Emotions & FeelingsMeditation vs daydreaming.
5 Posts • 4157 Views Psychology Forum |
Different things. Different purposes.
Pjames, what you describe sounds more along the lines of affirmations. Nothing wrong with that. I am no expert, but I have heard some good things about that.... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59366 Views Philosophy Forum |
i beleive mine and ethereal's conversation is important to this thread. this part particularly.
But you do not believe that there are good hands out there. Just blood thirsty hands with an e... |
2 choices...
13 Posts • 3459 Views Talk Talk |
I say at your age your pretty lucky to have two girls vying for your attention, you must be one cutie. But on the serious side dont stress out make good with both of them and remain friends with them... |
A new music artist has arrived!!
6 Posts • 3676 Views Jokes & Games |
Well by my name you can see that I listen to country. But I am also into old rock (Led Zepplin, ACDC, etc.), rap, modern rock and some jazz. I prefer not to listen to opera and the likes as it puts me... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeNothing is fact?
20 Posts • 18329 Views Philosophy Forum |
If it is true that 'nothing is fact' wouldn't that be a fact? What you are bringing up is a discussion even philosophers debate over. I think its good to keep an open mind, but don'... |
When is it OK to say "I Love You"?
20 Posts • 25961 Views Talk Talk |
Why is love ridiculous? And it would make you an ass hole because you are LYING. Liers generally are ass holes. What makes her feel good is not that you said the words but that you meant. IF you lied... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21066 Views Religion Forum |
ah you speak some wisdom but let me rectafie that, terrorists even said that they are doin ths for the good of their countries or religion, we as a comunity try to help all of humanity, their way of d... |
Is It Possible To Not Judge Someone?
20 Posts • 15897 Views Philosophy Forum |
you CAN see someone without judging them....even though that's hard you can do it....if you're impartial to everything, everywhere...then you won't judge anything you'll just take... |
When I feel pain, I....
20 Posts • 7160 Views Philosophy Forum |
wraith, i think its only really the first part of his way is bad, the latter part is a perfectly good way to deal with it. suppressing emotion when the circumstances require it is and a reasonable thi... |
Tell me somthing good that happen to you recently.
21 Posts • 6334 Views Talk Talk |
I havent been shot at for a couple days strait, thats about as good as it gets over here.
before leaving for Iraq:
Completed Navy Boot Camp
Completed CTT A school
Completed SWCC Training
only... |
My First Car Show
1 Posts • 3272 Views Talk Talk |
Hello people, I was in my first car show yesterday. It was in North Vancouver and included 4 diffrent car clubs. Mainly Nissan and Datsuns of all years.
Here are a few of the pictures from the show... |
World of Warcraft or Known as WOW !
18 Posts • 10608 Views Jokes & Games |
I play online games with some people from America I met a few years back and have tried many different ones.
I agree it is good to enter an environment that lets you interact with people you would... |
32 Posts • 12017 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree that for most of us money is just a tool that we all need. Since we don't use the trade/bartar system anymore, you help me build my barn and I'll teach your daughter to play piano, o... |
TechnologySamsung TV NIGHTMARE!
2 Posts • 2552 Views Science & Technology Forum |
That would be a good idea, except at best buy they often check the serial numbers to match.
I havent tried taking it back to Best Buy, but I would think their hands are tied since its almost been... |
TechnologyCalling All Techies
11 Posts • 3237 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Well good lighting is an important part of photography and I would honostly always recomend external lighting for inside and no lighting for daytime outside. If it gave off a bright flash when you fir... |
7 Posts • 4909 Views Talk Talk |
all pie is good pie in my book, and for your edification the rule of pie follows. Feel free to use this rule as neither I nor the person who derived it with me, claim any copyright privaleges.
The... |
JokesWork Jokes
5 Posts • 7115 Views Jokes & Games |
13 Rules For Work:
1. Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00 and then bring it to me. The challenge of a deadline is refreshing.
2. If it's really a rush job, run in and... |
how do i get a girl?
25 Posts • 7761 Views Talk Talk |
don't try to be anything or anyone you arent. if she likes you, then it should actually be you that she likes, no one else. do be confident, though. hey dude is right that she won't be confi... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40998 Views Religion Forum |
Yes, I really think the "good man" is the one who adheres to "do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you". As opposed to whatever somebody wrote in the Bible. |
songs of praise and worship and those that inspire
63 Posts • 12763 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Sometimes it feels good to be out of control!
"Out of control!" - John Reuben |
BooksNarnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
14 Posts • 3895 Views Talk Talk |
i have not read the books, but i have seen the movie and what i have heard about the book, i would have to say that the movie is as good as the book |
Rant OnMy letter to YOU.....(my little vent/rant)
9 Posts • 3271 Views Talk Talk |
I don't know if this has been done here....but I want to write a letter to someone and NOT send it......So, feel free to write anything on this post to anyone you want saying anything you want...... |
Random QuestionsCurrent Event Ideas for Oblivion.
4 Posts • 2752 Views Talk Talk |
Errm the American depression
The american dream
George bush always makes a good thing to laugh about
Rough parts of American such as PGGZY suggested "the ghetto" |
Movie ReviewStardust
0 Posts • 552 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I don't remember too much of the movie, because it was alll that great, like you said decius. The music and special effects were pretty good though, that much I did enjoy.
I think the only re... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21560 Views Religion Forum |
all things are paths to something i agree. but beliefs that are not grounded in the idea of good will and humility arent on the same path to the same god. woudl you agree?
however i do feel that ALL... |