As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities - Voltaite
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Tagged > Why do people snore
THREAD thoughts
3 Posts • 3313 Views
Philosophy Forum
i dont see how allowing people to be driven by whichever force they so choose lends the creator over to a form of sexual perversion.
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10279 Views
Religion Forum
Happy to hear that Kid :D And yeah I will keep thinking and comparing ideas with people, its one of the best ways to find an answer and question old answers.
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainBrainwashed Youth
27 Posts • 7165 Views
Psychology Forum
This surprises me, Alan, as it seems the opposite of what you've been telling me on AIM - to let people do what makes them happy. However, I do agree that someone shouldn't be tricked into t...
THREAD Changing your ways
5 Posts • 2237 Views
Talk Talk
I used to get irritated when people spoke with an overly complex vocabulary. I now know that is foolish. Obviously I should attempt to rise to the occasion, rather than being childish and complaining.
THREAD SocietyHolocaust Survivor Leaving U.S.
18 Posts • 6565 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I hate some aspects of the U.S.; the most hated is how ignorant some people are. Prejudice is caused by closed minds. The only bad thing about the first ammendent is that some radicals are out there.
THREAD BooksThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower
22 Posts • 105932 Views
Talk Talk
This book was exceptionally good...though it always amazes me, if you read people's booklists on Myspace, for example, that one usually sees both Catcher in the Rye and The Perks of Being A Wallf...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16748 Views
Psychology Forum
herbal remedies and alternative medicine. people who use the above. the british assosciation for the above, which ignored the largest scientific tests, which proved that almost none of it worked
THREAD Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31619 Views
Psychology Forum
It might have something to do with develloping inferiority complexes at a young age because of size, which leads to a necessity to show themselves better the people later in life. Convincing jargon?...
THREAD Religion & HumanityHow come the transition for polytheism to monotheism?
16 Posts • 10125 Views
Religion Forum
People are also quite Homo sapien centric. We want to believe that we are the reason for the existence of the universe. It is hard for us to accept that we are just a temporary side effect.
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8294 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
As long as you know and accept the consequences, go ahead. But if you run over and kill a person because you were high/drunk, don't expect people to like you. There are other ways to have fun....
THREAD Society & SociologyLabeling
17 Posts • 6921 Views
Psychology Forum
any label to anyone is very narow and simplification... we jus do it easyier.. i cant stand people alweasy diising (me today) maybe change lazy to type right now
THREAD PedophiliaSex and Masturbation
4 Posts • 5668 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
In my mind her ability to communicate with the dead is moot. But it was an interesting post either way. I can't tell though if its trying to say masturbation is bad or just people who beat it...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87308 Views
Psychology Forum
Because I like sitting on my ivory tower. It's when someone sets it ablaze and forces me off that I must belittle them. Muahaha. I get irritated with ignorant people, not the uninformed.
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAtheists Intimidating
38 Posts • 10691 Views
Religion Forum
i guess. i tell evryone im an atheist and about half of the time people tell me that im going to hell. and they start screaming at me like they want to light their torches and put me on a spike.
THREAD Sigfried and Roy
18 Posts • 12397 Views
Talk Talk
Well damnit! That pisses me off. How can you say that you're a good person/group of people, and then say and do crap like that?! Sounds contradictory to me. Have you seen the mansions that the...
3 Posts • 2580 Views
Talk Talk
My cousin has a girlfriend that gets judged at being a player. Everyone is telling him that she is cheating on him for two other people. I know that she isn't, but he believes any rumer that he h...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24977 Views
Philosophy Forum
Forgiveness, you already posted that. I understand you want people to read it. I think it's a good message but do you think throwing it in someone's face repeatedly is the best way to go abo...
THREAD GovernmentQuestion for Love-it-or-leave-it types
2 Posts • 3091 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
i have always laughed and joked with my friends about how so many people are put in prisons over the stupidest things here in the US, but truly, that piece of insight right there is extremely frighten...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionI need a cigarette
18 Posts • 19402 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
wow, i am surprised, usally people crtize it and say that what i am doin is wrong. I repect u guys... i really do. i dunno, maybe when i mature a lil more i might find the answers thanks.
THREAD SocietyAre We Responsible Caretakers of this Planet?
10 Posts • 3740 Views
Philosophy Forum
Are We Responsible Caretakers of this Planet? I am inclined to think that each human generation must consider itself as the steward of the earth and therefore must make available to the succeeding...
THREAD World of Warcraft or Known as WOW !
18 Posts • 10610 Views
Jokes & Games
After jumping from Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, Runescape, Eve Online I will have to say WoW has something others don't. Charm. All over the place in wow there are social references from Lost to Sw...
THREAD Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23588 Views
Philosophy Forum
Crimson, not that I am against the exploration of space but rather I feel we are putting the cart before the horse. I said it once but I will state it again ' if we had used all the time & en...
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 10061 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ironwood thank you for your honesty I don't see there is anything supernatural natural is already super this is why I dislike very much any kind of spirituality or therapy they are...
THREAD Random QuestionsMyspace or Facebook?
16 Posts • 6289 Views
Talk Talk
So I guess with the corruption of myspace people turned to Facebook. And I think it has been allot more popular overall. Even allot of my family members are on it and they are technophobes lol....
THREAD God in ReligionLoving, Kind, Forgiving, Blessing God?
35 Posts • 9775 Views
Religion Forum
If God exists and God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect, then does God destroy or does Satan destroy? Men destroy, being are who they are. They may be tempted by God, but their choices...
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