God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
I have trouble thinking an all good God would decide it was right to make us suffer for our ancestor's mistakes.
Dumbteen - I agree. I think this who original sin thing was crafted up by men... |
God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7422 Views Religion Forum |
"good point. I can feel something wrong with that argument, but i can't seem to articulate it. it's a hard concept to get one's mind around to start with, and that makes it hard to... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29210 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How do you explain the fact that now that China is capitalist, it is the second greatest power in the world?Is the main land of China truly capitalist? Yes in order for China to access the western mar... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views Religion Forum |
I knew this guy where I used to work - we would talk every morning. One morning he told me of something he had just learned. Mars is warming up, he told me, and they don' know how or why, they su... |
Ethics & MoralityWhat is the Association of Efficiency with Morality?
12 Posts • 3668 Views Philosophy Forum |
What is the Association of Efficiency with Morality?
The principle of efficiency is an important concept that we hear about primarily when we hear that 'the market is efficient'. I think that in te... |
ElectionsWes Clark For President
6 Posts • 3746 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Why, because he served in the military and knows the real cost of war. Some say he is not a good candidate because he has eagerly supported presidents in the past in their poor decision making. But if... |
Reality & MetaphysicsMaterial Body's Importance: Right or Wrong
17 Posts • 7373 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not sure if I completely understand what you're saying here, but it seems to me that you're not placing any value on your life now. I don't believe in God, which I know is goin... |
Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16980 Views Philosophy Forum |
Angel, I do not think you cease to exist if there is no time in the future, past, or present. What I do think is that each individual point in time is connected with a point in space. Time for a thoug... |
48 Posts • 12653 Views Talk Talk |
So why isn't society held more accountable for lying, because its hard to prove right, well, what do you think is going to happen, when in the very near future perhaps, lies will be easily detect... |
Sexual PsychologyFemale Sexuality
0 Posts • 1077 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Having studied gender for 6 years in school, and roughly for about 12 years since, I can say that this is an uneducated, misandrous and very biased assessment of 'traditional' gender roles.... |
Alan's Philosophies
17 Posts • 7160 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hye, since this is a philosophy thread, I figured I'd actually post something on philosophy. I consider myself a Christian Existentialist, which to most people is contradictory, but whatever.... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23036 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I think it depends on the religion. What some religions see as human forgivable mistakes, others see as sin."
Now you are more getting into semantics, a forgivable mistake is exactly a w... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59356 Views Philosophy Forum |
ok truth sitting and thinking is fun.. but too much of anything is bad.. you couldn't live if all you did was sit and think.. you have to eat, sleep, etc... If that is the case, then I suppose I... |
26 Posts • 5048 Views Talk Talk |
Hey thelivingend the skulls can only be found on legendary and there is only one skull that can be found on any difficulty.
and... well heres a description of were some of them are.
Cairo station:... |
God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20538 Views Religion Forum |
Very correct. If you are a Christian knowing God is not enough. You must know that all other Gods are false. However, you must also remember that although it seems like all religions believe their God... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thx thank you for sharing that example, I worked in a doctors office for a long time almost three years
I got along with the Doctors and we were all chummy, but I had wrote a research paper on the... |
Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views Psychology Forum |
As one naturally inclined to cynicism it is probably only fitting that the end of a three year relationship was brought about by the fact that I was too "good" a boyfriend. My ex made the de... |
Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8033 Views Religion Forum |
It behoves us not to say, and it does us credit to deny, that God has been dealt death-blow, and that atheism is the only 'rational' position available. I prefer to say that if God no longer casts a s... |
Human Nature & EmotionMeaning of Life: Love?
11 Posts • 3844 Views Philosophy Forum |
Im calling upon the aid of RestlessMind here real quick. If something like this has already been posted, please tell me and provide me with a link.
That being said, i shall now get to my point. I w... |
A Little Bit of Everything
6 Posts • 2866 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hmm intresting, but the human mind, an extrondinary tool materialistically and spritually.. It can either be generated
spantanious perspective good or bad. But my point is if people
can... |
Keeping Up - My Cell to Your Cell
5 Posts • 2327 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Butterfly Effect is an interesting addition to this idea, and I think that part of the idea is that each cell keeps up with everything else around, and thus doing, it keeps up with the whole Unive... |
BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11637 Views Science & Technology Forum |
You have to understand that the instinctive traits of other animals are unique to their specific evolved state, and their environmental context. Every species evolves to adapt to their environment in... |
i need opinion please on a story
7 Posts • 2878 Views Talk Talk |
Remember fire is symbolic, archetypal, of transition. Usually destructive transition, complex (usually organic) structures are broken down in dead, homogenous, ash. On the other hand it can also repre... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
Well I believe that god is Everything. Every particle, cell, event, the strong and weak nuclear forces, gravity, the electromagnetic force, every chain of event that starts as a star exploding to the... |
MIchael Jackson
0 Posts • 7487 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Leave the poor guy alone. He gets enough ridicule as it is from every1 else.....does it make u feel better to put someone down? I have watched a few interviews on Michael Jackson and to me, he seems l... |