Tagged > French philosopher |
Which bands did you grow up on?
9 Posts • 2671 Views Talk Talk |
What was the music that your household have when you were a kid, what did you listen to? when was the first conscient musical choice you made and what was it?
i personaly grew up on a lot of french... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah Bush is the smartest idiot to ever walk the planet. lol
How simple the world is to you.
We did not have a surplus when Clinton left office. We had a PROJECTED surplus that was fastly dwindl... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14837 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"We will build a statue for Bush," said Ali Fadel, the former provincial council chairman. "He is the symbol of freedom."
Although the French, Germans and other Leftwing and An... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10226 Views Philosophy Forum |
Any subject can have infinite depth, all things affect all things, football can become a discussion of psychology, from the minds of the players to the masses of people helping these GAME/SPORT PLAYER... |
Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10976 Views Talk Talk |
As for the peace sign.
Since I don't see many pictures of teenagers anymore, I haven't come across many ppl who use it. Nor does using some kind of sign language mean you're trying to... |
Your Pet Peves
15 Posts • 8402 Views Talk Talk |
Having to kiss people on the cheeks when I only JUST met them....( I grew up in Quebec, and all my stepmom`s friends were French).
People who try to sing along to the words of a song when the DONT... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42137 Views Religion Forum |
This is my first post here, and I don't surprise myself at all that I chose this as the first thread to reply to for the simple fact that God is probably one of the only absolute Truths I believe... |
27 Posts • 9013 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think its great that they changed french fries to freedom fries. I think it makes people more patriotic to think that there better. It seems that theres not enough patriotism in America anymore and... |
27 Posts • 9013 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Lighten up people...French Fries or Freedom Fries with lots of catchup is pretty damn good! Of course the US House of Representatives passed a dumb resolution! Isn't that why us Americans send th... |
sites about women you should check out
16 Posts • 7026 Views Talk Talk |
http://www.americanwomensuck.c om/
Arthur Schopenhauer's (famous 19th century philosopher) essay "On Women"
http://www.heretical.com/mis cella/onwomen.h... |
BooksCount of Monte Cristo
5 Posts • 4509 Views Talk Talk |
This bokk is a great read, its qiute heavy going, due to its leangth and the fact that it was originally written in french. it is about a guy who is wrongfully put in prison and then later escapes and... |
Life & DeathFinally a "THEORY" -any thoughts?
3 Posts • 2624 Views Philosophy Forum |
While Love definitely is a very strong and usually irrational emotion that is very controlling... I don't think it's necessary to be supreme.
I mean, it depends on what you are supreme in... |
StoriesA Short Story By Awakendwraith
12 Posts • 4489 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i think i have few tips for u if u want to improve ur story.i will take the example of a literary work by a fomous arab philosopher called ibn tofayl his work is called HAY IBN YAKDAN.it is from this... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42254 Views Philosophy Forum |
It was the forerunner of the UN. Except it didnt have US money and guns behind it. It was an anglo-french thing. To make things short, it was this organisation which basically surrendered to imperiali... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28621 Views Philosophy Forum |
the english language comes from the indo-european langauge. then the celts moved to englnd with that language and broke up from internal feuds (wars), then the group from france, the anglo-saxons, inv... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14837 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"French, Germans and other Leftwing....."
Such generalization and bigotry is but one of many reasons for anti-american sentiment from any source.
I can only hope that the people of Ira... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13576 Views Religion Forum |
(I'm starting to sound like a philosopher) We take a piece of truth and we role it up with a bunch of our own ideas and beliefs until sometimes the real truth is hard to find. Life takes us aroun... |
Cancer Bats - Birthing The Giant
2 Posts • 2160 Views Talk Talk |
Track Listing
1. "Golden Tanks" – 3:46
2. "French Immersion" – 3:10
3. "Grenades" – 3:51
4. "Shillelagh" – 3:19
5. "Butterscotch" â... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12719 Views Religion Forum |
Dumb Teen - what are you talkiing about? Aren't you French? You take sides with Xris or you pulling my string.
White_Bishop - We went to Afghanistan. As a matter of fact I recall we were worki... |
The Battle of Algiers
3 Posts • 3225 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I recently saw a movie called The Battle of Algiers. It was made in 1965 and goes pretty deeply into the Algerian rebellion of the 50's and 60's against the French colonists in the capital o... |
Ethics & MoralityIs there any ethical validation for inbreeding White Tigers?
3 Posts • 4757 Views Philosophy Forum |
White Tigers are not my single and only distress.
You are very obviously a "speciesist". If you don't know what that mean go and look it up, if I am not mistaken it is a term coined... |
War & TerrorismTerrorist Alert in France!
1 Posts • 2785 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
AP and UPI reported... French Government announced it raised terror alert level from "RUN" to "HIDE".
The only two higher levels in France are "SURRENDER" and "COL... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17358 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Note that those countries supportive of US, are those which are capitalist,more socialist countries are more non-supportive. "
That has little or nothing to do with it. If Spain and Poland... |
Read This
5 Posts • 3099 Views Talk Talk |
Its not degraded, a mere two generations ago, the dominant power was actively wiping out other races (as opposed to just humiliating and degrading them).
Its all relative, the French in Algeria we... |
Lower the legal drinking age to 18
5 Posts • 3946 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think chained wings has said it all, In Britain as with Australia, the drinking age is 18, but there is still a problem of underage drinking here, just at a younger age.
Though in some other Eur... |