Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8404 Views Psychology Forum |
What you say about me wanting to see AW as innocent is because I like him. And I don't want to think badly of him. I also don't want to see ppl fight. I know I'm being naive when I say... |
Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7823 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wow that was long...
Look short term vs Long term.
Short term is more the now. Lots of money, power and effort can fix a problem now. Having a military is now power, Shooting a criminal on the spo... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22665 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Robert D. Novak:
Continuing decline of Senate reflected in confirmation politics
http://www.theunionleader. com/articles_showa.html?articl e=50614
SEN. Charles Schumer of Ne... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7018 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
CHAPTER SEVEN – Revealing hidden truths
My angel of mystery sat on the ancient Wilmington chalk figure for hours, meditating and chanting in some strange language unknown to me. I felt sure that it... |
AstronomyMartian saltwater announcement
10 Posts • 5176 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I dont know why, but my instincts tell me that theres a huge secret about our past hidden behind the vail of prehistory that will reveal fanstastic revelations about our past and where we came from. A... |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
3 Posts • 2730 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
Wikipedia informs me that 'dittoheads' are 'faithful listeners to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh explains that these adoring fans are not necessarily tho... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
Saying, 'It's ok to be gay,' is not the same as the media saying, 'It will make you friends if you smoke.' Just because something is ok doesn't make it popular, as I'm sure you're well aware. The trut... |
ChristianityChristianity is dead, now what ?
23 Posts • 7416 Views Religion Forum |
I agree with you 100% on every point.
1) We will only survive through co-operation
2) Co-operation is achieved through empathy and compassion
3) Freedoms must be universal, segregation... |
SocietyA One World Struggle
1 Posts • 2174 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stop Chemtrails, Or I Will Call the People of Serbia to the Streets (Video)
In this remarkable video from Serbia (English transcript is below), Nikola Aleksic, Director of the Ecological Movement o... |
What a Difference 4yrs Makes
2 Posts • 2567 Views Talk Talk |
Mainstream Media sources have repeatedly asserted that UN Weapons inspectors were kicked out of Iraq. EXTRA the magazine published by FAIR every month has provided an excellent comparison of coverage... |
War & TerrorismUday Hussien
5 Posts • 11277 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The oldest son of Saddam was one chillingly sick disgusting pup.
Uday was born in 1964, the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac, which means he ought to be "energetic, excitable, short-te... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
And as long as I sit here with long poems at my disposal, I recently had to do a public speaking thing in class, a poetry presentation. Due to the fact that we are currently reading Chaucer's Can... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7958 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Boy you love to write a lot...lol
>>When they see countless tyrants being aided by
>>>westerners who do little more than secure an area for
>>>their own interests, which... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43988 Views Religion Forum |
'Yes you have a right (in most states) to prohibit solicitation and if JW's violate your demands they can be held legally accountable. But without such a sign you do not have that right.'
Are... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
i of course, anticipated the inability of most
to benefit from the implications of the "bells" i did ring
it tones for thee of course...
someone said that patriotism is the last refu... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views Philosophy Forum |
By saying it is the best system, that sort of encourages people to do nothing to improve it, doesn't it? Why do you work? You work to get money, to buy things? Alright then, so what is money? Pap... |
Astral Travel/ Projection
10 Posts • 5569 Views Philosophy Forum |
O.B.E. (astral projection)
Recent events have affected all of us but the death of a friend has drawn out the feelings of helplessness. As we observed his passing, the desire to comfort and to be com... |
Jim Colyer in Alaska
1 Posts • 2372 Views Talk Talk |
I flew to Minneapolis on September 8, 2006, changed planes and flew on to Anchorage, Alaska. I flew Northwest Airlines, using Expedia.com. Roundtrip fare was $731.80. It was inches and feet. Things cl... |
War & TerrorismA Unique Perspective
3 Posts • 2720 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yiftach, Yotam, Yuval and Assam are all eighteen. They are all secular Jews who go to the same school in Jerusalem. Next year they will all begin their national service... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views Religion Forum |
Probably not
Yes or no. These were the options given to me.
You have refused to answer, by your own account, you are a coward who holds the most damnable of posistions.
And since you refused to say... |
BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 7020 Views Science & Technology Forum |
an interesting article I found:
Scans of Monks' Brains Show Meditation Alters Structure, Functioning -- SCIENCE JOURNAL By SHARON BEGLEY - November 5, 2004
All of the Dalai Lama's gues... |
Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4193 Views Psychology Forum |
Although one difference between me and you is that I have experienced being "the popular one". I had certain abilities such as the ability to dance and was also attractive when I was younger... |
Dawn's Greeting
9 Posts • 3725 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The time pod materialised in the garden of Kelly's house. It was teatime and Kelly could see the flickering of the TV through the patio doors and her mum getting the dinner ready throu... |
Locked Out
1 Posts • 2773 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
After a long hiatus, I'm back! Here's my latest work!
Locked Out
(The scene takes place in a deserted parking lot. BRYCE, 23, is standing outside his car. He is angrily talking on his... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90777 Views Psychology Forum |
61. Resignation of FBI chief
About in early April, 2000, when I was still in panic mood of Thailand event, I read a news from a Chinese newspaper that FBI director Freeh would resign from his post,... |