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User Thread
 31yrs • M •
Brass11 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
As my quote states, i believe that everything in the universe is all a matter of percetion.I believe that there is no such thing as a fact. Now yes, i do conform to the teachings that there are facts but if i stop and think only about reason then i cant believe that anything is certain. What are everyone elses ideas on this??

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""Everything in life... and beyond... is all a matter of perception" -Dillon O'Neal-"
 34yrs • F •
Breanne is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Well... its only fact if it's Tuesday evening!

Ok maybe not. But that would also be a matter of perception. There are endless possibilities to perception. All facts (or ideas is the better word) can be challenged, and all can have great evidence put against it. What constitutes a fact? Is it what society says is right? What makes society right?

In a sociology class I'm taking we are placing ourselves into another culture of the world. In this culture, all beliefs, all FACTS that they say are true are against what the norm of what our society teaches. These peoples' views on every aspect of life give them these facts. Thus, what they belive to be true must be their perception. Fact will vary from person to person, and of course culture of culture. We only clash when ethics are involved.

People generally have too much pride to question such things, as we all suppose that we are right. But I agree- everything is a matter of perception- and I like your thinking.

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""If the human mind were simple enough to understand, we would be too simple to understand it.""
 40yrs • M •
Lachrymologist is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Think for yourself, question authority (authority=accepted belief)
What is time without movement?

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"There is no love in fear..."
 31yrs • M •
Brass11 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I dont know what you mean Lachrymologist but i do think for myself. I made that quote. My name is Dillon.It would be better for everyone if you made your replies more coherent.

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""Everything in life... and beyond... is all a matter of perception" -Dillon O'Neal-"
 40yrs • M •
Lachrymologist is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Ok, maybe I was vague because I did not really have much to add. I prob should have started the thread off with, you are exactly correct. However there is definitely such thing as "fact" within human education, mainly in math, to an extent in the sciences. History is definitely perception, think about SOME of the people in Iraq, to them, we ARE the Nazis. Language and moreover communication definitely falls into the realm of perception and those partaking in the activity. The biggest to me is the perception of self, the only thing we ever "are", is what we imagine ourselves to be. We have never become anything, we are in a constant state of "Becoming", until the moment where consciousness itself (whatever you want to accept that to be) ceases forever. Your young, continue this, this is an extremely productive way of thinking you have very fortunately been able embrace at such a young age. Question everything everybody tells you, even this rambling, come up with your own determinations about what is right and what is wrong, what is worth it or not, what your ready to do or not ready to do, whats good or bad. That is what I mean by think for yourself, question authority, i am not even necessarily telling you to do it when i said it, maybe more describing what your doing. But remember too you have to embrace the opinions of others to question them in the first place. Think about the question though too, what is time without movement?

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"There is no love in fear..."
 39yrs • M •
Bucky is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

I failed to see where your question determining the truth of fact relates to the title... Life.
Explanation wanted if possible

To answer the part upon a fact existing. Fact is only as real as belief. Undeniably Belief is real. Likewise facts are real. The reasoning is the realm for Authors, Poets and Story tellers alike,

Truth is stranger than fiction. < proverb.

My personal view on "truth" which is byway a form of fact... is this:
The truth is what you BELIEVE it to be.
- Only "facts" to the contrary can change your belief. And only if you choose to believe the facts.

There are more facts that prove religion is false than facts to prove it is true. Yet people still believe it is true just as people believe it is not. You can try to change someones mind by showing them facts... Whether its to get someone to follow religion, or get someone to stop. But that is when faith challenges belief. Faith will keep someone in religion, where as lack of faith will change their belief.
[This is the same for everything with life.]
This is one way to explain my view.
The truth is what you believe it to be. - A fact is only a fact if it is true.
- Believing a fact is false is only denial to those who aren't willing to face the alternative.

If someone said Billy shot Ben. And true enough Billy did in 'fact' shoot Ben. What difference does believing the opposite make?

If Billy was the worlds kindest man and did everything for everyone else and nothing for himself. It would be hard to believe Billy did such a thing. Even if you seen it. For that reason you would believe anything that explained his actions and take it as truth and fact.
- "Someone slipped him a drug that causes hallucinations"
Billy goes free on a plea of temporary insanity. Everyone believes and forgets.
- Reality - Billy shot Ben because Ben forgot to say thank you. The smallest pleasure Billy accepts from life is doing things people are grateful for. Ben was grateful, why didn't he show it. Billy lost it and shot Ben. Would everyone have been so happy if they knew the real reason. - It was temporary insanity. They accept that and forgive blindly.


Billy chose one person to tell the real reason he shot Ben. The person laughed thinking he was making it up or any reason he could to change the meaning of Billy's words. Billy told other people. They laughed too. Everyone laughed. No one Believed Billy. The fact was no longer a fact, it was a lie. The collective believe it is a lie.Those people will never believe the real reason Billy shot Ben and therefore, the real reason will die with Billy. History will never tell the truth and the fact of why Billy shot Ben no longer exists.

A fact is only a fact if it is true. The truth is what you believe it to be. Belief is accepting that which you can believe - and ignoring that which you can't.

My Opinions Only and not subject to your belief. Believe it if you will, don't if you can't.


Sorry if I rambled.

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"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Ziltoid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I am ignorant, I know nothing as fact, I am intelligent, I understand all. Those who know facts are smart but understand nothing.
If you know something as fact why bother to understand at all?
Ignorance is bliss and so is life.

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