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THREAD GovernmentThe Federal Patriot--22 October 2004
15 Posts • 4068 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Here you go lefty, Read this and think about it. It's long but a great read. Steve From Texas - always willing to help you out! Never Apologize, Never Explain From the November 1 / Nove...
THREAD The Ski Date
32 Posts • 12135 Views
Jokes & Games
10 Worst Cartoon Characters of all Time Tweety Bird You know there's a problem when every single kid roots for the "hero" to be devoured in each episode. No sense of humor. No pers...
THREAD Do you ever get tired of being the nice guy?
15 Posts • 5563 Views
Talk Talk
And what exactly is the “Nice Guy”? It has always sounded like an insult to me. Has anyone ever felt the mental whipping at the ever stinging compliment? “You're a really nice...
THREAD Freinds With Benefits, I Think Not
16 Posts • 6525 Views
Talk Talk
ok...a little off topic but you know it's ok to be wrong. A good example of someone who has tolerance towards adrenalin is an athlete. As an athlete trains he or she becomes able to calm down and...
THREAD HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12198 Views
Science & Technology Forum
For the past ten years, I've been looking at the evidence given for the aquatic ape theory to determine whether it's accurate, honest, and makes sense in terms of evolutionary theory. Sadly,...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63978 Views
Religion Forum
Firstly, I never said the message was lost. Several times even. Regardless, my point was often that the message is mired in taint. This is along the same lines as all scriptures which deviate on key...
THREAD FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13274 Views
Philosophy Forum
Quote: "Untill There is substatial evidence or absalute proof which tells me otherwise I reside by evolution being the means of creation." Even though there is zero evidence to suggest...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityIs Morality an Open and Closed Matter?
3 Posts • 3004 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is Morality an Open and Closed Matter? I suspect most of us would agree that principles of morality can and do legitimately vary from one nation to another. Within a nation would we also agree t...
THREAD ConspiracyHillary Clinton Co-Conspirator
1 Posts • 2438 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Most arguments can be made from either direction so the difference is the difference... I always believed Steven Hawkins was a haox simply becasue he was said to have first begun to communicate th...
THREAD The Living Dead...
2 Posts • 3153 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
anybody else love george romero flicks as much as i do? the first night of the living dead was, in my opinion, the greatest horror movie of all time. the first one was pretty kickass, and i actually t...
THREAD what we want
12 Posts • 3193 Views
Talk Talk
I have this delimma so to speak. My last gf (mikayla) was a nice girl. Bible thumper who by permission alone I couldn't regularly see. She is the complete opposite almost of what I want. The only...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyInescapable Human Emotion
27 Posts • 6691 Views
Psychology Forum
I'm a firm believer that they can. I feel I am living proof (not to say that you can look to my life as proof. It's all subjective from the outside. We all have our own personal truths)....
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsGags with every breath / This world brings me down / I'm looking forward to death
8 Posts • 3397 Views
Psychology Forum
In my brief thread on my depression here on CC (http://www.captaincynic.com/t hread/89022/depression.htm) I mentioned that "when I get upset about something... I get upset about everything"....
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainSeen Through One's Actions and Confirmation...
1 Posts • 1954 Views
Psychology Forum
Basically we see others and ourselves through what we have done or what we are doing. This means that our memories would work on the concept that we remember things based on their action. Contrary...
THREAD SocietyWhy Would Any Democrat Support Alito
5 Posts • 3038 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Why would Democrat support Alito? Because D.O.J. has their agents among them. 379. A crime in the name of a noble cause (1/27/06) Bush stole breads from the grocery store. When the store owner...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsWhat to do?
2 Posts • 2630 Views
Psychology Forum
Donating your body to science is not selfish; however it is unnecessary. thousands of people die everyday that can provide viable cadavers, so it would be unnecessary. it is not selfish to save your p...
THREAD War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 32641 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ha here's some more reasons... Q: Do either one of you have anything about the demonstrations in Afghanistan, which were apparently sparked by reports that there was a lack of respect by some...
THREAD The Relevance of Age?
11 Posts • 2460 Views
Talk Talk
The given person is a hypothetical; it means you could place Fred, Bob, Doris, Kate, Dick Chaney if you want. The trick of education should be to do three things: 1. educate about what is known...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63978 Views
Religion Forum
Godservant has an interesting theory - can't say I buy all of it. But angles. The bible talks about angles all the time. When you met an angle, you knew it. And when you met one, you told some...
THREAD PerceptionInferiority
7 Posts • 3401 Views
Psychology Forum
The thought I have tried to express is that animals struggle to separate between the natural emotions that come with perceiving dominance and the reality that just because something appears dominant d...
THREAD Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6670 Views
Talk Talk
Theres some interesting points you made about love Code. I can see allot of what you're saying, but I don't really agree with your final analysis. Ive experienced the infatuation kind...
THREAD ChristianityWomen and the Bible
6 Posts • 3903 Views
Religion Forum
St Paul. On Marriage, Divorce, Circumcision, and Celibacy It is well for a man not to touch a woman, but because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woma...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8390 Views
Psychology Forum
Decius, I'm not saying your way of dealing with this is wrong. As I said, I agree that if you are nice it may very well be he will blow it off. I was giving you some ideas on how to look at th...
THREAD Gender Psychologywomen's history month
1 Posts • 4359 Views
Psychology Forum
well, march is almost over, but better late than never... it is (was) women's history month. who are some of your favorite (good or bad) women in history? Agnodice - disguised herself as a...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43934 Views
Religion Forum
'Well, if you cant see the logic and reasoning behind why homosexuality isnt "right"..then thats completely absurd.' You are still using religious and personal opinion. It is not 'right'...
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