Tagged > French philosopher |
Kyo- I don't understand a word they're saying
1 Posts • 1666 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
But they are so good! This one is called Je Cours. They won some major award for this too. It's a French Rock Band. I think they played at Live 8. |
Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84757 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
MMMMmmmmm... French Vanilla Explosion.... I'd try that?!
What about Sensual Strawberry or Massive Mango or Horney Honey and Bonking Banannas |
BooksCount of Monte Cristo
5 Posts • 4509 Views Talk Talk |
I've read it in French, English, and watched the two versions of it, and it is still one of my all-time favorite stories(even though the Disney version irked me since they screwed up the plot qui... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotional Intelligence
23 Posts • 6705 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well if you say that "philosopher" isn't a box, only if you make it one, then why do you say that these different emotions that we scored high in is standardising. It only is if you mak... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10226 Views Philosophy Forum |
we are ignorant to their beliefs as they are to ours. a phliosopher's thought process is different from the norm, they search for truth, while we belive what we are told to believe. to be a philo... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10226 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm having no more troubles seeing as how we've concluded that one who has in-depth knowledge of a game who uses that in-depth knwledge in philosophical discourse about the game is a philoso... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 159976 Views Talk Talk |
ive been studying japanese for 3 1/2 years now and am planning on learning more philipino korean and eventually get around to chinese
also know the basics in spanish, french, german, and russian |
TV Show ReviewsT.V
35 Posts • 14156 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Hello, I am new on this forum. I am French. To answer the question the American emission that I adore is the jerry springers show.If not could you say to me how to make to create new a post??
goodby... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10226 Views Philosophy Forum |
The thing that made Socrates a philosopher is that he challenged people's wisdom for the love of wisdom. He might say something to the effect of: "Excuse me, sir. Don't you know a lot a... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23018 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oh, well...I see where you're coming from...I'm not a social activist...and I'm not a political activist...All your thoughts are valid for you and many others...Me, I'm just a myst... |
Philosophy and persona
6 Posts • 3175 Views Philosophy Forum |
how outgoing i am depends on the situation, i am perfectly happy to talk to a person on their own, or in a small group, but tend to take a back seat in larger conversations. i make friends easily, and... |
The Sins of the Father
1 Posts • 1556 Views Talk Talk |
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this recently and I've often wondered: how far can one one reasonably hold someone else responsible for what his ancestors or countrymen did centuries... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41983 Views Religion Forum |
Further, just because a philosopher says something doesn't make it right. Plato says an awful lot about the soul in The Phaedo, much of which begs the question. He talks about opposites deriving... |
GovernmentPresident or Monarch and Tyrants?
3 Posts • 2081 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Is that a French word...? (LngOL)
Just kidding...
Not a potential.. not a necessity... profit from your losses... you must master every situation.... roll with the punches..... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDark City/Matrix theory
22 Posts • 9606 Views Philosophy Forum |
Finding our own answer I agree is very important.... So many people point to this philosopher or that book whatever- it is great to read but I think it is important to explore these issues for yoursel... |
25 Posts • 6168 Views Talk Talk |
Part French, Part German, and a slight bit of mutt- belive me, family reunions are a blast:D |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm in southern France, but my mom's english and I'm in an international school here where they teach english literature so I think of myself as more British then I do French. |
What Flavour are you?
9 Posts • 3381 Views Jokes & Games |
If you were a flavour what would it be?
Chocolate, tangy, French Vanilla etc...
As for me I would be EXTRA CRISPY TASTY or LEMON PEPPER! |
late nights
8 Posts • 2631 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
but what i would have ended it with, would have been, set me free. that would have been totally hot. but none the less it was beautiful, and ure young, it will develop into better writing. if you read... |
Society & Sociologyeducation system
5 Posts • 3956 Views Psychology Forum |
...you are correct Decius but college is more than just a 4 year degree and a job at the end. You are an administrator to a quasi-philosophical website and you have 662 post as I see. Why not go to co... |
RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9804 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Flaws are the real perfections of people. Everyone is perfect. And that's not to say that noone is. You just have to be smart enough when you find them to realize that they are perfect for you. A... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55427 Views Philosophy Forum |
if you no longer question... and question all.... you are no longer a philosopher. yes it gets tiring, yes it gets old, but there is always more out there. at some point you figure out that few people... |
Do u play an instrument?
15 Posts • 3119 Views Talk Talk |
I play the Trombone and Euphonium and Keyboards at a Level 5.
Flute and Trumpet and Piano I could get away with a Level 3.5 with.
Tuba, French Horn, and Drums I have a basic understan... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23078 Views Religion Forum |
Ah yes, I forgot about those French and British colonizations. I definitely agree with you, DumbTeen. They ruined the futures of many regions by colonizing a people and then abandoning them in poverty... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30264 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Try reading Jean-Paul Sartre if you want insight about questioning authority. Sartre was an existentialist philosopher who's philosophies were widely read when Leary was concocting ways in which... |