Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
who would choose to be part of the most religiously-hated most discriminated against groups in the entire world?
Not all people are controlled by fear. Besides Christianity in its real form is a... |
ChristianityA wrong reason to go to church?
15 Posts • 10513 Views Religion Forum |
You didn't go to church for the wrong reasons. A lot of people find themselves there for many reasons. Whatever your reasons are for getting there I'm sure won't be the reason you go to... |
Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8543 Views Psychology Forum |
Tell about your own insecureities and how you think you got them and then talk about the others and help each other with them.
I just noticed one of mine.
I have a need for attention and get hur... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22168 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm confused about homosexuality. homosexuals will say they were always that way, always inclined to the same sex. if that is the case, then allow the marriage, thyre going to do it any way, and... |
Emotions & FeelingsHeartbreak and Suicide
15 Posts • 14713 Views Psychology Forum |
Its the fact that I had complete emotional devote-ment to this person. I love her. That'll never change. Its hard for me to just up and try to 'hit up' another g/f or anything like that... |
God in Religionlife, Gods doing?
8 Posts • 3035 Views Religion Forum |
Clearly there's some other motive than just merely control.
I know what you mean... the original intent may in fact could have been sincere, but I strongly believe somewhere along the line ru... |
Ailments & DiseaseWhy do people snore?
2 Posts • 2912 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Why do some people snore? My mom has a new bf and he sleeps over sometimes and he has a serious snoring problem, I don't know how my mom sleeps in the same bed as him when I can hear it all the w... |
Get Your Pack Of Lies, It Cost Somebody Their Life
5 Posts • 3397 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Bullshit - When you join the military you don't join believing you will die and thats your choice - that's crap.
People join the military for several reasons - only those who couldn'... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19203 Views Philosophy Forum |
I read with great interest this debate among you youngins as to why certain social constraints come to bear on people as they age with respect to fashion.
As one of the old folk (42), I think I sho... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Or moving to Canada *roll*
My last post still stands. Wrongdoings shouldent be Ignored, that I agree with. But people are so wrapped up in it, calling people Inbreeds and Hippies (Which OFFENDS ME... |
GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9634 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The second any of them have a bad hair day, or are grumpy they are human.
I'm pretty sure I get the idea you are trying to get across, and I would offhand say that unless you met any of these... |
DreamsWhats Happening to ME?!
23 Posts • 8368 Views Psychology Forum |
well... I think its just one of those things that happen to everyone, not many people no why and not many people bother to find out... i think it definately has something to do with the relapse of the... |
30 Posts • 10013 Views Philosophy Forum |
Regrets...Life, relationships, family, and friends. I think the most significant regret that I personally have is believing in people. Nothing or no one is ever what it/ they seem to be. I have learne... |
Society & Sociologyreality!!
22 Posts • 6964 Views Psychology Forum |
i just cant believe we keep feeding into these things. just because its on doesnt mean we have to watch it. i hate when greedy people try to see into others lives. like for ex. a car crash.. people sl... |
A Thing Called Shame
19 Posts • 5941 Views Philosophy Forum |
Very well said Attolia...
Of course I agree that people should in general mind their own business but it should not apply to all aspects of morality and people should be willing to butt in when ne... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
"Yes they are against this war but, not the USA all together. And they said if Irak attacked first they would be over there."
??? What's your point? Irak didn't attack anyone in... |
258 Posts • 67439 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i wrote this recently when i was confused
i am searching for inspiration
to help guide me through this confusion
dissalusion and perpetual movement
i am hoping for your salvation
to sto... |
Having Kids
49 Posts • 20523 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm sorry to be a little rude here, but aren't we supposed to be discussing philosophy and theories about life, not people's personal problems? I'm probably more than a little bias... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23036 Views Philosophy Forum |
Actually, I don't think there can be such a thing as a 'true' democracy, as for society to work somewhat with some amount of order, there must be somone setting the rulz etc. hmmm,but w... |
Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31619 Views Psychology Forum |
why dont you guys lay off her about this stereotyping thing--i dont think shes stereotyping anyone, shes just stating an observation.
usually people who grow up short feel inferior physically to othe... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
Tell me what Vigil has done so far that is helpful to the world. What examples has she set?
My point is that being optimistic does not actually do anything to help the world's... |
EconomyObservations of Enron
0 Posts • 470 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Honestly....does that really surprise you even in the least that such CEO's and Billionaires would do what you said? How do you think the basis of the USA whole economy? It fuck everyone and make... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I've got a question for Bush supporters. I wonder if any of you know about american complition and war crimes of our past. And if so, do you realize that from as far back as at least Regan we sti... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22667 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I believe that the answer is one in the same, CIA helped for Al-Qaeda and Osama was a CIA asset which is not a secret either, I think I even saw that mentioned on Fox, same as Saddam.
Just like CIA... |
SocietyBastardized American TV News
0 Posts • 1388 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
their is this thing in news stories called a slant. we see this all the time. they only show the parts that they want you to see. the homeless people in india, not the ones with all the first worldly... |