I don't prescribe to either theory, I know that I have know idea and so make no claims.
Let me ask you this real quick, what purpose could the idea of an everlasting soul possibly serve, what... |
Creative MusingsExcercise: An Interpretation of Hayden's "Those Winter Sundays"
3 Posts • 14255 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I am going to attempt to re-aquaint myself with my brain :p and evaluate this poem through different filters. In this case I am interpreting imagery and sonics, stanza by stanza.
The reasoning behi... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22659 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Robert D. Novak:
Continuing decline of Senate reflected in confirmation politics
http://www.theunionleader. com/articles_showa.html?articl e=50614
SEN. Charles Schumer of Ne... |
15 Posts • 3823 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It is well known that liberals control the media....
I'm fairly sick and tired of this right wing left wing labeling crap.
It distracts from the reality of the situations whose importance i... |
The Crossroads
1 Posts • 3005 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I set up camp yet again. Another night's outdoor lodging preceded by what seems countless others. An unfortunate rabbit, guilty of only standing still long enough for my sling to add him to my meager... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62330 Views Jokes & Games |
There was this businessman who was getting ready to go on a long business
trip. He knew his wife was a flirtatious sort, so he thought he'd try to
get her something to keep her occupied while... |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
3 Posts • 2729 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
Wikipedia informs me that 'dittoheads' are 'faithful listeners to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh explains that these adoring fans are not necessarily tho... |
Government12 Tough Questions for George Bush
1 Posts • 3061 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
1. Please tell us more about your notion of "full sovereignty" for Iraq. Will this be like our returning Okinawan "sovereignty" to Japan in 1972, when we retained exclusive control... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7956 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
>>>>By failing to do so he only emboldened our enemies,
>>>>which lead to further terrorist attacks."
>>>This is nonesense. Terrorists are suicidal, THEY DON&... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42412 Views Religion Forum |
"We hold these truth to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and th... |
BiologyDefense, home team, defense!
1 Posts • 3346 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The cell's natural defense against HIV...
Howdy! Haven't had much time for forums these days, but this article seems relevent enough for me to make an appearance around here...
(From S... |
Dawn's Greeting
9 Posts • 3725 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Kelly awoke to a darkened room. It was warm and cheerfully decorated with printed curtains and matching wallpaper and bedcovers. There was a television and a bookshelf and by her bed a... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7774 Views Religion Forum |
Okay kiddies, now for something other than the world's most well-known and widely practiced religions. Recently, an amazing multi-media artist (and a very good friend of mine) in my area created... |
GovernmentAmerican Union
16 Posts • 6475 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
London stock trader urges move to 'amero'
Says many unaware of plan to replace dollar with N. American currency
------------------ -----------------------... |
ChristianityMITHRA! (pt. 2)
31 Posts • 9035 Views Religion Forum |
All of this is taken from a religion that predates Christianity. It would appear that maybe Christianity has some explaining to do for such blatant plagarism...
Mithra was a Persian savior. Worsh... |
30 Posts • 16470 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Explanation to (2) of "330. London bombing is a justification for coming US attack". Why I relate the rain to the framed case and London bombing. The unusual rain was used to urge the sprout... |
27 Posts • 9960 Views Religion Forum |
This has suddenly evolved into a huge discussion and will probably take weeks probably before anyone come's too anything close to agreeing. I've got little time to answer much now, but I... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107400 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Marijuana should be legal period. It has been proven to have no long term affects and is the less dangerous drug out there. Now how bad is it really? It will cause some short term memory loss but this... |