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Tagged > Good and evil
2 Posts • 1938 Views
Talk Talk
What the hell is wrong with the human race I used to think being a good person is worth something I guess I was wrong everyday is just worse than the next god dam it, Is it just me or are people becom...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3500 Views
Psychology Forum
People's surrounding and who they're influenced by. Srry for not getting you didn't mean everyone, though i did understand it, I may not have sounded like it. I've just started s...
THREAD PoetryCheesy Poetry needed
5 Posts • 4295 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Hey everyone. This is a really random requets. I am performing in a 24 hour improv night. I have to play a gothic character who says the cheesiest, darkest poetry. I'm not very good at that sort...
THREAD SocietyI am of society and not society per say.
15 Posts • 4171 Views
Philosophy Forum
Social interaction is good, if we all work together for the benefit of all. But our human nature always has the last word. There is safety in numbers, but for those who have fear of there own safety....
THREAD GovernmentCan you believe this guy?
7 Posts • 3597 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Yeah "Don't worry about that I mean soon enough America will no longer be a superpower. " ...that's the spirit...what happened to the Americans I once knew. The ones who knew noth...
THREAD Birthday blues!
7 Posts • 2120 Views
Talk Talk
Thanks guys! I'm feeling better today, I think I was having a moment yesterday. Feeling unfulfilled and life is such a drudge, don't get me wrong my kids are great, my husband needs a good k...
THREAD Movie ReviewX-Men First Class
0 Posts • 618 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I agree, this movie was sadly forgettable, instantly. Dynamic emotion is obviously hard to produce in film, and they failed. Yes there is some emotion, but its lacking depth unfortunately undercuts...
THREAD SocietyI Think We Are Doomed
14 Posts • 3413 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hy hey calm down I was just thinking out loud but you raise some good points Obamas views and speeches are nonsense and down right stupid its ott and he is without a doubt part of the problem as with...
THREAD How to be happy?
2 Posts • 2032 Views
Talk Talk
I was just recently dumped by my gf of 2 years. I am completely shattered and i don't feel like doing anything anymore also. It so hard to let go and I feel like i cant either. I am constantly th...
THREAD What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3429 Views
Philosophy Forum
Let's start off what "Life" is. As we all know, plants came first, then the creatures showed on on planet earth. Because of this, it would be logical to assume that creatures came...
THREAD O Fortuna
5 Posts • 2253 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
When reading the above post in relation to the others, it occurred that some people may mistake what Ive said and am referring to the movie 300 when I talk about lame things looking good when O Fortun...
THREAD Italian Hanger
21 Posts • 73055 Views
Talk Talk
That's because people or most people are embarrassed to ask in person about sex positions. Another good point would be that young people would be most interested about such things. Young people a...
THREAD What is Important to you?
8 Posts • 3083 Views
Talk Talk
No, see It's been getting progessivly worse... it's been somewhat like this my whole life.. I just have more stuff to lose now I actually think its a good idea to end things early before...
THREAD God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8892 Views
Religion Forum
good point, it would seem that the problem actually lies with the fundamentalist christians, or rather, religious extreemists in general, but if you think about it, there wouldn't be any religiou...
THREAD Music That Makes You Happy!
13 Posts • 2617 Views
Talk Talk
hmm, to me, Vocal Trance makes me feel the happiest. There's just something about trance like beats coupled with a wonderful woman's voice that makes me feel relaxed www.DI.fm good site
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & Brainbrain controls the mind? or mind controls the brain?
5 Posts • 2751 Views
Psychology Forum
Another example is involuntary actions, such as breathing and blinking. If your mind (mind = thoughts, emotions, etc) controlled your brain you would have to think about breathing or blinking before d...
THREAD Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15677 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
People keep comparing two things that are completely different. Being gay is a choice, and until you give me some good evidence that it's not, it's wrong. Disabilty is something that ISN...
THREAD PoetryDust in the Wind
41 Posts • 13286 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Well not necessarily, but that is also something to consider. It is just good to break away from your conventional way of doing things from time to time. I just observed that pretty much all of these...
THREAD Don't let people tell you what to do
13 Posts • 4438 Views
Philosophy Forum
Good questions. I too had once "Turned The Inside Out" and asked the same questions. But you can't live by yourself in a cave in a mountain all by yourself. You're going to have to...
THREAD Why things are cheasy?
10 Posts • 2960 Views
Talk Talk
advertisements like that are cheesey because they are designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. they appeal to a lot of the less intelligent population, and they just hope that the more int...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77264 Views
Psychology Forum
"there is no such thing as a stupid question....however, there are a lot of inquisitive idiots" Damn that's good...lol, I'm suprised to see that my thread is still here....then...
THREAD Religion & HumanityMorals for sale
14 Posts • 4963 Views
Religion Forum
Are Morals A Good Thing? Considering that we live in a society that has based all its laws and morals on religion, lets for a moment consider that all religion was only created by man to enforce a sp...
THREAD PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10955 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Hope: a heart shaped vessel. Sometimes I hate this world. Humans are so cruel. So petty, so self absorbed. They create so much injustice so much pain and misery. I wonder how I can go on. T...
THREAD Skateboarding websites
0 Posts • 15159 Views
Talk Talk
I'm not really into the whole s8r scene, but you could try looking around at a local bookstore for popular skate mags or maybe even other mags, like music mags. Find their websites, or use maybe...
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25433 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I think that the risk of that is too small to not develop cloning further. There is much more good that can come from cloning then the bad exhibited in the argument of diseased organs. And as has been...
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