Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25057 Views Religion Forum |
DT, I am NOT talking about 911 either.
Or didn't you know Saddam's regime insisted small children wear bombs in this conflict?
Yes, before we took over the city, I watched day and nigt... |
Movie ReviewAvatar
0 Posts • 662 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I really wouldn't want to live in that world. It seems far more depressing and failed than the one we live in. Humans destroyed there world, and the Navi's only form of fulfillment is not dy... |
EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 9956 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think money is just a tool that helps us exchange goods with strangers. Your skills or the things you have may not be of any worth to someone who has what you want, this is when money can be helpful... |
War & Terrorismbin Laden is dead
1 Posts • 2450 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The most striking comment Ledeen makes is in reference to Osama bin Laden as having died in Iran late last year, echoing already long circulated accounts that bin Laden has been presumed dead for some... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12173 Views Religion Forum |
I didn't realize before that I was insulting anyone, that was not my intention. I did certainly take some of the comments as an insult to people who have faith as a whole.
Facing reality can... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39533 Views Philosophy Forum |
From what I understand, the universe is still possesses oneness and timelessness. It is consciousness entombed in a shell of three-dimensional space and linear time that creates this universe of divis... |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 88833 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
*angry* You stupid cunt. The bible prophecies are in codes. NO ONE, and i repeat- NO ONE knows what the codes actually mean. In fact, we aren't meant to know what they mean until the 7 year tribu... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16813 Views Psychology Forum |
women already rule the world......it's a woman power thing now isn't it??.....from the day eve sinned women have ruled the world because adam gave up his power to her.......we fight for wome... |
GodGod Life and Mind
41 Posts • 9848 Views Philosophy Forum |
when you think like this world (people) you only look at the worlds appearance, which is seen only my a blind man ( simple minded person) but if you look at it as if was poetry (see things not through... |
how will we be after we die
3 Posts • 2650 Views Talk Talk |
i think many people may have thought about this question before..the old used to tell me that when we die ,we will become ghost and then disappear from the world forever...i dont know whether millions... |
SocietyNow This Is What I'm Talking About
3 Posts • 3608 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I know that. But you have no compassion for him?
I'm not saying that he is right in this, just that you can see the justification.
And the leader of the free world is sacrificing his morals... |
ExistentialismPerhaps shallow ressentiment, but ressentiment none the less.
8 Posts • 5837 Views Philosophy Forum |
I never had a smartphone until this past Christmas when my husband surprised me with one. Up to then, I had been using a simple, slim, very cost effective and perfectly usable for my needs phone. I ha... |
ConsciousnessWhat do you think of this?
4 Posts • 2827 Views Philosophy Forum |
since i can't prove this for the natural world, I'll have to satisfy myself by using this hypothesis as a personality model instead
Though i do suspect it works in parallel with the natur... |
10 Posts • 3472 Views Talk Talk |
Sounds like your house is as full as mine. I did get good news the other day. One of my foster kids that my husband and I adopted a few years back is going to have her first child sometime in February... |
OJ Simpson
11 Posts • 5283 Views Talk Talk |
i really want to believe that he is not guilty, id like to think that the system isnt that corrupt. but whenever i think about it, it occurs to me that when most peoples wives/husbands are murdered, t... |
Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10336 Views Philosophy Forum |
Or maybe the world really isn't made up things composed of matter or substance, maybe only a synthesis of forms accessible only by the mind. That's the secret of Plato's Theory of the F... |
Dreamy Days
2 Posts • 3551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Dreamy Days
Can't pay attention to my world
The only world I want to live in is yours
I long for the possible past, living in fantasy
Dreamy days go on, I dream in reality
Can't go on without t... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9173 Views Psychology Forum |
My point is that being optimistic does not actually do anything to help the world's situation. It takes a lot more effort than simply having ideas to make the world better.
Did yo... |
War & TerrorismObsession
2 Posts • 2254 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I just got my copy of the DVD!
I didn't ask for it, it just came my way . . .
Looking at the list of contributing advertisers, I note the local rag/sheet (newspaper). Ya, I think it might have... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35868 Views Psychology Forum |
terrorism is an extremley miss understood word
watching cnn is like watching a news cast from 1984 (a book)
watching these bastards butcher the english language is brutal. I will start a new thread... |
The Theory of the Multi-verse(Omniverse)
18 Posts • 5990 Views Philosophy Forum |
We are the mirror reflecting the light from within!
The world will be gone when judgment stops.
Science makes the world seem real, and religion worships that illusion.
I hold no religion, I am. |
SocietyReform or Revolution?
10 Posts • 3680 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
let those who want things the way they are stay the way they are
What if the way they are is highly illegal and the source of terrorism and war in the world? Raping the world and its people of land... |
Where Were You?
1 Posts • 2000 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
(By Alan Jackson)
i just wanted to start this thread off with that song.
i was in school.i had just finished lunch and our teacher had rushed us back to the classroom.we watched the news for a f... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131784 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hi Wooly Bully and Everyone,
Sorry, to be late to all the postings.
It's been a busy week between homework, researching VHEMT, and then having family
discussions (Dad, Mom, and my older brot... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceIf you had a time machine...
11 Posts • 4183 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Imagine what world we would live in, depending on your views. You could go back with history books, help Hitler take over the world. We could all be speaking German...Achtung!
What if somebody kill... |