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Tagged > Why do people snore
THREAD Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3115 Views
Talk Talk
Yes Ironwood; but you may be forgetting the opposite; The Islamic extremists also don't want to hear the West's view. The thing we need to remeber is the incentive of people. And its quit...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views
Psychology Forum
Homosexual activity destroys the concept of marriage which is the building block of society. Without it children become neglected or abused because they lack a stable enviroment in which to grow. Si...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views
Religion Forum
A grave mistake happened when someone called the bible the word of God and it would be nice if God looking down, seeing all these people reading this book thinking that God is actually speaking to the...
THREAD Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views
Psychology Forum
When I was in High School i used to ride the public bus to school and there used to be this man who would sit there every morning and choke his chicken. it was horrible! and the worst thing was he wou...
THREAD I Need Advice Badly
2 Posts • 3016 Views
Talk Talk
There are a few things happening in my life that I am unsure what to do about. I met a girl that I have fallen in love with on the internet. Neither of my parents understand this and won't let...
THREAD SocietyThe Meaning of Equality
7 Posts • 8503 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The truth is that no one person is equal to another. And I think you hit it on the head "Dumbteen" when you said, "equality, removes all incentive for avoiding harm." While ultimat...
THREAD The two biggest neo-fags in Hollywood
0 Posts • 3558 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Yeah they really have lost their way. But that's what's apparently is in style. The same old predictable crap movies with the predictable crap actors. I think people are more into the tabloi...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
There Is No World Conspiracy? - People who believe that there is no major world conspiracy which involves a small number of people manipulating humanity through a hierarchical structure of control to...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24193 Views
Philosophy Forum
maybe people die stupidly to learn a particular lesson. this would require you to believe in reincarnation tho, probably. also, your perception of "dying stupidly" may mean something to the...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views
Religion Forum
from what i got from that, i wouldnt say i disagree with u dumbteen. but i must question the moral code we use today. what is it? we are legally allowed to kill people(capital punishment, abortion), h...
THREAD GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12506 Views
Philosophy Forum
Christianity is much more than most people realise, it is not about rules and traditions but rather about having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and we do this with the power of the Holy...
THREAD God in ReligionLoving, Kind, Forgiving, Blessing God?
35 Posts • 9775 Views
Religion Forum
We were also given the need to fear our fellow man, apparently because of this grandiose idea of free will that has worked out so well. He created man as man is by your claims, but yet the actions...
THREAD SocietyCost Comparison: Mars Curiosity Vs Olympics
7 Posts • 8624 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Yeah. So it is indeed a program that fails on its purpose on a large scale. But then again... I don't know if that it is its intended purpose. To inspire all... or a great deal of people. It is t...
THREAD IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16007 Views
Religion Forum
What I am saying is that people with lower capabilities perhaps can't go deeply enough, but they can still understand the basics. Thats why the Quran focuses more on aspects that the majority can...
THREAD Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
who would willingly choose to be part of the most religiously-hated most discriminated against group in the entire world? If being gay is so bad that nobody would choose it then why not find ways...
THREAD Everyone seems to want to know everyone.
21 Posts • 5777 Views
Talk Talk
i think its a bravery thing, you can say what you want, without fear of being hated by a friend for your opinions. you do have to watch some of what you say to avoid insults, but you can voice an opin...
THREAD Things Get Ugly
3 Posts • 2565 Views
Talk Talk
What a jackass....anyway, that is a great idea Irme, but some people have not grown up enough to accept that others have different oppinions that they themselves do. If those people would just Agree T...
THREAD Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10433 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes, good guys (or good people in general) do finish last. People who steal, cheat and lie get further ahead. Maybe she's just not attracted to your friend. i don't find jerks or perv...
THREAD ElectionsCountry not mature enough for Ron Paul
0 Posts • 739 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Wow, so to elaborate on the manipulation, not only does google manipulate view counts, and indeed a google head along with multiple internet and tech heads attended Bilderberg, but a new find has occu...
THREAD School uniforms
47 Posts • 26653 Views
Talk Talk
Yes Insane people do want to be whoever they want to be, but they never want to be who they actually want to be. because of Influence of media, people(peer pressure), etc. so wearing a Uniform will t...
THREAD Ignorance: acceptable?
17 Posts • 5656 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think everyone must understand why Mohammed is important to muslims but not everyone respects other peoples beliefs We talk about tolerance and respecting all ideas, but this is just an illusion...
THREAD Re: Chinese People
9 Posts • 2518 Views
Talk Talk
Impatience and irritability? No i'm afraid the problem lies deeper than that. What people forget is how far you travel in one second in an auto mobile. When you have to wait 30 seconds for someon...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6756 Views
Talk Talk
suicide is a complicated thing though, because the person commiting it is generally gonna be clinicly depressed, which can be hard for parents to figure out, especially during teen years when kids hav...
THREAD Theres got to be more
10 Posts • 3300 Views
Philosophy Forum
the problem with utalitarianism, is i feel a simple one. its main phiosophy is to utilise everything in a way that gives you the most pleasure and least pain. the problem is that this often results in...
THREAD Relationships & LoveWhy am I developing feelings for my fiance's best friend?
6 Posts • 4151 Views
Psychology Forum
He's been your only partner and going from your profile age, this means you've been with him since you were 15! It seems totally natural to me that at some stage you will find yourself attra...
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