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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD God in ReligionShow me there is no God
7 Posts • 2837 Views
Religion Forum
The concept of God is a logical impossibility. Definition of God is he is all powerful, all knowing and all loving. Assumption there exists evil in the world. example the Holocaust was an undeni...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36266 Views
Religion Forum
but in this case we cant 'visit our neighbour' No, but you can read the bible before you believe it is all false. If you read thru my posts, I adamitly dissagree with the original post...
THREAD Random PicturesSuperhero Images and Art
161 Posts • 79406 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I needed a place to let out some more superhero steam, without abusing the hell out of everyones patience as well as the random pic thread, it'll be a collection thread like I see in many sites b...
THREAD ChristianityWhen jesus comes hes going to be pissed
20 Posts • 6724 Views
Religion Forum
wait a second.... that doesnt make any sense at all. isnt he forgiving. and perfect. and fucking god. ok. for one second lets pretend that the writers of the bible were intelligent. now think th...
THREAD Law & GovernmentWhat about stewardship?
4 Posts • 3325 Views
Philosophy Forum
Having said all that... I really dont have alot of optimism for it taking hold. 1. As I mentioned, the celebrities that people seem to fixate on tend to be the ones who dont think too much so the...
2 Posts • 2364 Views
Talk Talk
i know i know, the first thought is " your to young to drink beer" but my answer is "not in Germany!" One of my personal passions is dark german beer. its unfiltered, with a ha...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24290 Views
Religion Forum
You are not expressing dependance in a God, but a belief in one, there is a difference. The problem is that you have chosen a structured belief designed by man full of human faults that will indeed ca...
THREAD Who killed Marilyn Monroe?
5 Posts • 4573 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I think the reason she was killed, was because of her involment with the kenedy's. She knew to much info. I have been reading up on this topic for quit some time. And I have come acrossed a lot o...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3501 Views
Psychology Forum
well i love the world, i love life, but its hard to live in this world happily because of the presence of other annoying humans, stupid people who expect too much from you If all you did was live h...
THREAD Serial KillersTed Bundy
5 Posts • 9293 Views
Psychology Forum
I applaud Mr. Ted. He may have been hurting and killing people but, he did what he enjoyed and did not let anyone stop him( until he got caught). To Egregious I completely agree with your last stateme...
THREAD Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9959 Views
Psychology Forum
In fact, my frustration with closed minded people stems from my belief that they are fully able to exceed that. This is why you cannot empathize with them. Instead you should consider the possibili...
THREAD Do chicks like guys with huge muscles?
41 Posts • 37921 Views
Talk Talk
Well i respect jims admiration and respect for body building. I started training when i was around 15 years old, and yes it is true that body building requires alot of self-involvement. But u get so m...
THREAD FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11504 Views
Philosophy Forum
No, it says that the force of the big bang may have played a role, as it would have affected which atoms go where, at what speed, and combine with which other partcles. "people who put faith i...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41009 Views
Religion Forum
I always questioned myself "Well!? isn't anyone going to do anything!? and of all the people, can't anyone do something?" If god is real...why is he making the world suffer so much...
THREAD Pro Life vs. Pro Choice
35 Posts • 15100 Views
Talk Talk
i am pro choice. in the most purest form of the definition. that means i think verybody has the right to do whatever they want. i mean that. anything. anything what so ever. if you want to kill someon...
THREAD Humankinds place
7 Posts • 2353 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think purpose is how you look at it. Many people get a cat in their house for the purpose of catching mice. But to a cat, the purpose of catching a mouse is for fun. We as humans are in a unique pos...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17395 Views
Religion Forum
"Reasonable is understanding human 'tendencies'...and human tendencies show us that humans are not going to maintain a story with exacting accuracy IF THEY DID NOT WITNESS IT and FEAR O...
THREAD Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8056 Views
Religion Forum
why does the existence of the earth have to be balanced? why does there have to be as much good as evil? has the existence of the earth been balanced. id say probably not, ive heard of suffering on...
THREAD Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7272 Views
Philosophy Forum
surely that is the same as hurting someone. although not physically, it is still harm of a sort. also why are we allowed to harm things for fun, but musnt lie to them. for a group of rules bounded on...
THREAD Should the US become the next major empire?
40 Posts • 8264 Views
Philosophy Forum
as much as i agree with the notion that america is evil, to cite that they think every citizen should hold a gun is a stretch. you can not claim control when it is options they are giving, regardless...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10462 Views
Religion Forum
I would turn into God's Dust to annoy Angel of Death. Seriously, though, I'd probably refine myself and take away any chances of ever getting tired of being "good" or getting dr...
THREAD Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14997 Views
Psychology Forum
But what is freaky is that they still wear heels and constricting clothing even when it hurts. Just like women in the Victorian era worse corsets. You'd think people would made the connection tha...
THREAD Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7825 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
im an avid anarchist, i believe that ALL political parties are wrong and rooted in lies and evil. Once individuality is taken away in secular events there is evil. i find that people projecting contro...
THREAD Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15360 Views
Philosophy Forum
We should not respect the action over the motive. The action of killing thousands of people is bad and not worthy of respect but the motive behind it may be worthy of respect
THREAD "Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
3 Posts • 2724 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm a child who has gone to church for all my life, taking intrest in religon. In the past few years i've experience videos on atheism effecting my strongly. I've come to think, what se...
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