What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16277 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Staring through
The window.
As two bleed.
Unable to move.
Incapable of helping.
As a good friend
Slowly grows bitter.
Then anger grows
As she hates it.
T... |
Emotions & Feelingsregret
12 Posts • 3485 Views Psychology Forum |
I regret walking out of "SEMI-PRO." I love will ferrel and some of his movies take a while to get good, at least with in half of the movie. I should not have walked out with my friends and a... |
InventionWhat happened to solar powered cars?
8 Posts • 3827 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Maybe they think it's UGLY and nobody would want to buy an UGLY car that helps the environment. Instead of wasting time doing something good for the environment, they'd rather spend time des... |
In A Coma
15 Posts • 3775 Views Talk Talk |
if there was a chance of a good recovery no don't pull my plug but if not and i'm in horrible state don't even wait pull the plug cremate n make me in to a wreath n throw me in the ocea... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9210 Views Psychology Forum |
I see so much hurt and pain in this world. And it all seems to be caused by ourselves.
But when you listen to anyone who will be totally honest with you (even if they are good or bad.) they will t... |
AstronomyDecember 21st 2012
9 Posts • 4906 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Seeing as we're on this topic. If the Mayans are right its probably a tranistion to a 'new age'. Anyway, I'm going to put it here but could be a new topic on its own.
Indigo Chi... |
Does time really heal?
21 Posts • 8048 Views Philosophy Forum |
its a good ?
idk mayb it does mayb it doesn't
i think that time heals u'r emotions like it does u'r body. Somethings will heal just fine with time and others take months years,lifetim... |
Society & SociologyCuteness- inborn or bred?
29 Posts • 7516 Views Psychology Forum |
Young things are usualy cute - and I do believe this perception is in our DNA.
If cuteness increases survival chances then it is only because of the shallowness of humanity.
Humanity is shallow... |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15986 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya, know what ya mean, there are some admendments on the ballot. I have seen the signs vote for this or don't vote for that, so I went looking for these proposed admendments . . . not to good at... |
20 Posts • 6361 Views Talk Talk |
violence creates violence. hitting in any form is unacceptable.
yes children learn pain is not good, they also learn that pain can be used to their advantage. |
7 Posts • 4909 Views Talk Talk |
Pumpkin very very good we're getting close to the season too. But umm i would say banana cream is my fav. Sonic has great banana cream pie shake's if you get the chance (no Sonic here :( ) |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
It really comes down to bioethics. and wat form of ethic u apply. If u apply a common good ethic it seems abortion is fully supported. Whislt if u apply a justice and sanctity of life approach its per... |
4 Posts • 2876 Views Philosophy Forum |
For times and half a times i've been looking for the existence of a mind of complete wisdom....time and time again i've imputed and been rejected by even my blood relatives....but as yet i... |
Gender PsychologyGUYS: what do you look for in a girl?
12 Posts • 93901 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, for me intelligence and open mindness really count. She should be really deep and philosophical, but not all the time and like me should have a sense of humour. She should not be too conservarti... |
Looking For REAL Friends
3 Posts • 2770 Views Talk Talk |
I have friends, I just wish I didn't make a fool of myself so much. Its just little cockups that add up and I keep doing them. Very annoying and depressing, ridicule is not funny. Hopefully I... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30269 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Try reading Jean-Paul Sartre if you want insight about questioning authority. Sartre was an existentialist philosopher who's philosophies were widely read when Leary was concocting ways in which... |
The Gerson Therapy
6 Posts • 2787 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Thanks. Definetly gonna check this out. Its just that anything appearing super natural like this puts an immediate big doubt in me. Including things that have the word "science" attached to... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34662 Views Psychology Forum |
as a reply to the first post, it is fair enough that you hate women after all your experiences..but that maybe because you associated the wrong type of women for YOU..im telling you this because i hav... |
Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views Psychology Forum |
Her final reason for deciding to break up was simply that she no longer wanted to be in a long term relationship, regardless of how she felt about me.
I don't really know how I feel about just... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13843 Views Talk Talk |
Gentlemen, please!
Decius, I like the way that Cynic-Al questions everything put before him. Obviously I side with you with regard to the points you made (they were all new to me!), but his perspec... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30269 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i will have to agree with blacklocust, but what you should do is step back take out a peice of paper and write down everything that you want to see in a government, then take that paper and create a m... |
Cult films
20 Posts • 10124 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
My favourites are Clockwork Orange followed by the Matrix.
Shawshank Redemption was pretty good but it disturbed me when it wasn't supposed to.
If the main char was so smart to make... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23084 Views Religion Forum |
The pope did. But we don't follow religion like they do.
But - I did read some good news.
Seventeen towns have voted, and in almost every case secular independents and representatives of n... |
Love Vs Friendship
10 Posts • 8294 Views Talk Talk |
stella is right
only it works if you alredy know they want to be more than friends .. if they don't you just make them feel bad by doing all these nice cute little things to them ....
plus i... |
24 Posts • 6600 Views Talk Talk |
Depends on who's helping your "blindness", how and why, you may not even know, so many think that what they have seen is the light, and now everything is dark but that light they cling... |