two questions
21 Posts • 8177 Views Philosophy Forum |
i'm pretty sure i agree with everything you've said, Decius. good points that make a lot of sense.
however, to me, in a way what you've said describes "what" you are. what... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Personally I only care about the verifiable facts, venomous accusations are irrelevant, unless of course they are true.
And if thats the most important part of the piece to you guys, then I'm... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122558 Views Religion Forum |
"he uses no energy, never dies, never gets old, can create what he wants when he wants, etc. this is not the definition of something existing in our universe."
But it 'might' exis... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8243 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I really can't condemn drugs altogether. I mean, I've used them myself and have had some interesting experiences with certain drugs, but I've always thought drugs were not a good thing... |
Music VideosThe 80's
22 Posts • 5722 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Nostalgia is one of my favorite things, some may think its simply a waste of time, but I'm big on perspectives. Perspectives can change over time given new revelations, including those from newly... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well,I got through the sessions of name-calling, I think (hope)? Having been invaded by Frances, we suffered a few dead & injuried but get material pocessions.
I heard about the Terrorist attack... |
258 Posts • 66946 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Most of theses days of mine
Are only spent waiting.
I wait for the sunrise.
For every other Monday.
I wait for the past.
And I wait for the truth.
I can see everything.
I have craft... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31775 Views Psychology Forum |
"Post what you think represents the archetypal cute girl for you. Not necessarily what you find hot or sexy, but more simply the type of girl you find physically beautiful and would like to go ou... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22068 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I say love is love and if two people love each other and want to live together in a equal and loving partnership that is a good thing. I personally don't like the image of two people of the same... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40413 Views Psychology Forum |
why does it matter if both parents happen to be of the same gender?
Because this is yet another form of destroying marriage. Homosexuals will not consider that their actions have a greater effect... |
BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10518 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Intellectual property includes patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.
While I do see the logic and necessity of it in a lot of cases, I'm not very enthusiastic about cases where ideas and scien... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19469 Views Religion Forum |
Ethereal, I know you think you are, but you are not answering the question.
You are giving vague statements alluding only to your decision to associate any experiences that you consider to be with... |
Life & DeathLife...
7 Posts • 3171 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok, maybe I was vague because I did not really have much to add. I prob should have started the thread off with, you are exactly correct. However there is definitely such thing as "fact" wit... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122558 Views Religion Forum |
Glad you didn't run and hide like so many.
Offhand for me and my interpretation of how the crutch term was used was not so much the classic use of dependence alone, though I can't speak f... |
Science vs ReligionThe "What if I'm Right?" Argument
0 Posts • 1274 Views Religion Forum |
I can't tell you or even begin to do what you ask.. I am not claiming that my life experiences were any better or worse than another. I had a very functional mom and dad .......They we... |
War & TerrorismTerrorism
9 Posts • 4469 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We Americans have been terrorizing (re-read your definition of terrorism) for more than a year. How far are we willing to go? Well, we 'shocked and awed' them. Is that far enough? We removed... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's correct because I personally know alot of small business owners who some are doing fine and others are not. You don't attack the IRS because your business plan failed. You build a new... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32685 Views Philosophy Forum |
Bush Sr didn't go to Baghdad. I suspect because he had seen the battlefield first hand and knew what he would be getting us into.
Bush Jr. however was unafraid to send us in harms way, because... |
258 Posts • 66946 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
No One Wants To Be Alone
so grab onto the bed post
so flash the light and tell me its ok
so fake it 'cuase your so sweet
so tell me that you love me and i'll go to sleep
so let go of... |
Life & DeathFinally a "THEORY" -any thoughts?
3 Posts • 2595 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have an evolving theory, whose growth has demanded I extrovert, an uncomfortable and often a humbling process.....
"...carpe '..."
O.k.... here's the kind of thoughts I wa... |
Science vs ReligionReligion AND Science/ Relgion OR Science
6 Posts • 3330 Views Religion Forum |
Is your point that pantheism bridges the gap between science and religion in an acceptable way? Or that this is probably the most efficient way to view both God and the universe, as a pantheist subscr... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51504 Views Philosophy Forum |
Some interesting thoughtss here...
here is a link to an ongoing reincarnation thread....
http://www.captain cynic.com/thread.php3/thrdid=1 1743-u-frmid=
I like the earlier thought that without sh... |
13 Posts • 4578 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What the hell is going on in here?
UnderDawg: If you walked around with no covering on your head, you'd be arrested and detained until the US Embassy came to save your ass and then lecture you... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12057 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We know there are good things happening in Iraq, but the fact is, roadside bombings and suicide attacks that kill scores of people happen to overshadow some other things.
So do drive by shootings... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43727 Views Religion Forum |
It is not a part of our nature it seems to admit we are wrong. You can throw on all the proof in the world and most will still deny it. We need to be careful not to be to pushy because you can push st... |