Life isn't easy for the people who are not cared for. Seek them out in the biggest of crowds and care for them yourself. No one else will. - last_song
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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14477 Views
Religion Forum
I think it's because we don't follow the Bible is why people are so messed up. They don't understand the Bible and they haven't studied it so they can't properly say what is r...
THREAD God in ReligionKeeping God in the Pledge
30 Posts • 8393 Views
Religion Forum
What do you think? Should God stay in the pledge? Personaly I think so, this county was founded on it. Now all these people want to change everything we stand for because they immigrate over here an...
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12110 Views
Religion Forum
Draw what you will ou of this 1) It is having a relationship with your imagination that accesses you to God. 2) Some people understand; some people understand when guided; some people do not und...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views
Psychology Forum
The Bible says love your neighbour and it says God hates sin. This does not mean God hates certain people but rather He hates certain actions of people. If you can only see people for what they do not...
THREAD PerceptionI Find Myself Here
20 Posts • 7369 Views
Psychology Forum
Even I find myself getting frustrated at the ignorance of my peers. It's all a part of growing up and maturing faster than the people around you. Everyone tells me it will be different after high...
THREAD To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7375 Views
Philosophy Forum
Thanks for the understanding, Awakening. I've never been sure about marriage or kids. Neither appealed to me. When I tell people this, I get surprised looks. I felt pressured at one time (by p...
THREAD $5000 a bullet
2 Posts • 3190 Views
Talk Talk
Just remember that guns don't kill people, people kill people. If we were to teach better gun safety and better gun control to our children then we would not have half the problems. Also i...
THREAD GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7211 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What do I say to that quote? Nothing - I have no idea who said it, his intelligence level, his motive etc. People say stupid things all the time. Some people even say evil things like America is t...
THREAD A new theory about why world peace won't happen
12 Posts • 3293 Views
Talk Talk
"i think perhaps people do wish to change and better theirselves at first but then they see how their ideas could help others and then start preaching it, or complaining, then just neglect their...
THREAD FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7052 Views
Philosophy Forum
"How does one motivate people to be moral in an age where it is so easy to be immoral?" Easy and hard are defined by what you are conditioned to. Since we were raised to believe that self...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrunken
27 Posts • 10379 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Any situation where you are not in complete control over yourself is a potentially harmful one. Both to you and those around you. Drink responsibly. And at home. It's drunk people who run over...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49767 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I've slowed down again, but I'm still at a breakneck pace as two days close to another year off the calender paper flutters to the floor about my feet I'm smiling as my hands fly ove...
THREAD Random QuestionsAm I an asshole/bad person?
4 Posts • 3722 Views
Talk Talk
Whoa! I think you are being wayyy too harsh on yourself. There isn't a person here who hasn't been insecure about something in their lifetime. We've lied to avoid any sort of confro...
THREAD Sex & Lawsex age
27 Posts • 16419 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Yeah I am one of the many people in my year at school who have had sex and yet, i somehow regret doing it at 16. There is no meaning to it. However, in the UK at least, sex education is focused on a...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50311 Views
Religion Forum
And those are who choose their own morals are non-religious! you really don't get it, most non-religious people hence 1-1.5 billion people aren't extremists. Instead of making such a ridicul...
THREAD I would like an opinion on this letter
9 Posts • 3328 Views
Talk Talk
If this letter was sent to you, What would you think about the guy sending it? First thing first. Merry Christmas and a happy new year shelly. Okay i'm a nut case, ya think? if you haven't re...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views
Psychology Forum
It's all about ladder theory. Good looking guys are going to break a lot of hearts as is good looking girls simply because people want to be with them. I mean girls are just attracted to power...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismScared to be atheist
22 Posts • 6313 Views
Religion Forum
Because they think god might be mad at them. Seriously would even the most hard core sceptic stake their life on the non existence of big foot, the yetty or the lock ness monster? Just because you...
93 Posts • 30411 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok I'm not that all that smart about this stuff but I think people have to go through some sort of trial. The people who have been a bad person become spirits and mourn it the world watching thei...
THREAD InventionFree Energy
6 Posts • 2989 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Thank you IronWood! A very interesting & informative video.Of course the video leaves alot to guess work but I had to wonder at why these apparatus were not in general useage? #1Jim Griggs Eng...
THREAD InventionThe Water Powered Generator
6 Posts • 3476 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I'm not sure if this idea has appeared before, however... Basically, I think I have found the idea behind the Water-Powered Generator, or Engine, or whatever you want to call it... The main func...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70950 Views
Psychology Forum
I absolutly agree with you rancidkitty.:) I know some larger women who are very beautiful, and I know some who are not. I know some smaller people who are beautiful, I know some who are not. The T...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12269 Views
Religion Forum
You might be interested in Hopi tradition. They speak of a people they call the ant people. The ant people warned them of a pending flood and sealed them up in a log until the flood was over. The ant...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsI don't understand, at least look
6 Posts • 2724 Views
Psychology Forum
I think interpreting the real feelings and honesty in other people, is something we all try to deal with every single day. I believe that a lot of people appear to put up a certain facade and image...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67439 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
4/19/10 4:00 pm edge computer lab sinking in and shuting up. zoning in on coward's cries. "to each his own" i'd like to say, "that's not my way" a few...
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