81 Posts • 21664 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid said:I don't understand this. If I had never heard the story of Jesus I would believe in eternal life in the hereafter. Even knowing about Jesus, even if I had no evidence I would still beli... |
War & TerrorismThe Israel Palestine Debate
2 Posts • 2426 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Let's hear your views.
This is an opportunity to speak openly and boldly on an issue that epitomizes many key concerns of mine personally.
It is widely known, to one degree or another, and... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6582 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
LEFTWOOD: Your opinion regarding that "frame of mind" I can only accept. I had not dared to say it because it is always unpleasant and indecent to criticise some stranger for things you may... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views Talk Talk |
"ok Metal Giant, here are some attempts at answering the genuine questions you have raised"
Well thank you Wyote. At last, someone with spunk.
"bullshit ranting and attention gra... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
"However, you understand my point well, just because some one claims to be something does not make it so!"
And you miss my point completely. When you question a definition MAKE IT CLEAR. IE... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21298 Views Psychology Forum |
this is genius. ive been searching for something like this for so long. it almost seems like a more in depth journal. i have a couple questions and im lazy and i hope u dont mind the fact that i only... |
15 Posts • 4690 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Russian Submarine Leningrad
Inside the renegade, things could not have been better. They had won two conflicts now, the Black Lila and Marylyn Monroe. Morale in the crew was immeasurable, and... |
What truths would a wise person pursue?
5 Posts • 2853 Views Philosophy Forum |
What truths would a wise person pursue?
The book Beyond Alienation by Ernest Becker attempts to clarify the nature of the human problem and to provide a solution for this problem. If humanity is to... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
Angelfire: "You must find support for you supposition that God is necessary, rather then (as Strongclad pointed out) starting with the assumption (or unargued knowledge) that God must exist. &quo... |
DreamsAn experience of the paranormal?
2 Posts • 2723 Views Psychology Forum |
I was going to post this on the "What probably is = what is fallacy" thread, but I didn't want to take too much away from the focus of the topic because I feel as though I am going off... |
Life & DeathSocial existance, life and friends.
24 Posts • 5641 Views Philosophy Forum |
Laying it on the line, i have ASD and have been described as what is commonly known as a high-functioning autistic. However, i have also been said to have the following; borderline personality complex... |
Dawn's Greeting
9 Posts • 3728 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The time pod lit up like a camera flash when it made the jump into space, Kelly hadn't been expecting it and screamed at the shock. Sharra span around and placed a hand of comfort on... |
Cesspool of our youth
14 Posts • 4666 Views Philosophy Forum |
I had this posted on a different site...but hardly any replies. Hopefully I'll get some here.
What do you get when an old friend shows up in town with a full bag of zooms? A fucked up night of... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13848 Views Talk Talk |
For those who argue against sparing pain, suffering, and death of non human animals, it would appear your main arguments consist of...
1. Everyone, or most everyone, does it and always have.
2.... |
Creative MusingsFar from above, just separate like any reservations held in fear
10 Posts • 3456 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
From A Pale Of Lights Below
I shy away from that upturned glare, afraid to be seen as coming down from above with all sorts of tablets and law...but I miss that glow I used to know, the shining... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64074 Views Religion Forum |
HA HA HA..... It is pretty funny when it happens though!
DumbTeen wrote:
"True, we are different. But it seems (at least to me) that parts of us are so animal like to think we are different i... |
The Human Race
5 Posts • 4066 Views Philosophy Forum |
" From the way we masticate, which is strikingly similar that of an animal (and logically so)"
Well sure, we chew like cows.
"I find it somewhat amazing that the majority of us is n... |
HinduismSexism within Hinduism
6 Posts • 16365 Views Religion Forum |
Ravenclaw stated , "Hinduism is also the source of other misguided ideas, including flying saucers (I'm being serious here) and proliferating rats. "
I do not know where you got the... |
8/11: Amnesty Intellectual
1 Posts • 2683 Views Talk Talk |
In pictures President Bush looks very relaxed at his Crawford ranch, while the people of the United States and the rest of the World are frightened and confused: what's going to happen next? How... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 10019 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I've heard this before
and I see this is also a old post
I freely Admit that I fell hook line and sinker for the WMD campaign on Iraq. I was younger and trusted my governmen... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
Seekers of God
Do Not be Discouraged
It seems that many of us human beings are too timid, or else too arrogant, to honestly and forthrightly seek their God. It is sometimes difficult, and sometime... |
Mental IllnessAusberb's Syndrome
6 Posts • 3892 Views Psychology Forum |
I can relate to a lot of this. The love of bright colours (especially green to purples) and techno, (also classical). The ability to recall obscure facts. (One of my friends was surpassed today that I... |
30 Posts • 9565 Views Talk Talk |
Hey metalgiant, I too respect your opinions and like them because your intent is good; but I still think you're stance could be better directed.
I wrote a reply but I got logged off it took m... |
ConspiracyTom Coburn and The Franklin Cover Up
12 Posts • 23541 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It just keeps getting deeper:
Ted Gunderson Speech to Congressional Hearing on Child Protection 3/13/04
by Ted L. Gunderson <ted@tedgunderson.com>
http://educate-yourself.org/tg /childprotec... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34215 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wow really. Your ranking up on the recent list of exceptionally special people I'm suddenly running into.
You can't offend me, you annoy the crap out of me when you avoid actually conversin... |