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Tagged > Dead body
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33444 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Jacker, you are entirely missing our point. We aren't saying that body scanners can not provide a sense of security, as far as preventing things onto planes. If anybody ever said that body sca...
THREAD Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14976 Views
Psychology Forum
But what is freaky is that they still wear heels and constricting clothing even when it hurts. Just like women in the Victorian era worse corsets. You'd think people would made the connection tha...
THREAD What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6585 Views
Philosophy Forum
We know for certain when we die that our bodies perish. Unless we freeze them - maybe. And that's food for thought isn't it? Another way of thinking of this is to do experiments. The only...
THREAD ChemistryBaking Soda Uses
5 Posts • 19967 Views
Science & Technology Forum
These are from The Daring Book for Girls, which also has a list of uses for vinegar. Baking soda + water = toothpaste Baking soda + half-dead campfire = no fire Baking soda + water + bee stin...
THREAD Game Reviews!!
10 Posts • 3730 Views
Talk Talk
Halo, Halo 2 Great graphics, good story line, lots and lots of killing. You need quick wits and a trigger finger! (Great games but to easy) 9.9 Never winter knights Online RPG game. Lots o...
THREAD SocietyYour Veiw on Society
6 Posts • 3419 Views
Philosophy Forum
As a whole, I don't like society. Stupid, ignorant, controlled zombies. the few that are exempt from this are the few free thinkers out there who reason their way into a decision or a thought....
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 10041 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes ironwood you must have the idea of enlightened beings aloof sitting on a throne, with no emotions or with very little emotions. like if having emotions and concerns is the proof that something is...
THREAD Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5989 Views
Philosophy Forum
I would like to clarify one thing, In my mind when i think of child i think of someone 6 and under. I think children when they hit around 7-8 become fully independent thinkers that have full control o...
THREAD Random QuestionsRandom Questions
32 Posts • 15110 Views
Talk Talk
What is in your CD player right now? BOB MARLEY- a tribute (big up 2 someone else who said that.. sorry...) What is under your bed? simpsons mosaic puzzle i never got around to finishing... and dus...
THREAD communication
4 Posts • 2993 Views
Philosophy Forum
When i think of new ideas and what not, i often ponder up experiements that require 0 human interaction... however that is impossible. if you put two living "things" on the same planet, they...
93 Posts • 30374 Views
Philosophy Forum
On reincarnation. I think it would be possible to have reincarnation even if the number of souls is limited. When there is less humans then souls, then you're soul is in stasis, which is essenti...
THREAD Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27320 Views
Philosophy Forum
your body had nothing to do with your conclusion. go back to highschool and learn how to write a paragraph. the things that you said had nothing to do with you being better than me, the only yhting th...
THREAD i broke up with my 7 years boyfriend
5 Posts • 4446 Views
Talk Talk
Well, some people take up drinking as a hobby... of course, that's not my style. You've just woken up to the fact that he was insensative? Or did you think he would 'change'? A...
THREAD ChristianityAdam...?
43 Posts • 11217 Views
Religion Forum
An appendix blocks the waste from entiring your body!..lmao but as for Adam?...we "males" are all adam...and all females are Eve....and creationism is the same as evolution, because somet...
THREAD Riddles & PuzzlesBuddhist riddles/interesting philosophies
65 Posts • 41289 Views
Philosophy Forum
but it is not truelly ur self that bends but your mind. For techically nothing can live with out the mind but the mind can live with out the body. Also death can not exist with out life but life can e...
THREAD HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12198 Views
Science & Technology Forum
For the past ten years, I've been looking at the evidence given for the aquatic ape theory to determine whether it's accurate, honest, and makes sense in terms of evolutionary theory. Sadly,...
THREAD Prediction from the Material Universe
1 Posts • 1731 Views
Philosophy Forum
The material Universe is predictable, whereas the Universes of the soul and spirit are not... The soul and spirit do play an important role in their involvement with material prediction... This is d...
THREAD How Do I Tell Him I Need A Break?
9 Posts • 8470 Views
Talk Talk
I agree with squatteam. Sex is not love. It is an expression of love; a menner of being closer to someone (or simply detached pleasure, for those who enjoy that sort of thing). A "break"...
THREAD Why is Philosophy like General Motors?
4 Posts • 2518 Views
Philosophy Forum
First, there is emotion, then comes feeling, then comes consciousness of feeling. There is no evidence that we are conscious of all our feelings, in fact evidence indicates that we are not conscious o...
THREAD Definition of Cool
4 Posts • 2893 Views
Talk Talk
Jack Nicholson is cool. That is an undisputed fact. I think people are cool when they naturally stand out in a crowd for some reason. None of that trying to be different crap. Someone who is relaxe...
THREAD FuturologyPreparing for the worst....
4 Posts • 7530 Views
Philosophy Forum
Living in the country is the safest place. Cities will be deadly. Buy some inexpensive property on a dead end street. Slowly get to know your neighbors, make a large green house, get some goats. learn...
THREAD Hugh Dillon Returns!
1 Posts • 3341 Views
Jokes & Games
Hugh Dillon is back with a new band and a new album. The High Cost of Low Living is the debut release of The Hugh Dillon Redemption Choir. Check out the bands site at TheHDRC.com Purchase the al...
THREAD Italian Hanger
21 Posts • 73042 Views
Talk Talk
The Italian Hanger is a sexual position between male and female partner. The female either lies with her back on a surface (like a bed) or is held by the male. The female's lower body is suspende...
THREAD LawEvolution vs Creationism
19 Posts • 6401 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Actually creationism is completely logical Mr. T how is creationism logical? I bet you believe life is fixed and unchanging and is best understood in a linear Scala Naturas CrypticTruth get...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70924 Views
Psychology Forum
ok...im a chubby girl myself....i understand that bigger women want to look and feel sexy,how ever....this does not mean squeezing yourself into something that doesnt fit you....if you a 16 wear a 16...
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