Tagged > French philosopher |
What is philosophy?
5 Posts • 5098 Views Philosophy Forum |
every science was considered philosophy until the abstractions were taken out of them. i don't know, but saying philosophy involves no numbers or specific truths isn't very accurate. just lo... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41098 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The Submariner, definatley :D
He was amazing.
I also think that Gambit would be incredible in the movies, but from what i've heard, the most probable actor for him will be Orlando Bloom, wh... |
TV Show ReviewsT.V
35 Posts • 14156 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Family Guy mostly! I love South Park also. Best Week Ever is a good show. Umm...Friends is okay, Crossballs...I watch a lot of Law and Order too. I'm not too fond of reality shows though. Bonjour... |
Random QuestionsWhat's your favorite word?
54 Posts • 25306 Views Talk Talk |
Adjectives are my favorite words,
"le menege de cheveau debois" (merry go round " in french)
a noun I know but my fav |
Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31612 Views Psychology Forum |
Hitler was 5'8" or 5'9". Napoleon Bonaparte was 5'6.5". He was incorrectly thought* to be 5'2" because of the differences in British and French measurements at... |
What makes you Happy?
13 Posts • 3020 Views Talk Talk |
I consider myself a philosopher of sorts and a scientist.
I always have so many questions. The questions plauge me untill I find the answer. It was once tourture, Dealing with these HUGE questions.... |
120 days of Sodom or Salo ou les 120 journées de Sodome
2 Posts • 2849 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
All i know about this French film is that its baned in most contries and is extermely hard to get. I checked on amazon and they had the origional(not in the sense of first movie, rather it does not ha... |
RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9804 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
If I may rabble on about my personal feelings......
I am at peace with my self. I have delt with "not needing one now".(hard to do). I am at peace with the direction of my life. However... |
War & TerrorismAl Qaida is US puppet
24 Posts • 7577 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Funded by Pentagon.
Quote, "In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court... |
Do u play an instrument?
15 Posts • 3119 Views Talk Talk |
I play the Trombone and Euphonium and Keyboards at a Level 5.
Flute and Trumpet and Piano I could get away with a Level 3.5 with.
Tuba, French Horn, and Drums I have a basic unders... |
Weird ThingsHistorical curiosities
33 Posts • 14180 Views Talk Talk |
- It was in the French revolution in 1790 that they decided to adopt the decimal metrical system to avoid the disorders when people refeared to measures. Before that there was not a measuring system.... |
Reality & MetaphysicsPerception
5 Posts • 3310 Views Philosophy Forum |
I can look at the 'same' thing and view it entirely differently to how you 'see' it. The only 'reality' is born through change, specifically through language which decide... |
Pronunciation of Rien
6 Posts • 3884 Views Talk Talk |
could someone please tell me the DUTCH/and or FRENCH pronunciation of the name Rien?????? PLEASE...you can even email it to me...agirlsetsfire at yahoo dot com |
What's Your Favourite Food?
22 Posts • 8093 Views Talk Talk |
Favorite foods:
Donuts Cream pies, fried chicken, Pizza, Cresaunts, pancackes, Breads, mushrooms, Hamburgers, Icecream, Pastries, sandwiches, Veggie burgers, French Fries and muffins.
Best condime... |
Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10366 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm new to this forum. I have always had a general interest in philosophy and just recently I read more in depth, specifically, the lives of Socrates and Plato. Everything I found out about them... |
93 Posts • 30397 Views Philosophy Forum |
Aenigma, Kant was such a superb philosopher and aesthete (one of my favorites), but I think Socrates had a much better idea. In his "Apology" he states that "For to fear death, my frien... |
Personal philosophy bubble burst
3 Posts • 2190 Views Talk Talk |
I couldnt give any less poo about what anyone else thinks about me. I look at myself as a passive observer of the world. I thought that as long as I was happy with myself thats all that matters. Im no... |
48 Posts • 12641 Views Talk Talk |
as far as what our constitution was set up to prevent, was based on the ideas of the enlightenment philosopher, john locke "life liberty and property" or life liberty and pursuit of happines... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Hello everyone I'm new here, REALLY new. I have no idea what I'm doing, but that's okay. I ventured into this site, looking for Vanessa Paradis photos and ended up registering. My names... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41983 Views Religion Forum |
god is all knowing, therefore knew every buit of suffering that would happen
yes he did, but he also gave his only son so that ever believed in him would not die but have eternal life. To the Christi... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55427 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^exactly....but if you're speaking A truth...does that make you a philosopher?? or does that make you a person who speaks truth?......I agree with you in totality, that's why I'm going... |
Goals with philosophy
8 Posts • 3217 Views Philosophy Forum |
Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that all others are jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself. Nah just kidding b... |
Random QuestionsFirst kiss.
37 Posts • 9239 Views Talk Talk |
it sucked. i'm counting my first french kiss. i was in 8th grade and hanging out with my little boyfriend and his friend. we were hanging out by the water tower. i live in vermont so it was kind... |
Famous PhilosophersFriendship Philosopher
4 Posts • 3307 Views Philosophy Forum |
I haven't looked into contemporary philosophers who discuss friendship - do you need to be in touch with a current philosopher for the information you're seeking?
If not, then as Hypatia... |
Physics & CosmologyTime Travel possable?
9 Posts • 4347 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I tend to agree with Angel Of Death An infinte amount of alternate Realities, also if you could jump forward over then bend whats stopping you from jumping backward?
my mode of thought tends to lea... |