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Tagged > Faith
THREAD The "Void"
66 Posts • 18492 Views
Philosophy Forum
No, I am not saying that everyone is anything but rather the vast majority? Yes, Mother Teresa (sp) is a truly loving person whose compassion leaves little doubt of a lfe following the Jesus the Chris...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24188 Views
Philosophy Forum
heyjme, although i do like all the theories about the different demensions, try thinking without realising they exist. forget about 4th demension, 5th and 6th demensions. but yeah, i think i said w...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
Well said but the argument shows an obvious bias towards people of faith. I don't look at it this way. Know one knows if there is a God or an afterlife. This is a fact. I have no idea but for...
THREAD DreamsSelf Creationism
18 Posts • 7386 Views
Psychology Forum
I thought up something much like this. Suppose we are a dream of some one in another dimention, he controls every thing we do, everything we things, all things having to do with us that we think we co...
THREAD ChristianityVirtue and Duty
1 Posts • 2308 Views
Religion Forum
What is the meaning of the failing virtuous performing their duties at, really, any holiday season? I mean the love is for the judgment that It shall end: irregardless of any nature of life or self-de...
THREAD ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3162 Views
Religion Forum
Hey Tazzlyn, no problem healthy debate is always a positive step. For the first question, as I said the ultimate decision is of course made by God. But having read the Bible I think there is suffi...
THREAD BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11861 Views
Talk Talk
HOW MUCH OF THIS NOVEL IS TRUE? The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction. While the book's characters and their actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, doc...
THREAD Creative MusingsFaith we have to lie and deny to get by
4 Posts • 3174 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
All I Ever Wanted To Break Only fate, along with whatever faith in inevitability made it easy not to test me. Only that enemy....and not whatever belief makes any of us eager to be more than the...
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25068 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Ha. That was the "truth." That religion is being forced on you, its already been imposed. Its already being forced. So you cant say that you wont have anything forced on you, because it a...
THREAD Writing AdviceCan I get an opinion?
4 Posts • 3361 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I haven't done a poem in a while, so I sort of forced this one out of me just so I could write a poem. I am afraid that it might have screwed up what I was getting across. If you can o this fo...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views
Religion Forum
I have Faith in Mankind! Don't you believe that just by praying you aren't really gonna change much. Well, now after 9-11 the president sent off the military into Afghanistan because they w...
THREAD ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3162 Views
Religion Forum
Well, the way I see it the biggest problem with beliefs is when those beliefs become a need. My beliefs are not a need. To provide an example of what they are: would you say that you need to believe i...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22273 Views
Religion Forum
There is a hostility between believers and non believers. But I believe this all stems from having a closed mind. There are believers who believe they have the truth and have to teach us, while there...
THREAD televangelist-faith "healer"- Peter Popoff....liar and fake
5 Posts • 5689 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
A famous (or perhaps we should say "infamous" ) preacher you may have heard of is Peter Popoff. In the early 1980's he was pulling in over 4 million dollars a year deceiving thousands....
THREAD Religion & Humanitypray for me
29 Posts • 8443 Views
Religion Forum
Hi I graduated from high school last year. The best way I can discribe my faith is by saying that I'm a born agian cristian. While it's not a matter of life and death, the reason im writing...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 41512 Views
Religion Forum
But why is believing this more important then simply living the life Jesus asked us to. Christians don't live the life Jesus asked them to do! Believe with the works giving evidence of your faith...
THREAD God in Religionwhy is there no God
4 Posts • 2555 Views
Religion Forum
oh well let play devils advocate. Literally. 1 they believe science has explained away god. some 'expert' has said this and so they believe it. (surprising conclusion given the number of...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 66294 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Please Don't Tell Me Its The Same Old Shit this world is killing me again this world is taking my faith i know that i can over whelm i know the words you say aren't always what you...
THREAD Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10447 Views
Religion Forum
whats up brother! its not that jesus finished our sins, it is that he died for our sins , and payed the ultimate price sacrificing his life for us to be given salvation. just before he died jesus said...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
"Crimson, If the Creator created all things (gave them form) then HE must be all-powerful, etc." Although you might think that, it is untrue! Or at the very least when any entity other then...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 11973 Views
Religion Forum
I find your answer to be arrogant and condescending to name but two negative words I can think of, you don't even try to see another's perspective, you insult peoples believes and say they h...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 23842 Views
Religion Forum
Now, however, evil is removed on a spiritual level and so the style of battle has changed to that of calm prayer rather then bloodshed. I appreciate that you believe this ---------------------- -...
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 11882 Views
Religion Forum
I am not a prophet, you are right;truly you know more than I. I live alone. Sometimes I am good and sometimes I am bad. A man whom took 25 years of his life to learn the truth was interpreted into a l...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21309 Views
Religion Forum
okcitykid said:But " because I do want to clear false notions" Who are you calling false?I'm not calling anyone false in particular here. I'm just making a generality. If someo...
THREAD ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 20864 Views
Religion Forum
I guess faith is probably the underlying motive behind my thoughts as well...a subconscious way of seeking out the spirtual through unusual ideas and theories...and it is quite possible there actually...
  35    36    37    38    39    40    41    42    43  
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