Tagged > What makes women superficial |
A question about adulthood
3 Posts • 2266 Views Talk Talk |
"it's a sad fact that in today's world it's all zombies walking around.
Everyone doing what they're supposed to be doing, and nothing they want to do from that i see a very t... |
Famous PhilosophersCritique of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
2 Posts • 9263 Views Philosophy Forum |
It may be asked whether impudent perversity or idle vanity impelled me to write, let alone submit, the following article. I can only attest to what my powers of insight tell me, that this work sprung... |
FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13284 Views Philosophy Forum |
Not religious??? Then why is bible in your name and on a previous thread you stated you follow scripture... Perhaps I jumped to conclusions. Please do elaberate as to what it is you beleive. As you mu... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64055 Views Religion Forum |
"Today I was looking at all the hair on my arms and wondering - "where did all that hair come from?" Evolution is very possible, and that's not really what I'm questioning. Le... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11226 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I wasn't sure if to put this in the theories & philosophy thread or this one, but I want to know if, why, and who thinks that psychic abilities are possible.
I have always had my little e... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10355 Views Psychology Forum |
I understand where you're coming from Ophion but I can't say that I don't understand where the green cause is coming from either. If we look at the earth as a mother common to all of us... |
124 Posts • 33724 Views Talk Talk |
I like this thread. ^_^
I had a work detail today because I decided to skip English for two days and work on my junior thesis. I got quite a bit of work done and was rather proud, but I wanted to c... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36252 Views Religion Forum |
One way to prove something is true is by making predictions with it. Science makes predictions every day, from the trajectory of a meteor to the odds of having diabetes.
If science and the Bible ag... |
The Relevance of Age?
11 Posts • 2467 Views Talk Talk |
The given person is a hypothetical; it means you could place Fred, Bob, Doris, Kate, Dick Chaney if you want.
The trick of education should be to do three things:
1. educate about what is known... |
General HealthWhy I Love Green Tea
0 Posts • 2209 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
That's sounds about right to me given what I've seen.
Oxygenation is extremely healthy but will add extra free radicals, some with harmful effects, as this electron pulling apparently dam... |
Health ProductsHoneywell 17000 True HEPA Air Purifier: Remedied My Allergy Symptoms
3 Posts • 33742 Views Product Reviews |
USA: price ranges between $129 - $179 USD
Canada: price ranges between $150 - $200 CAD
Background: I am extremely sensitive to dust. I moved into an apartment that had tiling instead of ca... |
Relationships & LoveEvaluative Discussion: Awakend & Hedgehog
19 Posts • 5142 Views Psychology Forum |
I want to challenge you to partake in a clear, logical, evaluative discussion. I believe it will be a mark of whether or not you are truly willing to conform to, and sustain, logicaly con... |
Child & Family PsychologyWhy won't they listen?
7 Posts • 3610 Views Psychology Forum |
You are correct in your findings for why kids dont listen. Everyone is different; but ALL are trying to fit in.
Like a jigsaw puzzle.
Think of a time when you are developing, metamophasizing, a... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57901 Views Religion Forum |
tanker: I can believe that God has been and will always be. That's not hard for me to believe. Because to me that makes sense even though its not possible and that doesn't make sense. In the... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31809 Views Talk Talk |
Sleepingwraith, good to speak and debate with you again. I'm heartened to learn that somewhere people are actually taking classes on ethics and humanities. There's hope in the world yet. And... |
War & TerrorismEnergy
2 Posts • 2901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the growing uncertainty with the situation in the Middle East, South America and Europe, the United States is now forced to re-think its... |
SocietyThe Tale of Two Water Fountains
1 Posts • 2022 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Back in the days of Jim Crow, gas stations across the South always had two water fountains: one labeled “white†and the other “coloredâ€. Now if a modern-day segregation took ho... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
People who, with their "good intentions", supported the war because we were "freeing Iraqis". These people passionately, with wholehearted love, fought to support the war to protec... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Astarte, nice to hear from you even if I am being obsessive.
I think what cturtle was going off of scientifically is enough for me on the subject of dimensions - the fact that the position of an elec... |
Playstation 3 VS Wii
0 Posts • 1085 Views Talk Talk |
sorry i couldn't post this yesterday
Chris D, i couldn't agree with you more. took the words right out of my mouth
Whats some of you favorite games Decius?
Super smash bro's wa... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122967 Views Religion Forum |
Elemental says:If the possibility of God existst, then in that universe, God is necessary and must exist.
Because of what he is. If God exists, he is necessary to the survival of the universe. So if... |
In The NewsPiratebay co-founder arrested
2 Posts • 2492 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.thenews.com.pk/Toda ys-News-1-129762-Pirate-Bay-co -founder-arrested-in-Cambodia
PHNOM PENH: A co-founder of top Swedish file sharing site The Pirate Bay, who is on an international wanted... |
81 Posts • 21661 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid said:What about those scriptures about the virgin birth not found in the original text? You haven't replied to that yet.
It's true that I haven't replied to that yet. But if... |
27 Posts • 9964 Views Religion Forum |
Re-animated, NEVER assume.
And I dont attack unless attacked.
Calling me old..? Ya get what ya give.
I am young m'dear. Just have more time in for alot more research.
Wars are nothing new... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11273 Views Talk Talk |
Durring my time in middle school we, the honors students, had the same math teacher for all three years. We grew together in the group of 20ish students in the class and most of us stay in contact. No... |