Can't we just hold it?
6 Posts • 2601 Views Philosophy Forum |
Our educational system is designed around the basic premise that the students will accept what is told to them and that this acceptance is very important for their future welfare and for the welfare o... |
ChristianityThe Bible's Allusions to Violence
0 Posts • 1755 Views Religion Forum |
Qur'an:9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."
KILL the disbelievers.... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
All actions done have a good and bad consequence. Now if there is more good then bad being done than that would be considered a good thing and vice versa for bad. Now for example I murder someone. Now... |
7 Posts • 2387 Views Talk Talk |
Endlessfeed I know what you are talking about. I have recently been feeling like this but it is true that this "time" of my life is especially hard. I graduated from highschool not to long a... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43059 Views Religion Forum |
Homosexuality only satisfies on an individual level. Because they cannot have children they owe no responsibility to anyone but themselves.
how would it be anymore selfish thenloving a woman your a... |
Governmentopinions on democracy PLEASE!
23 Posts • 15839 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
haha...very apt here.
Evolution, evolution.
If you wish to be absolute, everyone is wrong. However, if there is meaning to this life then it must be in accomplishing some g... |
Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4193 Views Psychology Forum |
Shared experiences does require similar perceptions. Finding a common ground with people you feel like you can't connect to is tough. I had a friend during high school who I couldn't get alo... |
A new theory about why world peace won't happen
12 Posts • 3293 Views Talk Talk |
The very idea of world peace is one of the most clichéd concepts, and not just on captaincynic. It is an "ultimate goal" many strive for, externally as well as internally. As Decius pointed... |
Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8941 Views Philosophy Forum |
Very nice. I like your reply.
Only one more question for you, then I'll post some of my own views and hopefully generate more discussion...
Is the only reason we must hold people accountab... |
Sooo Long....Much Tooo Long
5 Posts • 3014 Views Talk Talk |
Hey, I have coh, and i'm gonna get it restarted here soon, how long have you had it, whats your highest lvl character and most used currently character, ya give me their names so I can look for y... |
Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15802 Views Religion Forum |
i hope i never live to see the day god is law.
It will only happen in Heaven and if you wish you do not have to be there.
look at all the power the church is regaining... and now they want power... |
FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11504 Views Philosophy Forum |
There's a theory out there that basically asks, Why is the universe the way it is? The answer to them is, Well, if it were different, then we wouldn't be around to question it. If the Gravit... |
Physics & CosmologyThe Edge of the Universe
32 Posts • 9595 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I love the way people talk about bent space or the curvature of the universe. If the universe was infinite, its curvature could not be defined. Bent space is an experimental expression that is so abst... |
(distance) What is the end of the universe?
1 Posts • 2159 Views Philosophy Forum |
i have 2 thoughts on this question. First is that its just like a pacman game. when you reach a certain point you will go back to the beginning. my other thought is that our universe is inside of anot... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14847 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"However, the Japanese are some of the most racist and xenophobic people on the planet."
Having lived in Japan I can competently say you are indeed and ignorant and judgemental ass. Like... |
BooksCatcher in the Rye
28 Posts • 15347 Views Talk Talk |
just finished reading this book for the second time. i wasn't planning on it, but i found it on my shelf and started reading the first page, just for the hell of it--it's one of those books... |
Society & SociologyRevenge
15 Posts • 4820 Views Psychology Forum |
Wow... You guys would really go far. OK anyways I asked her if she had any recent boyfriends and her whole face turned red and she tried to change the topic. Then i went up to the guy that broke up wi... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
Even though the amount of problems the world faces is overwhelming, what else can we do but set out to change things one step at a time?
A small start is still a start. And any start at all is a p... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12251 Views Religion Forum |
I don't Hate christianity, or any other religion in the world...yet I'm not an atheist....I feel sorry for those in a relgion tho.:(
If you don't believe in God, it's easier for... |
Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19352 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok, so when it comes to clones if you are a religious person you would say no, because it wasn't made by God, it was created by man! But I did a report on this for one of my classes and this is w... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27270 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Homosexuality comes into question not based solely on society-but existence. A healthy one at that. Homosexuality is niether "healthy" or "unhealthy" solely because "it exists... |
Society & SociologyGetting along with stupid/bullheaded people
0 Posts • 6389 Views Psychology Forum |
Where is the logic. You post logic on any topic and someone seems to be able to top that logic with there logic. Its all in how someone feels or what they find on the internet. There are many things t... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40754 Views Psychology Forum |
So what you're saying is that if someone disagrees with something or does not follow every single line from the bible then they aren't Christian? Maybe you meant "not Catholic" or... |
What makes you Happy?
13 Posts • 3022 Views Talk Talk |
finding smart, intelligent people makes me happy, along with good conversations and good music. and ironically smoking cigarettes makes me happy, i find it wierd. it makes me feel alive. there's... |
Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views Psychology Forum |
Having re-read your last two posts, Decius, I have realised my last post was unnecessary.
What you have said has great merit and importance.
But I must say, as I have contemplated this situation... |