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Tagged > Beliefs
THREAD ChristianityConspiracry Theory
6 Posts • 3515 Views
Religion Forum
I have been following the news this winter layoff closely, particularly the attempts to completely secularize our nation's government, but also reading the garbage spewed by a certain person here, whe...
THREAD SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11613 Views
Religion Forum
Ya know what, I got a better angle. What about children in church. Your telling me tha tthey don't have blind faith? You're telling me that the church doesn't tell them to have blind f...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20369 Views
Religion Forum
"For me, it comes from my understanding upon what human life is, its value and what my responsibilities are in relation to it." I'm not going to attack the fact that you just stated...
THREAD Law & GovernmentCivilization and government
26 Posts • 7828 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think you may have misjudged my intent & beliefs, Teen. I am not against the free enterprise nor democracy. If this nations government truely served the people instead of elite minorities, I w...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57835 Views
Religion Forum
Lost another post grrrr.. *angry* Oh well .. here it goes again. "The way in which you worded your argument concerning priests and scientists led me to think that you were less inclined to...
THREAD Life & DeathIs Life Worth the Strife?
23 Posts • 7571 Views
Philosophy Forum
I've read every post in this thread so far and I believe it is you Decius who is closed minded. Wittgenstien tries to show you the flaws in your beliefs and then you just make up more bullshit th...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13565 Views
Religion Forum
One could note that the Hebrew Tradition would probably given (Christian=>Hebrew in reference to previous comment) these facts this kind of interpetation? That the Persecution of GOD's Childr...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21955 Views
Religion Forum
I am definitely not a believer in “Intelligent Design” as espoused by certain religious zealots bent on replacing evolution with creationism. God did not create Man in his own image. I...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19534 Views
Religion Forum
If you believe in ghosts (which may be an improbable truth), there is no problem whatsoever with that and you may explain and defend your right to believe in ghosts. However, this does not permit you...
THREAD Having Kids
49 Posts • 20502 Views
Philosophy Forum
hey! boo hiss, I don't agree with that at all! I am *Shock* *Horror* female and have never wanted and -trust me- will never want, children. Neither does my sister. Both my brothers on the other h...
64 Posts • 19283 Views
Philosophy Forum
"If this is not physical/sufficient evidence, how can it cloud my faith?" This depends on how much credibility you attribute to it. What legitimacy I accredit it does not affect your bel...
THREAD Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 22989 Views
Philosophy Forum
My point was god doesn't really have anything to do with religion. To believe in god is one thing, to believe in the teachings of man and the bible are another. C'mon, the bible was physi...
THREAD ChristianityClear Definition #1
0 Posts • 2363 Views
Religion Forum
carrying the belief that another person is doing something wrong. If you do not believe that someone is doing wrong then why would you bother to change them? Being intolerant is all about changing...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6141 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can an ethical statement be 'true'? Is it simply 'true' that 'thou shalt not kill' in the same way that 'the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second' is true? The latter fact is a truth concerni...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhat job Do You have
27 Posts • 7002 Views
Talk Talk
Greed, One, what's with the name? Greed? Im curious as to your beliefs about the validity of the wars your excited to join. Kind of a political question. Do you feel you are defending t...
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6689 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
We started with the Crusades and have kept it going in one form or another, under one guise or another, our attempt to clear the world of Muslims. We can almost universally agree we screwed up with th...
THREAD Societya society at eachother's throats.
18 Posts • 6520 Views
Philosophy Forum
How hard is it to NOT treat a person like shit? Could someone please tell me? Because I would really like to know the motivation behind revenge and constant self-glorification. Take down your boundrie...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24407 Views
Religion Forum
Good, I can use logic. Before, and on a different thread, you refused to accept first principles, which are the core of all logic. Now, how exactly does that make logic one of your beliefs? Please exp...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43934 Views
Religion Forum
"Even without that heritage, I would find your statement above to be very offensive. Are you trying to justify, by some estimates anywhere from 20 to 100 million men women, children, and elderly...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17028 Views
Religion Forum
The ox and mule were considered higher up in priority than women at one point in your glorious Christian society and its history, Xris. Keep it in mind. She meant to say believing too hard in the...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12201 Views
Religion Forum
I find your answer to be arrogant and condescending to name but two negative words I can think of But what of their fact or fiction? Isn't that what really matters? And what answer would that...
THREAD ChristianityDo You Want to be a Christian?
14 Posts • 3393 Views
Religion Forum
I think that first of all, it is ridiculous for a 51 year old, and a 34 year old to critisize a 15 year old's beliefs. I believe that just because you have lived a hard life, doesn't mean th...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7475 Views
Religion Forum
The supposed "differences" in methods of processing this data are not due to the differences in perception or interpretation... they are the result of different stored information that the o...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17028 Views
Religion Forum
"However, you understand my point well, just because some one claims to be something does not make it so!" And you miss my point completely. When you question a definition MAKE IT CLEAR. IE...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40675 Views
Psychology Forum
The checkered and colorful history of our planet is in some ways a quilt of religious timelines. Since the beginning of our species, man has devoted spectacular amounts of time and energy to explainin...
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