Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf |
ChristianityThe False Prophet: who and why
4 Posts • 2758 Views Religion Forum |
The False Prophet; who and why
This letter is written to all Christians interested in Bible prophecy.
Originally, it was never meant to see the light of day. It was developed from a disagreemen... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4420 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It's funny, you keep laying accusations against me. But when I look back I see that it is you that is guilty of them.
So first I'm going to get back to basics, then I might ramble.
Som... |
Music ReviewTop 8 reasons why Superman's Bryan Singer should be beaten
0 Posts • 1916 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Just if anyone's interested this is Empires review - plese don't slate me for 'siding with the critics' I appreciate some people simply believe what the critics tell them - I'... |
God in Religionwhy is there no God
4 Posts • 2606 Views Religion Forum |
there is an interesting section on the philosophy of science in the book 'introduction to robotics' by phillp john mckerrow.
Historicly, science developed in the christain civilization... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15293 Views Religion Forum |
Okay, I'm new here, and most likely wouldn't be here if I had not of been asked. Given what I have read so far clashes pretty strongly with some of my beliefs, but I won't discredit any... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62753 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: NYPD Officer Heard Building 7 Bombs
"The whole time you're hearing boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think I know an explosion when I hear it"
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Pla... |
GodA Buddhist Critique of God ( Ziporyn version)
6 Posts • 3668 Views Philosophy Forum |
Critique of God
We are a group of aspiring comparative philosophers who have organized a small informal reading group of intriguing, difficult and seminal modern philosophical texts. Right now w... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62753 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax
Mon Jan 30, 11:37 AM ET
(PRWEB) - Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, Ja... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5996 Views Philosophy Forum |
... please, if thats one of my twigs snapping, just wait till the the hole damn tree comes one day.
In dire anticipation, I assure you.
Do you not understand that humans push each other as a soc... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10892 Views Science & Technology Forum |
However, I do not agree with you on how can you get that population decreased, you should net let some disease overtake the planet, such as the 1920s flu that eliminated millions of people.
Then in... |
Are we on a 'Ship of Fools'?
3 Posts • 2398 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are we on a 'Ship of Fools'?
From Katherine Anne Porter's novel, Ship of Fools, which was a big prizewinning best-seller in 1962, the producer and director Stanley Kramer produced a powerful a... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40596 Views Religion Forum |
Conway: Life to me is rather more fullfilling and purposful than wasting my time in feebly believing in an illusion known as 'god' and 'faith'. To look at the world objectively, fe... |
War & TerrorismThe Iran War
23 Posts • 8182 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
'We are already at war,' the UN official told RAW STORY.
And we start off with a treasonous bang. A year ago mind you, they'll tell you about it once we get enough support for it.
This art... |
30 Posts • 16472 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
329. The mysterious "anti terror" exercise. London bombing (3) (7/22/05)
I leave it for people to think about by themselves the possibility that an "anti-terror exercise" took p... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27265 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
"They either get artificially insemination or use a surrogate donor or carrier. It happens all the time for straight infertile heteros just like anyone else, including homos."
-------------... |
War & TerrorismThe Zarqawi Invitation
4 Posts • 2813 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
413. Bombs do strange things. Zarqawi hoax (2) (6/15/06)
1. If US Army had the trace of Al Zarqawi, the most important thing was to capture him alive. Zarqawi is said the head of Al Qaida in Iraq.... |
Tear me apart
8 Posts • 2905 Views Psychology Forum |
As a very basic level, do you feel sexually attracted to your step-mom, or would you be satisfied at all if she took you in sexually?
My step mom is pretty I guess. It's very difficult for me... |
Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15047 Views Psychology Forum |
The origins of words are quite complex; for the woman there's an interesting post here where alternatives to woman are considered such as womyn and wom.
http://www.academinist.o... |
Life & DeathLife: Is it now? Is it then? Is it to come?
7 Posts • 3800 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Word
¡§In the beginning was the word and the word was with Jah and the word was Jah.¡¨
¡V The Bible
There are two major things we need to notice here that seems to be so open but yet... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5470 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Good lord, where to start.
First and foremost, education, clearing up theories over facts. Exposing people to "alternative" ideas, reality, history and what have you without subjection to... |
ConsciousnessThe prince
7 Posts • 5661 Views Philosophy Forum |
his influence inwards, being influential and influenceing with a countenance or a demeanor. Clout is the portrayal of self affect, repersentitive of the self. Portrayal is what is exampled in the bein... |
SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10988 Views Religion Forum |
I don't prescribe to either theory, I know that I have know idea and so make no claims.
Let me ask you this real quick, what purpose could the idea of an everlasting soul possibly serve, what... |
GovernmentInterventionism: Suicide for the American Republic
5 Posts • 3687 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Five Myths About Intervention
by Karl Kammler
Two of the most prosperous nations in the world are Sweden and Switzerland. They mind their own business and amazingly no one wants to blow up their... |
The Crossroads
1 Posts • 3005 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I set up camp yet again. Another night's outdoor lodging preceded by what seems countless others. An unfortunate rabbit, guilty of only standing still long enough for my sling to add him to my meager... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40751 Views Psychology Forum |
Saying, 'It's ok to be gay,' is not the same as the media saying, 'It will make you friends if you smoke.' Just because something is ok doesn't make it popular, as I'm sure you're well aware. The trut... |