I'm not sure if this idea has appeared before, however...
Basically, I think I have found the idea behind the Water-Powered Generator, or Engine, or whatever you want to call it...
The main functioning of the Generator depends on an interesting quality of water... You may know this but never put two and two together... I know I didn't... Not in this way...
The quality of water I'm talking about (sorry don't know the technical term for it) is that when water gets cold it expands, whereas everything else (or just about everything else, I think) tends to shrink when it gets cold... The other quality linked very closely to this is that all substances (I think it is all, anyway) tend to expand when they get hot...
Okay, so I haven't built the Generator yet... But I thought I'd share the idea anyway...
The Generator itself would combine the effects of heat and cold on substances to make movement, like the bubbling found when you heat liquids up, which can be harnessed to make something move, much like a motor or the like...
Sure I could of sat on this idea and tried to make a buck, but sharing such an important idea is worth just as much to me...
To those who decide to build a water-powered generator, good luck and good on you!