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Pro Life vs. Pro Choice

User Thread
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Pro Life vs. Pro Choice
2 quick points, How many pro-lifers are pro war? I'm guessing a lot, because pro-life is a heavy religiously influenced opinion, not soley but very prevalent. When it comes down to it, what sense does it make to fight so hard for life when you are so willing to kill?

Notice how in this and many strong religiously inclined arguments, such as the legal prostitution, one side promotes punishment as usual, the other invests in thinking for ones self and actually making decisions, allowing for incorporation of both circumstance and common sense, even responsibility, the other, especially the specifically religious part is about taking people's rights away, even for taking their lives away both through jail time and extremist acts such as murdering abortion doctors.

Free will, freedom, rights..... myths, or just highly selective and religiously controlled?

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Indeed. It never ceases to amaze and confuse me.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 51yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that thoughtmanifest is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
From a spiritual/soul perspective (surprise surprise)... If you're one to believe that we choose our existence, at least somewhat, prior to coming here, then "pro choice" is not only the choice of the mother but the choice of the forming being as well.

And... many belief systems say that the spirit or soul of a human being doesn't actually enter the physical body until it is physically developed to a certain degree. According to the Moslem faith (as well as many alternative beliefs) the spirit enters the body at 20 weeks, when the mother starts to feel movement. So in that sense, if you abort prior to 20 weeks, you're not aborting a being or an essence, just an empty shell.

So as far as the war/capital punishment/abortion opinions not jiving, I think that if someone is pro choice, anti war and anti capital punishment means they are "pro freedom," which jives. The other (anti abortion, pro war, pro capital punishment) in my opiinion doesn't jive.

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"Love everyone, question everything and look up!"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
jive-foolish or glib talk, what do you mean when you say jive?

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 51yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that thoughtmanifest is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
jive, mesh, match, they don't follow the same principle.

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"Love everyone, question everything and look up!"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ah, that's what I figured, thanks for clarifying and it would seem that I may very well agree.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 38yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Catnip48 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I am pro-life. I believe that abortion, embroyic stem cell research, the death penalty, war, and assisted suicide. The only type of murder I see justifiable is in self defense. By the way the Catholic church is suppose to be against all expect for war. But only war for holy reasons is okay.

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 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i am pro choice. in the most purest form of the definition. that means i think verybody has the right to do whatever they want. i mean that. anything. anything what so ever. if you want to kill someone. go ahead. if you want to spit on the president. go ahead. but keep in mind. i said everyone. if a large group of people want to force you through a judicial system that you will eventually, at the end of it all, find yourself bottom up with your head in a toilet and no pants on. they can. if the pres. wants to hire a big guy to shoot you befor you shoot him, he can. and if someones wants to kill an unborn fetus( keep in mind its not living) and at the same time kill a living person they can. im pro choice

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 57yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wildstang is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
since when is a unborn fetus not living. from zygot on you are dealing with a living organisim, brain or not.

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"just the facts"
 57yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wildstang is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
seems to me animals have more rights than unborn humans, just look at the results PETA has gotten.

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"just the facts"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that summit is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
exactly wildstang- from zygote it is living.
if someones wants to kill an unborn fetus( keep in mind its not living)...they can

killing an an unborn fetus? absolute depravity!! A very malicious action. A Fetus is a living organism. Any cell is living.

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"The summit is just a halfway point"
[  Edited by summit at   ]
 49yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that jennyabs is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
personally i am pro choice. coincidentaly i am not deeply religious. i do have a faith in God, but do not attend curch services, or do any bible study. if the fundamental message of religion, all religions, is to love, accept, and forgive your neighbor, then we as a human race should all get along. unfortunately ego and power get in the way. i am not niave, just sick of bull shit. wasn't itSen. Mc Cain from Az. who publically spoke against abortion, then turned around to support his daughters choice to have one. if you want to see a connection to pro life and religion, you also have to add hypocrite to that link.

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 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
thank you jenny. and fine, you tree huging hippy. here, its ok to kill something if it has never been aware of its own existence is that better.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that summit is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
its ok to kill something if it has never been aware of its own existence is that better

yes its better- but still incorrect. A fetus is living! as I said before its not right to kill a fetus

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"The summit is just a halfway point"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Abortion is an easy issue to solve. How do you explain to a cannibal that what he is doing is wrong. Simple you ask, "how would you like to be eaten?" So for those who are pro choice how would you like it if you were aborted.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
Pro Life vs. Pro Choice
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